I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1834 Help? (Good morning, the first update is here.)


Qin Yu sat cross-legged in his original position, in front of him was the table and the hot pot, and Jiaojiao who was clutching her bellyband and eager to dissect it inch by inch with her paws.

"Fish! You're back!"


"Why did you go! Inside the bellyband..."

"It's hot."


Qin Yu picked up the apron, but both the apron and the demon stone melted and recondensed into a piece of paper.

A piece of paper, 99 characters and patterns.

"It's so esoteric...the secret biography of the master of magic, but I want to know other things."

——Which magic master?

Qin Yu smiled charmingly, "No, it's the Gu Daofeng boss who had an affair with him and killed him."


The next day, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao went downstairs to eat, and they were surprised when they went downstairs.

Hell, there are so many people? The inn was full all of a sudden.

Jiaojiao was surprised, but soon realized that it might be the ship.

"Then Shiweilou is not just here to congratulate and give gifts, Yuyu, what is it doing?"

"The transport ship is used to send people to Sanwangdie, the land of no man."

Qin Yu also explained what the next three kings stack is.

"Located between Huaye Dajing Prefecture and Lielu Dajing Prefecture, it is an island."

"Oh? It won't be similar to those thirteen caves..."

"It's not similar. The area of ​​Sanwangdian is equivalent to one-third of Lielu Dajing Prefecture. The only teleportation array sea area gate leading to Huaye Dajing Prefecture is there. It is also one of the three major dangers in Tianzang World. One, many high-level monks have experienced there, and the business development direction of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance over the years is also there, so they have a very warm relationship with Three Kings, which can be called a honeymoon period."

Jiaojiao understood, "Then are you going to Sanwangdian?"

"I'm going, but not now, I haven't taken more than a dozen heads yet, I'll go as soon as I get them."

When Qin Yu was chatting with Jiaojiao through sound transmission, he also found a place to sit down and ordered some breakfast.

Both are exquisite and extremely expensive.

But Qin Yu was stunned after eating a small bun, because Bai Ze also came down from another staircase.

There was no place left, so he walked to Qin Yu's table.

"Hi, can I sit down?"

Qin Yu nodded slightly, and Bai Ze sat down,

Looking at the unhealed wound on the opponent's face, Qin Yu recalled it, and finally determined that it was not caused by himself.

This person is also powerful, dare to challenge, but can also survive.

Although there was a reason why she didn't want to kill her, there was also a reason why this person was tough.

Warlike but long-lived?

Qin Yu suddenly thought of the woman's "short-lived" comment about him.

Heh, if you don't live a long time, you will be sorry for your own integrity.

What Qin Yu was thinking about was a certain boss who had been burned all the year round, but others were thinking what a pity. If they knew that the seat was so easy to sit in, they would have taken it long ago!

How many people saw this mother and son going downstairs early, and they felt anxious, but how many eggs were unfathomable and thus retreated. Who would have thought that a little boy with a pale face would just sit down like this.

The woman was also very talkative.

Everyone was indignant and regretful.

Bai Ze, who was the focus of everyone's resentment, was thinking about playing so many games yesterday, but the first game was the scariest.

Help him the most.

Bai Ze was thinking about something in his heart, and he lost his mind when he ate, until his chopsticks were stopped by a fat hand.

"Big brother."

Bai Ze regained consciousness and saw a cute doll.

"What is it?"

"You are holding my steamed stuffed bun."


Bai Ze's thinking is also simple, straight to the point.

"I'm sorry, it's yours."

"No, you just bitten."

Bai Ze thought for a while, and pushed his two plates of dumplings over, "I haven't eaten this before, here you are."

Jiaojiao immediately felt that this person was okay.

But children belong to children, adults belong to adults, and Bai Ze also apologized to Qin Yu.

Cold and indifferent.

Qin Yu glanced at him, took a sip of soy milk, and smiled lightly: "It's okay, it's just a trivial matter, it's my Ayan who was rude."

After all, I pushed back the other two breakfasts as a return gift.

Bai Ze has seen many kinds of female cultivators in the cultivation world, but he has never seen such a gentle and caring woman. His stern eyebrows stretched a little. He thanked her, but did not refuse, and ate slowly. The two small buns suddenly frowned.

Because there are people outside the store.

"I heard that Lielu Dajingzhou has finally figured out a character, who is also the top 20 in this year's Tianzang selection. Yesterday I challenged many young talents in northern Xinjiang. I, Hua Yuesheng, have never dealt with Lielu Dajingzhou. , would like to see more."

After speaking, he drew his sword.

The sword energy soared directly into the store.

Don't look at this person's temperament and brain power, but Hua Yuesheng is not weak. He is comparable to those middle-generation masters in Lielu Dajing Prefecture, such as Lin Mang, and he is not comparable to Bai Ze, let alone Bai Ze fought fiercely yesterday , was injured today, seeing that this sword energy could not be resisted, he drew out the spear with his left hand, and set up a magic barrier in front of the table with his right hand, and he resisted this sword energy.

He was also powerful, so he rushed to the door to resist the sword energy.

Then the wounds that had finally recovered a little last night were all blown up.

That bloody mess.

Jiaojiao: "Yuyu, I think that although this person's brain is not very good, he can be called a fighting machine with no EQ and no interest in life, but his character is not bad."

Qin Yu: "Just because he gave you back two plates of dumplings?"

Jiaojiao: "Nonsense, how is it possible! I'm not that kind of person!"

You are not human.

Qin Yu was noncommittal, and didn't care about it. He just had dinner with Jiaojiao. Outside, there was a fierce fight, and he could faintly hear many people from Northern Xinjiang applauding and cheering for Hua Yuesheng.

Probably because this place is close to the pier, there are many monks coming and going, and many people gathered at the pier today, and they were attracted by this battle. Knowing the identities of the two sides, most of them laughed and humiliated.

Bai Ze was crushed and beaten.

The blood is getting heavier.

Leng refused to admit defeat.

That's right, in such a situation, admitting defeat is tantamount to fulfilling the humiliation these people have made to the eastern part of Lielu Dajing Prefecture.

"Why didn't he run away? He ran away when he couldn't beat him before, and he made a comeback in the future."

Jiaojiao was puzzled, Qin Yu picked up a piece of lotus root with chopsticks, chewed it slowly, and said calmly: "Either die in battle, or win, he has no third choice - if he is the proud and belligerent Bai Ze in the past."

It's not because so many people are watching, but because Hua Yuesheng is a vicious person who deliberately chose this time and this place. Everyone knows that Northern Xinjiang is now very powerful, and all monks in Northern Xinjiang and southerners have a strong sense of superiority. Comparable to Little Teddy every day.

Not to mention the weakest easterners, even those from the northwestern regions will be excluded and discriminated against here.

So in this battle, Hua Yuesheng deliberately forced Bai Ze to die.

The purpose is to prevent Bai Ze from escaping and kill him.

"Yuyu, he is from the east anyway, why don't we help?"

"No, he doesn't die that easily."

Qin Yu didn't eat after eating a few buns, but drank a little water, and Jiaojiao swept the plate, just about to finish the last dumpling.

There was a low shout from outside.

Immediately afterwards, there was the killing intent of the spear that soared to the sky.

Gun intent is small.

Then fight back.

Continue to fight fiercely.

Flesh and blood are still splattered, but the blood is no longer just that of a single person, but also of others.

Hua Yuesheng.

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