I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1832 Toxic? (Which falls to Little White and Big Platinum, thank you, return it slowly after


Qin Yu threw off the follower after a few simple tricks.

Of course, the so-called fooling is not to lead the opponent astray, but to unload the limbs with a few swords.

Seeing that there were several people dead, some of the following spies were frightened and evacuated one after another, lest they die.

After getting rid of the person and changing again, Qin Yu who returned to the inn was already that young beautiful woman.

It was also evening.

Taking off his coat, Qin Yu smelled the smell of hot hot pot, Jiaojiao was arranging the dishes, running around, the soft flesh on her stomach was bouncing back and forth with her apron, and the pendant on the tiger head hat wobbly.

"Oh, come back, you'll be fine soon."

Xiuzhen Inn, the external space is not large, but the internal space is huge. Qin Yu decided on the best Tian Zihao room. The internal space is scalable, and the table can be very spacious when it is pulled. At this time, there are also Dozens of dishes.

Yes, dozens of plates.

Of course, these dishes are definitely not for Qin Yu.

Does your child have a good appetite?

When Jiaojiao ran past with the squeezed juice, she reached out and took off the tiger hat on his head, "It's not too cumbersome to wear."

"No, it's pretty, of course it's mainly because I'm cute."

"Okay, you are cute, your lovely little Highness, you drink juice, I drink..."

"How much wine did you steal from Fang Fang..."

One person and one cat started to eat, occasionally adding Jinbi's gags, it was very lively and comfortable, and on the other side, Guanlong also arrived at the pier, with his hands behind his back, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, in the twilight light, there was a tidal fog on the sea, and in such a tidal fog, a huge ship slowly approached.

Huge, gorgeous, yet classic.

Guan Long quickly smiled.

When the boat docked, Guan Long stepped forward, bowed slightly, and raised his hands in a salute.

"Guanlong has seen Mr. Shuhe."

A person walked out from the bow of the boat, dressed in blue and long robes, with handsome and noble eyes, his eyes swept across the huge pier, and he responded noncommittally.

"Mine, do you have it?"

"I got it, but there was a little accident in the middle..."


When Qin Yu was drinking the wine, he had already noticed the changes at the pier, and his hearing moved slightly. Even though Guanlong and the ship were surrounded by experts, Qin Yu still listened to the details and knew that Guanlong had nothing to do with that Shuhe arranging himself. The reaction didn't even fluctuate at all, until she sensed Beijiang City's reaction to the arrival of the ship.

The white-headed grandma seems to be a little concerned.

Ah, I have a background.

Jiaojiao heard it too, gnawed on the bone of a sheep, raised her head and muttered, "Shiwei Building? What's the origin of this? Why did the people in Beijiang City react so strongly, as if they all went to greet them."

Qin Yu held the wine glass, took a sip, smelt of alcohol in his mouth, and said lightly: "The forces in the Three Kings Stack may be stronger than the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and they probably have some business contacts to celebrate the election of the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. Lord Deer's."

What is Sanwangdie, Jiaojiao didn't ask, because Qin Yu handed him the peeled shrimp meat.

Of course it is important to eat!

"Although it's a celebration, it's a bit strange that the Lord of the Northern Border Alliance hasn't set a coronation date yet."

"Oh, if he is crowned, will Wuque die?"

"It is necessary to go, all the sects that can be counted in Lielu Dajing Prefecture must go, this is a courtesy."

It is impossible for a sect like Wuque, which is extremely elegant and upright, to rise to fame again, without performance.

"But this has nothing to do with me. We are leaving tomorrow, and I still have a dozen heads to kill."

Besides, she had to find a place to get that plan out.

What's the name? The original recipe found by Huang Jinbi was called "Soul Wiping Soup". Although it was improved by Qin Yu, he didn't plan to change the name.

"By the way, besides these materials, what else did you buy? You actually sold more than half of the disk array that you managed to get out before."

Jiaojiao knew that Qin Yu made arrays for her own use, but there must be a reason why she suddenly sold so many arrays.

Qin Yu pondered for a while, "Do you want to eat crabs? I'll peel them for you."

"Eat, I will definitely eat, what did you buy?"

"How many to eat?"

"You peel a few and I eat a few, what the hell, why don't you say it?"

"Okay, let's eat."

"Wow, it's delicious... why does this juice taste a bit strange..."

In the end, all the dishes were eaten, and Jiaojiao turned into her original shape. Gululu rolled over on Qin Yu's legs, hugged her legs and dozed off, her breath smelled of alcohol.

—You are crazy enough to put wine in his juice just to shut him up.

Jinbi mocked this very much.

Qin Yu held the temperament of a beautiful woman, and sighed quietly, "You don't know, juice and wine are good for digestion, and you don't understand the kindness of mother."

Huang Jinbi was so disgusted that he rolled his eyes and remained silent.

Qin Yu rubbed her chubby belly with one hand, and took out her apron with the other.

"What's the origin of this thing, can you check it?"

--Let me try.

After Qin Yu drank three glasses of wine, Huang Jinbi responded.

——It can be confirmed that it is indeed something from the age of saints, but the source cannot be found out.

——This thing is not simple.

——There is a powerful thought blessing on it.

Qin Yu was taken aback, she thought it was a restriction set by some big bosses, but she didn't expect it was just the blessing of thoughts.

"It's just the blessing of the mind, so you can't even find out? How high is the opponent's level?"

——Spiritual knowledge is at least immortal level.

Qin Yu was startled, "Fairy's apron?"

What kind of fairy fortune is she, the bath towel of the goddess, the apron of the fairy.

Another day, there won't be a little fairy boy's obscene pants.

——I don’t know, maybe only by recognizing the Lord can we fully see its secrets.

--you try.

"It's inexplicable. Isn't it insignificant to recognize the owner of a bellyband or someone else's bellyband? I don't know how those old men in the Beijiang Auction House did it..."

Qin Yu's mouth was reserved, but his hands were actually quick.

Duanfangyazheng, does not exist!

If you spend such a large sum of money, you will always get your money back.

Qin Yu tried to recognize the Lord with spiritual power, blood essence, and even soul, but failed.

Eh, 2.5 million for nothing?

They are all women, so there is nothing taboo about bellybands. Qin Yuzai studied them carefully.

"The force is so high, there is no leak, and there are no clues."

Qin Yu didn't feel annoyed, but felt that the money was well spent.

Because she has one last resort.

After setting up a formation barrier, Qin Yu took out the magic stone and put the apron on it, but there was no response?

Qin Yu was not in a hurry, and turned the magic pattern, and used the magic pattern spirit to integrate into the apron and the magic seed stone, trying to connect them. . . .

There was no reaction at first, and Jinbi felt that he had failed.

Only Qin Yu persisted.

Time passed minute by minute, until Qin Yu's spiritual power was almost emptied, and his spiritual consciousness gradually dried up.

——Give up, you're not in a good place if this goes on.

Qin Yu: "It's not right, it's sucking my spiritual power and consciousness."

--Um? You mean this is not normal consumption? It is intentional. . .

Before Huang Jinbi could finish speaking, Qin Yu disappeared.

Jiaojiao, who was originally on her lap, also landed on the blanket with a plop.

"What's wrong, what's wrong! Where's Yuyu?"

Jiaojiao woke up with a start, and suddenly sat up with a dazed expression.

—she was sucked in by the bellyband.

Jiaojiao: "???"

You are poisonous.

After I squeezed the apple juice, I went upstairs, and saw Mr. E contacting me with Xiaobai, asking me what was the 50th watch. My first reaction was that my mother has not received the 20th watch today. If you ask me the 50th watch, you must be drunk. . Later I found out that it was a reward of a million dollars, I think, if you help me up, I can do more. . . Well, actually it depends on the time and the status, I will pay back slowly, like the big platinum last time, thank you for your support, I am so happy, because the recent downturn has been really bad, and I suddenly have motivation.

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