I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1829 Regret?

Beitang Nuannuan saw her grandma's thoughtful look, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to cover her mouth.

The white-headed grandmother glanced at her coldly, Beitang Nuannuan bit the bullet and said: "Grandma, I think it is better for practitioners to rely on themselves."

The white-headed grandma tore off her hand, rolled her eyes, "What a fool, if you still believe this sentence, there are many dangers on the road to practice, and pills and magic tools are indispensable, so are spirit beasts, and if you have money, you are the boss. You have everything! Unless you are a top evildoer, only those who have no money will say that they are the best choice!"

Beitang Nuannuan: "My grandma, can you prepare everything for me?"

The white-headed grandma gave her the same eyes as a country bumpkin. Your grandma and I even prepared the most expensive and rarest top-grade formation for you. I really don't know much!

However, Grandma Baitou was interrupted by Beitang Nuannuan just now, and she missed the best quotation time. She glanced inadvertently and happened to catch a glimpse of the masked Mobai in the crowd, the other party. . . It seems that there will be no more bids.

Yes, it is estimated that there is not enough money.

The price I set with her was only 2.5 million.

It's two hundred and seventy now.

Then should she buy it or not.

She has enough money, and her granddaughter can also raise undulating dragon snake eggs, and she can cultivate them. The speed may not be slower than that of flowers and plants, but. . . The attributes are a bit of a mismatch.

Then should I buy it or not?

Grandma Baitou thought for a while, raised her eyebrows suddenly, glanced at Qin Yu lightly, and said to herself: I almost fell for it.

She didn't make an offer.

2.7 million auctioned.

But Guanlong was not happy, his complexion was gloomy, because his psychological price was 2 million, and he was raised by 700,000, although it was acceptable, but in the end it exceeded expectations, and he was given a four-star price. Noisy.

In the past, he was afraid of Grandma Baitou, but now that he is in the background, he doesn't even give face to Grandma Baitou, let alone Mobai.

He took a deep look at Qin Yu, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

— This person wants to kill you.

Qin Yu: "I know, not only him."


"The last treasure, everyone, I have been waiting for a long time."

Qin Yu had been waiting for this thing. He had thought about it being another stone, or some kind of special treasure, but he never thought about it. . .

Not to mention that Qin Yu was dumbfounded, the audience was also agitated, and after the agitation, there was a strange silence.

After a while, Grandma Baitou spoke slowly.

"We have a bit of history in Northern Xinjiang, and there have been many peerless treasures in the auction hall over the years, but today's last one...a bellyband really makes me amazed."

Yes, this last treasure is a bellyband.

If Qin Yu hadn't had to hold the ink-white tall and glamorous, he might have spouted tea.

——Don't underestimate a bellyband, think about the bath towel of Brahma Sanji.

In fact, Qin Yu didn't underestimate it, but was surprised by this turning point, and then laughed a little, and said, "You're right, it doesn't matter whether the bellyband or the bath towel is, what matters is who owns the bellyband and the bath towel...but This apron can be listed as the last treasure, either because the origin is valuable, or the apron itself is valuable."

Just as Qin Yu thought so, a puff of white smoke gathered in front of the auctioneer, and soon a middle-aged man in a brocade robe appeared, quite fat and very handsome.

This person is Pang Huangdong, the vice-president of the Beijiang Alliance Auction House. Under the premise of the president's hard work all the year round, this person speaks for himself, and his appearance now is also to dispel everyone's doubts.

"Everyone must be wondering why my Beijiang Auction House listed this item as the last treasure. There are two reasons. First, this item comes from the era of saints, and it is a personal treasure left by a terrible saint. Of course, you also want to know the identity of this saint."


"We don't know either."

As soon as Pang Huangdong said, everyone was dumbfounded, and the white-headed grandma rolled her eyes first.

"But later we researched and found that its defense is even stronger than the previous silver armor."

this? Everyone was shocked.

How can it be! They didn't feel any aura in the bellyband.

There is no refining level either.

Could it be that they couldn't check it out?

"This thing is very special. Even at this time, we in northern Xinjiang have not been able to survey one or two things. Moreover, this thing has passed the monitoring of our president. It is concluded that this thing is special and mysterious, so it is listed as the number one treasure for auction."

Pang Huangdong's words were convincing, but Qin Yu felt different.

It stands to reason that it is most appropriate to hide and study such bizarre and weird objects. Northern Xinjiang is not short of treasures for auction. After all, whether it is the dragon snake egg or the silver armor is still qualified to be the last treasure, why push them forward? Northern Xinjiang auction house short of money?

"Maybe the client who auctioned it is short of money, but Beijiang Auction House can also buy it out directly. One or two million is not too much money for it, so it won't be..."

Qin Yu thought for a while, then raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"The buyout is probably a buyout, but the old goods have been researched for many years and have not been able to find anything, so I want to clear the goods to make up for the loss. I think it has something to do with the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. Influences are added, but the confidant position is a radish and a pit. It is like a company being annexed, the group is integrated, and talents are abundant. In order to compete for the leadership position of the department, the original old man is under pressure. In terms of money... I have seen that there are also movements in this area within the Beijiang Auction House, so the bad debts like this bellyband must be made up."

So it was picked out and sold.

This has no effect on buyers like Qin Yu and the others.

"Secondly, this thing is mysterious and unpredictable. Not only has it been tested that it has a defensive power comparable to silver armor, but it can also transform itself. Please take a look."

As Pang Huangdong said, he shot out a ball of water with his fingertips, and when the water ball touched the apron, the apron slipped and changed into an extraordinarily beautiful dress.


"It's an extremely rare phantom weapon."


"It is impenetrable, unparalleled in magic, and has such a strong defensive power. It is indeed much more clever than that silver armor."

"It's only natural to list it as the number one treasure."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but there was no competition immediately, because the starting price was 1.2 million.

Until Hua Buxiu suddenly said: "1.3 million."

Beitang Nuannuan: "One hundred and fifty."

In terms of defense alone, it is already comparable to silver armor, so it is naturally worth the price.

It's just that some people are obsessed with the shape of this bellyband. Of course, the main reason is that they don't have that much money, and they are not so straightforward when they hesitate.

But these two juniors are fast and accurate, but they are not the only ones who know the goods.

Pingjin and Zhaihau also quickly joined the auction, and the price was quickly pushed to 1.9 million.

Grandma Baitou suddenly offered a price: "Two hundred."

Qin Yu noticed that Guan Long didn't seem to respond to this.

It seems that the people behind him are not very interested in this, so there is no need to buy it at a high price.

"But if I wanted to buy it, he might mess it up."

— Regret messing with him?

Qin Yu smiled and raised his hand, "Two hundred and fifty."

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