I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1833 One leg? (Thank you Li Lisu 089033 leader for the reward, the fifty-five update will be


Qin Yu didn't expect that he would be sucked in by the bellyband when he was beaten to death.

Is there room in the apron?

No, it's better to say that there is a kind of power in the bellyband that transported her to a certain place.

a horrible place.

Fuck! So hot!

When Qin Yu found herself in the terrifying purgatory space, more than half of her body had been burned.

The burning power of the flames in this purgatory was ten times stronger than that of Nanming Lihuo. It was extremely terrifying, so Qin Yu urgently repaired his body.

During the restoration, she was taken aback suddenly, because there was another person opposite her.

A woman looming in the flames.

He couldn't see his real appearance clearly, he only felt that his body was slender, as if he had been sealed in flames, motionless but without any damage.

This terrible flame couldn't even burn a single strand of her hair.

They are so close, yet so far away.

Qin Yu was very curious and tried to get closer, inch by inch. . . . until face to face.

So close, but still can't see the face clearly?

"It won't be disfigured."

Qin Yu stretched out his hand, wanting to pinch the opponent's face, but it turned out to be that moment.

The opponent opened his eyes.

Qin Yu saw a pair of eyes, his pupils dilated and his body wanted to jump back.

But he was pulled back by a terrifying force, and was firmly placed in place, unable to move.

close at hand.

She has a pair of eyes.

It can hide the filth, the coldness and warmth of human feelings, and the hell on earth, and complain that life is short.

It can also be hundreds of miles of wind and moon, thousands of miles of dust, and thousands of miles of misty, Taoist mountains and seas, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

All the love and hate related to people, all the romance related to mountains, seas and heaven and earth can be found in her eyes.

Because she has experienced it.

Such eyes are terrifying, because people who have experienced everything can easily see through what you have experienced.

Qin Yu closed his eyes.

However, it was too late, her eyes were seriously injured because of looking at each other, almost burned, and her soul was also damaged in an instant.



This is the most dangerous situation Qin Yu encountered after coming to this world, and the second situation. . . In fact, it is also related to the eyes.

"Senior, Gu Daofeng's senior?"

"Our family, we are our own family."

"Don't burn it, okay, I didn't mean it."

What the hell, this apron, this demonic stone is actually related to the dusty woman in the jade in the backyard of Gu Dao Peak.

Because of the psychological shadow of being almost blinded by seeing it before, Qin Yu rarely touched the jade bi, but he didn't think about it this time. . .

It's really down to grandma's house.

Perhaps Qin Yu's counsel was useful.

The other party didn't speak, but there was a voice.

"Wuque people, but practice the way of magic."

The voice was so hoarse and hazy, like fog.

No accusations, no killing intent.

But Qin Yu's heart trembled, and he quickly explained: "Senior Mingjian, this junior is not a demonic evildoer. I practiced the demonic way because I was almost killed by a demon species that was artificially raised before. I was about to have a little talent in the secret pattern, and I learned it by accident. , but he has never lost his mind because of this, and he is definitely not the same as those scumbags who are on the righteous way and secretly cultivating the devil way."

"I am also on the righteous path, and I have cultivated the devil path."


Qin Yu quickly changed his way: "The senior is really powerful. He is more determined and virtuous than the younger generation."

There is no one to fancy a horse.

The other party was silent for a while, Qin Yu covered his painful eyes, as if weak and unable to take care of himself.

"Senior, I'm still young...it hurts..."

"You are not young anymore, your soul has the breath of Abi Hell, even if a pig comes out of that place, it is also a ten thousand year old pig demon."


MMP, where did you come from?

What a nasty mouth! Nothing is wrong.

Qin Yu was shocked and tried to contact Huang Jinbi, but found that he had lost contact.

"The house of gold is not everything."

"You don't have to look for it."

When Qin Yu heard this, he suddenly stabilized, "It seems that I was really right to call you senior."

"I'm not chosen."

That was an evil choice! ! !


Qin Yu thought for a moment, and said: "If senior is an evil choice, why is he in this situation? Could it be that he was harmed by the natural choice? Speaking of the natural choice, I am actually very dissatisfied with it, those bastards are trying to trick me every day .”

It's all about the temperament of "there are always people who want to harm me".

There's no need to pretend, it's the truth.

"Then you want to oppose?"

"It all depends on whether you want me to oppose you, senior."


Really desperate to survive.

The other party probably also figured out what quality Qin Yu was.

"It doesn't make any sense."


"Everyone I want to kill has already been killed. It doesn't make any difference to me whether it is chosen by heaven or by evil."

Her tone was too lonely, not on purpose, it might just be the result of the inevitable loneliness when the fireworks bloom.

But Qin Yu can also taste a little bit of strength and unruly.

"The senior called me in?"

"You bother me repeatedly, endlessly, and want to kill you."


Fuck! The first time I accidentally glanced at you, I almost went blind, and the second time I spent money to buy a bellyband, I was sucked in by you, blame me, blame me, blame me?

"No, senior, you have to be reasonable. It's obviously your apron and the magic seed stone that have been sucking my spiritual power and soul. I thought it was an induction. I really don't know if it has something to do with you or not. That bellyband belongs to you, if I knew, I wouldn’t even want it if it was given to me.”


The other party made a slight nasal sound, and Qin Yu corrected his attitude.

"The main reason is that your bellyband is too expensive, and you find that you can't climb high."


In fact, Qin Yu couldn't hold it anymore, but she knew that she couldn't escape unless the other party let her go, the gap was too big.

"That's not a bellyband."

"What's that?"

"a joke."

Sister, please speak in a human language that I can understand, simple and easy to understand with a storyline, don't be so stream-of-consciousness.

"A man gave me something funny. I didn't like it, so he casually sacrificed it into his secret biography of the magic way."

The amount of information is huge.

First, this man is a master of magic.

Second, she has an affair with a big boss of the magic way.

Third, this leg is still very sexy.

"Is that so, that senior's man is really as deep as the sea, a peerless good man, who is he now?"


"Sorry, that's such a shame."

"It's a pity, it took a lot of effort to kill him."


Changed several topics and couldn't talk for three words, what do you want, big sister!

The other party probably had no intention of chatting, "You are cooked, the smell of barbecue is a bit unpleasant, go out earlier."


I don't want to see you for a long time!

When she sent Qin Yu out, she told Qin Yu something by the way, which surprised Qin Yu.

"The period of the demon seed is approaching. You have been sensing the secrets of the demonic way left by him endlessly before. I am afraid that the remnants of the demonic way will also be aware of it. For his secret transmission, the demonic way will come out in full force."

"I sealed most of your breath for you. The other party will only be able to lock on the southern part of Lielu Dajing Prefecture, and will not be able to find you accurately."

Qin Yu finally understood that the other party's purpose of pulling her into the apron space was to cut off the other party's lock.

"Thank you senior for your love and love for this junior."

Qin Yu was really grateful.

"After you get out, find the next successor for Gu Dao as soon as possible. You are too good at recruiting troubles. I am afraid that your life will be short. I don't like my territory being inherited by outsiders."


People who are roasted every day are ashamed to say that my life is short, bah!

Under normal circumstances, there will be time tomorrow to add more updates, but today there is no way to change five, it is too late, and there is no call during the day.

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