I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1830 Have this intention

Grandma Baitou was surprised, and Guanlong also squinted her eyes. She was about to raise the price when Qin Yu asked her a question.

"Fellow Daoist Pang, can you tell me whether this thing can transform into male clothes?"

this topic. . . It was so abrupt, but the core was extremely sharp, and many people reacted suddenly.

That's right, this bellyband has been changed into a skirt, but nothing else has changed. What if it is only for female nuns?

Hua Buxiu frowned, glanced at Qin Yu, and said, "Illusory weapons always change according to the user's will, so naturally they won't be so restricted. Your Excellency Mo Bai probably doesn't know these things yet."

This was a mockery of Qin Yu's ignorance.

But Qin Yu ignored him, only looked at Pang Huangdong, and repeated indifferently: "Can you?"

Pang Huangdong's expression twitched, his eyes flickered slightly, probably because he didn't expect someone to ask such an abrupt and sharp question, but the worst thing was that this question hit the point.

Pang Huangdong quickly calmed down, and replied with a smile: "We can only know this after we recognize the Lord. We haven't been sure yet."

Qin Yu: "There are no female cultivators in your auction house to try to recognize the Lord and detect its magic range?"

The second sharp question.

I said before that I have done my best to study it, and it is impossible that no one has tried to recognize the Lord.

Either the recognition of the Lord is successful, then it must be a female cultivator, because most male cultivators are unwilling to do such a thing.

Either the recognition of the Lord failed.

No matter which one it is, it is arranged clearly and can only be explained.

Some things, if you don't ask, people don't say anything, and what happens will be very vague when the time comes, and the right to explain lies with the other party.

But if you ask now, it's different.

Pang Huangdong's expression probably explains the problem very well. Many people have guessed, especially Grandma Baitou, who immediately sneered, "Could it be that you can't recognize the Lord?"

Beitang Nuan Nuan was stunned, originally she was a female cultivator, wishing that this treasure could only be used exclusively by female cultivators, so that the competitiveness would not be so high, and the price would be lower, but if it is not recognized. . . .

"It's not that you can't recognize the owner, it's just that the spirituality of this thing is so strong that ordinary people can't recognize the owner."

Sure enough, Pang Huangdong is used to doing business, and he is used to turning things around. He said by the way: "Everyone, before you recognize your master, you are so powerful, it can be compared to silver armor. After you recognize your master, it is definitely a top-grade spiritual weapon defense armor." Top notch."

This sentence is also reasonable.

But the premise is that you can recognize the owner. The Northern Xinjiang Auction House is based on the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. There are many female cultivators in it, and they must have tried male cultivators in the end. Surprisingly, no one recognizes the owner. That ghost wants to use the huge wealth of more than two million yuan Take a gamble on the possibility.

The interest of the people who originally wanted to fight for it dropped drastically. Even the white-headed grandmother glanced at Pang Huangdong mockingly, and then glanced at Hua Buxiu, who was in the crowd with an uncomfortable expression.

Beitang Nuannuan came to an epiphany, do you not cultivate flowers? No wonder he bid on the bellyband in the first place.

It was actually in cooperation with the Beijiang Auction House to raise the price!

Because Qin Yu told the truth in a few simple words, no one was willing to compete for this bellyband for a while.

The white-headed grandma took a deep look at Qin Yu and sent a voice transmission.

"Good calculation."

Qin Yugao replied coldly: "Because of being poor."

White-headed grandma: "..."

She carefully observed the other person's body and temperament, and deeply felt that this woman must have a distorted soul.


The bellyband was finally taken by Qin Yu, and the auction was "satisfactorily" completed. As for whether it is considered a success, people from the Beijiang Auction House, such as Huabuxiu and Pang Huangdong, can tell by looking at Qin Yu's eyes.

—You offended them.

Qin Yu: "I'm offended, but the auction house is under the jurisdiction of the alliance. As long as I have status in the alliance, these people are nothing."

That's true, Qin Yu was never afraid of offending others, only afraid that he would not be able to make progress.

Before Qin Yu went to pay for the goods, he met with Grandma Baitou first. He opened the door to see her, checked the formation, and then gave the money.

Beitang Nuannuan on the side kept looking at Qin Yu, and was a little absent-minded after Qin Yu took the money and left.

"What's so interesting, I can't even tell if she's a man or a woman under the black mask, but you can still see a flower?"

"Ah, she must be a woman, she has breasts! What are you thinking, grandma!"

"Who knows, it's not uncommon for a man to turn into a woman in the practice circle, and there are a lot of perverts. You, you are still too ignorant."


Beitang Nuannuan was convinced, and was convinced every minute, and also thought of Mo Bai as a big guy in women's clothing every minute.


Qin Yu didn't know that he had been hacked by an old woman for no reason.

She got the money, paid the money, and took away all the treasures she bought. She was not made things difficult by the people from the auction house, but she saw Hua Buxiu and some people from Beijiang Auction House walking out on the road, and they looked at each other.

Hua Buxiu smiled coldly.

Qin Yu turned his face away and ignored him.

Go out on your own.

"This person is really arrogant."

"It's not like you haven't heard of Mo Bai's arrogance."

"I'm afraid he offended a lot of people." Hua Buxiu looked delicate, "I think there must be someone outside who wants to learn from him."

"It's a pity that our auction house has limited personnel, and we can't detect the danger outside in time, not to mention that if it is outside the auction house, it is not within its authority."

Hua Buxiu put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly, "It seems that I have no chance, so I wanted to meet this person for a while."

They walked out slowly.

At that time, because Qin Yu went to find Grandma Baitou and paid a lot of money, most of the people had already sold out of the auction house, but because it was located in a downtown area, when she came out, there were people coming and going, bustling.

Many people have not left yet.

why not go.

"Probably waiting to watch the battle. Few of these individuals are stupid."

Smart people waited to watch the battle, but Qin Yu was thinking about the bellyband, thinking about it, she was just about to walk down the stairs.

"Your Excellency Mobai, fight with me."

Qin Yu raised his eyes, hey, this sound didn't seem to match the sound of anyone who wanted to do something to her that she had originally planned.

Sunrise Swordsman, Guanlong, Hua Buxiu, and the masters supported by the Beijiang Auction House, she can tell from the eyes, breath and microscopic behavior of these people.

But only this person. . . No, it happened that she knew him again.

White Pond.

Crazy, this little white dragon with a silver spear.

Battle maniac.

If it wasn't for the mask, Bai Ze would definitely have seen Qin Yu roll his eyes.

Bai Ze felt that the eyes under the mask seemed a little surprised, but he didn't care, and said firmly and persistently: "Your Excellency Mo Bai, I know that you are a very powerful killer, and I want to fight with you."

Qin Yu felt helpless, and his tone was cold, "If you want to kill me, you have to line up."

Bai Ze: "I don't have that intention, I just want to fight."

Qin Yu: "I have that intention."

After that, she touched the hilt of the sword on her waist with her fingertips.

The movement was unhurried, but enough for Bai Ze to notice. As a monk who is good at fighting, he immediately pulled out the silver dragon spear on his back.

He is very good at fast fighting, his spear is like an ice dragon, like lightning.

There are no redundant prefixes, only the most direct attack and kill.

Gunners, domineering!

She drew her sword only when the gun was in front of her.

After she drew out her sword.

There are no gorgeous moves, no super-blessing of swordsmanship.

Fast, too fast, too fast, fast will also become a kind of strength, which itself is the most rapid blessing, just like a hailstone falling from the sky thousands of miles away can smash through the roof of a car.

That is potential energy.

A quick sword move.

The head of the ice dragon was cut off, the sword energy fluttered, and the snow fluttered in the long light. Bai Ze only had time to block in front of him with the silver spear.

boom! !

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