I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1799 Changting Night


The third floor is much more spacious, but there are no prison cells, only a large empty square, but there is a thick layer of blood on the walls and floors. Is this the execution room?

"No, it's a place to strengthen your body." The Great Elder replied.

Qin Yu: "Strengthen your body... Isn't that what I thought it was?"

The Great Elder smiled, "People who have been shutting down all the time are meant to be destroyed. We Wuque have always upheld the benevolence of the world and the teachings of the saints. Naturally, we cannot destroy good people."

Qin Yu: "So use waste and let them be sandbags as sparring partners?"

The Great Elder still smiled: "Let's compete together and keep fit, isn't it good?"

Qin Yu: "The people on the upper two floors have been "fit for health", with whom, the fourth floor below?"

Great Elder: "Not below, but outside."

Qin Yu followed the Great Elder and walked over, and saw the latter push open a thick and large stone gate. There were flowers blooming in front of him, birds and spirit beasts gathered there, and there was a towering mountain tower on the opposite side in the green mist of the mountains and forests. There was only one road from here. Chain Bridge.

Can't fly? Need a bridge?

Qin Yu was on guard in his heart, and after following the great elder out, although he was prepared, his expression changed.


All spiritual powers were banned, it was just a matter of an instant.

very scary.

"Spiritual cultivation is banned here, but you are like a rookie, it doesn't make any difference whether you can't help it." The elder's mouth was poisonous, and he didn't stop talking all the way to hurt her.

"Those people above are not qualified to use such a terrible ban, and those who want to come here to be locked up are even more terrifying-could it be that the people here and the people on the upper two floors keep fit every day?"

The Great Elder didn't deny it, but just took a deep look at Qin Yu, "Do you know who is locked up here?"

Qin Yu: "Changting late?"

The Great Elder wasn't surprised that Qin Yu knew this person, but upon hearing the name, he still rolled his eyes and said slowly, "This is three generations of elder sisters in succession. To be honest, you are the most well-behaved."

What the hell?

Jiaojiao in Qin Yu's arms couldn't hold back, she almost laughed, but Qin Yu covered her mouth.

Hold back!

But the Great Elder didn't say this for nothing. Although Qin Yu's behavior in the past was really not really cute, but compared to Fang Yourong's lateness with that Changting, he seemed to be really cute.

"Your Senior Sister Fang was a killer in the past, do you know that?"


"She was always a killer."

Qin Yu was startled, thoughtful, "Senior Sister Fang is from the sect's assassination department?"

Great Elder: "Well, she is extremely talented in this area. She was able to leapfrog the assassination a long time ago, and she has achieved outstanding results."

Is it talent? It's more like an instinct.

Those who survived from purgatory are, after all, more ruthless than the children of real famous families raised by pampering.

only. . . In this world, even Ying Ruoruo and the younger brothers and sisters would not have imagined that the desolate senior sister Fang of Tsinghua University was actually a murderous sect assassin.

"Senior Sister Fang has always been excellent."

"As for Chang Ting Wan..." the Great Elder hesitated for a moment, but still said: "She is too paranoid."

Paranoia, this may be an advantage or a disadvantage, it all depends on what the other party has done.

"Paranoid about what?"



What kind of paranoia is this? For cultivators, being paranoid about the Tao is a serious professional attribute.

"What she is paranoid about is the way of the strong, pursuing absolute power and doing whatever she can."

Um? play hard? What means?

The elder took a deep look at Qin Yu, "She once killed all the juniors and sisters accompanying her, and two uncles in order to inherit the treasure."

Qin Yu thought about it, and suddenly thought of something, "I heard that the former peak master of Meteor Peak has fallen, and counting the time, it seems... Could it be?"

"She was the one who assassinated."


That's tough enough, this woman.

"Then why not..."

Why didn't he kill him, just put him in jail.

She didn't think that Wuque would follow the way of no death penalty in Europe and America. If he didn't kill, there must be a reason.

"She turned herself in."

The Great Elder had a weird expression, "After learning the secret, she came back spontaneously, confessed her crime, and asked her if she had any regrets. She said no regrets, so she was thrown into the sky prison."

Qin Yu thought for a while, and said, "This senior sister's talent must be terrifying."

Wuque couldn't let go of her hand to kill her.

Or maybe something was found out of it, and it was finally decided to save her life.

The Great Elder glanced at her, sneered slightly, and said, "Beyond you and Fang Yourong, she was also the sect's default successor at the time."

Qin Yu: "???"

Great Elder: "She is the only true disciple of the sect master."

Qin Yu: "..."


This is digging her own grave, what kind of secret technique is worth her being so desperate?

"Could it be that all the prisoners are prisoners like her?"



"Many are from the previous generations of the sect... There are also those from the Mahayana period, which are much more dangerous than her."


The two walked on the cable bridge, Qin Yu paused, touched the chain, "Is there still time for me to turn around now?"

The Great Elder was expressionless: "What do you think?"

Qin Yu bit her lips, her eyes were wet, "For Senior Sister Fang, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, I will go, no matter what dangerous people are here, I..."


Before he finished speaking, Qin Yu was grabbed by the waist by a cane thrown out of thin air, and the two of them took the cat and dragged them directly from the cable bridge.

As soon as the great elder turned his head, he disappeared, only to see Qin Yu being dragged by the rattan to a tall log a hundred meters away, and then tied up with a couple of crashes.

At the other end, there was a woman standing on a branch, taller than Qin Yu. She was dressed in black, with long legs and a slender waist. She was full of introverted strength, but also very smooth and elegant. Her face looked like a fairy in a mirror. Like a spirit, he played with a white bone dagger in his hand and looked at the great elder.

Jiaojiao looked at her, and was stunned for a long time before she sent a voice transmission to Qin Yu, "Damn, Yuyu, this girl is quite ugly."

Qin Yu: "If she was ugly, you would have scolded her by now."

Jiaojiao: "..."

That's true.

Having been in this world for so long, I have rarely seen a woman who can match Fang Yourong's appearance and temperament. This woman is not inferior to Fang Yourong in all aspects, but she is more fierce and evil.

At first glance, it seems that he is a big player who can play with people's hearts and life and death.


"Long time no see, Great Elder."

The woman's voice was relatively low and hoarse, with a hint of sophisticated teasing.

Great Elder: "It's been a long time, Chang Tingwan."

This woman is Chang Tingwan?

When Qin Yu was surprised, Chang Tingwan had a faint smile on his lips, "The Great Elder is still in good health, which really comforts the younger generation."

"Fortunately, I didn't die early."

Chang Tingwan sighed, "Hey, he lived longer than Uncle Meteor."

Great Elder: "It's fortunate that I didn't go out with you to participate in the treasure hunt in the secret realm, otherwise the grass on the grave would be very tall."

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