I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1800 No successor? (The two updates are over, please subscribe genuinely, thank you)

Chang Tingwan heard the words, and the original three-point smile was dyed seven-point, "The Great Elder just joked, if I usually kill people, most of them will have no bones left, where is the grave?"

Great Elder: "Oh, I underestimated you."

This back and forth, the old and the young exchanged answers fluently, like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

Qin Yu didn't say a word, trying to reduce her sense of existence, but failed. The left side of her face turned cold, because Chang Tingwan patted the blade of the bone dagger on her cheek.

There was a snap.

Qin Yumei's heart skipped a beat. She smiled and asked the Great Elder, "Where did this little cabbage come from? Are the seniors facing the wall in need of maids to wash their feet?"

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao: "..."

Paralyzed, this woman is so poisonous.

The Great Elder was steady, and said calmly: "She is the next Senior Sister."

Chang Ting Wan raised his eyebrows, "Hey, is Fang Yourong dead?"

Great Elder: "Yes."

Chang Tingwan was silent for a while, his expression became a little pale, and then he said: "Maybe she died of innocence, she really didn't listen to my words... Be a human being, be selfish. It's a pity..."

Great Elder: "You stabbed her several times before, but now you miss her?"

Chang Tingwan shook his head, moved his fingers slowly, and the bone dagger he was holding slipped across Qin Yu's cheek, as if he had done it unintentionally and carelessly.

"Not really, I just feel that if she takes my place, I can still feel relieved. She is dead, and the next one...is this little cabbage?"

Qin Yu: "No, I'm not."

Great Elder: "Yes, that's her."

Paralysis, you bad old man! ! !

The simultaneous answer made the smile in Chang Tingwan's eyes jump a little like a light, and the bone dagger picked Qin Yu's chin.

"So it's true, it's kind of interesting..."

She turned her face and asked the elder, "Since she is the next big sister, isn't the elder planning to save her?"

The great elder crossed his face, "Under the ban, I am not my opponent."

Chang Ting Wan: "No ban, you are not my opponent."

The Great Elder's face darkened, but he did not refute in the end.

Qin Yu: "..."

Well said majesty, my bad old man.

"I'm not an opponent, I can't save her by myself, so I'll let you go first, I still have something to do." The Great Elder was about to leave after finishing speaking.

Qin Yu was startled, and shouted, "Elder Elder, did you just abandon me like this?"

The Great Elder was calm and composed: "I have to rush to save your Senior Sister Fang. Didn't you say that you would do anything for Senior Sister Fang? It's not that I abandoned you, it was you who sacrificed yourself to lure Changting Wan away...I know you have been A good boy."

Then he ran away.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao: "..."

The old thing runs pretty fast.

In the blink of an eye, two people disappeared into the blue mist.

I am most afraid that the atmosphere will suddenly become quiet.

Qin Yu secretly turned his face away, just in time to meet Shang Changting's cold eyes.

The four eyes are facing each other.

After a while, Qin Yu sincerely and softly called out: "Senior Sister..."

Chang Ting Wan: "Are you hungry?"

Qin Yu: "Fortunately, I..."

Before finishing speaking, the Bone Blade slashed, and a slender cut was made on Qin Yu's cheek with a swipe. The slightly parted lips slid over, and the nimble tongue licked and sucked.

After savoring for a while, she glanced at the surprised Qin Yu.

"Wood belongs to spiritual blood, it's good, but it's not enough for the Zongmen to look at it."

Qin Yu: "Senior sister has a good sense of taste, but maybe the sect thinks I'm obedient, so they treat me kindly, but I'm actually ashamed."

Chang Tingwan took a deep look at her, "My talent is not in the sense of taste, but in the sense of touch."

Qin Yu looked down at the opponent's other hand that was sticking to his abdomen, and when he frowned slightly, he heard the opponent's half-smile, and a voice transmission came.

"Under the forbidden spiritual power, the dantian has not moved, but it can control the blood in the body to change the property at the moment of my hands."

"Either it is the inherent talent of the physique, or the soul is extremely strong."


Qin Yu actually wanted to say: Miss Sister, you are also very good.

This is the first person to see her through, not some mahayana, nor a peerless lord, but a person who made a big mistake and was thrown into the prison and forgotten for many years.

Tactile talent. . . Qin Yu felt that this kind of talent must be terrifying.

She gave Jinbi permission to investigate this ability, and on the other side, Chao Changtingwan whispered.

"Senior Sister Wan, we are all members of the Wuque Sect. We are welcoming and sending you off. Life and death are indeterminate. It's not an exaggeration if each of you has a secret dormancy."

"As for the position of Senior Sister, if I can choose, I hope Senior Sister Fang is still here."

Qin Yu's tenderness is something that both men and women can enjoy. People with a strong mind like Fang Yourong often can't bear it. This Chang Ting Wan. . . .

"Seniority is orderly, and there is a degree of inheritance. When I was in a prison cell, she came up. Now that she is dead, you come up... I just don't know if there is a junior sister coming up if you die."

While sighing, she lightly pressed her fingers on Qin Yu's dantian, her fingertips were perfectly manicured and delicately manicured, almost trying to control her dantian through the thin clothes.

Qin Yu immediately noticed that the other party was about to dig out her dantian.

This woman will do anything for the way of the strong, and she is afraid that she has coveted her own ability and wants to study a little bit.

As for whether to kill her or not, it was simply not within the scope of the other party's consideration.

The Great Elder, a dead man, deliberately used Chang Tingwan to test her, and it is estimated that there are some powerful people around him.

"Sister Wan."


Chang Tingwan was thinking about the method of digging his dantian, it was very important if he wanted to keep his dantian alive. So it's a little perfunctory.

"There is someone watching from the side. I'm afraid Senior Sister Wan doesn't like this person too much, but she can't beat him..."

Chang Tingwan's eyebrows were picturesque, but he didn't move at all. He just stabbed Qin Yu's abdomen with a finger, and the blood gradually stained his clothes.

ah! ! Very angry!

Jiaojiao wanted to move, but was hugged by Qin Yu and tied up. . . In fact, Qin Yu didn't let him move.

She didn't even move her brows.

"Actually, the sect values ​​me, probably because I have some talent in the secret techniques of spells, and I have improved some spells, and it has nothing to do with others."

"If Senior Sister Wan is interested, we can study together and make progress together."

"Of course, you can also kill me, but in this case, there may be no successors to the position of Senior Sister Wuque..."

Chang Tingwan only raised his eyes at this time, with a half-smile, "What does that have to do with me?"

"Those who are willing to surrender after murder either respect themselves or respect the sect."

Qin Yu looked at Chang Ting Wan, showing no fear, and turned out to be gentle and friendly, "Senior Sister Wan has never regretted what she did, so she respects the sect."

"When you kill those people, you ask yourself that you are more useful to the sect than those people."

"But now you are trapped here and can't go out. If you kill me, there will be no senior sister to succeed me, which is tantamount to damaging the overall situation of the sect. This is not what you want."

Chang Tingwan remained silent for a while, hooked an intestine with his finger, rubbed it up and down with his fingertips, blood was sticky, and kept spilling out of her hand, "The overall situation of the sect... are you so confident in yourself?"

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