I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1835 Where is the big one? (Second update, ink dyed lion heart Arnold He Shibi, thank you)


"Hua Yuesheng made Zhu Zi famous this time." Hua Buxiu waved his fan and watched the battle surrounded by servants. At first, he watched Bai Ze being crushed and beaten with cold eyes, but when he saw Bai Ze break through suddenly, his expression changed. With a slight change, he had a slight killing intent, but he did not lose his composure.

Anyway, even if it is a small achievement in spear intent, this person may not be able to beat Hua Yuesheng, even if he did. . .

"Don't you have me waiting?"

Hua Buxiu glanced at it, and there were several top 20 experts in the southern Tianzang selection on the pier.

They all regard Bai Ze as dead.

They are also waiting for Bai Ze and Hua Yue to give birth. . .

Is Hua Yue in a hurry? He is in a hurry.

If he loses this battle, even if Bai Ze Shuzi becomes famous, Bai Ze will die, but it will also make others step on his and Bai Ze's heads to become famous.

For example, flowers are not repaired, such as Beitang Nuannuan, such as other people.

Hua Yuesheng gritted her teeth, let out a loud shout, her spiritual power surged, and the shadow of the sword flew in all directions, turning into four kinds of spirit beast sword energy to surround and seal them.

"Sure enough, I worked so hard that I even released the Sifang Spirit Sword."

"I'm afraid Bai Ze will lose."

"People in the east are bound to lose."

When the people in the south were talking about it, the Sifang Lingjian had already been released, and so had Bai Ze's gun.

The result came naturally in an instant.

Beitang Nuannuan had just arrived, and was stunned when he saw the blood all over the place, and then looked at the horrific fighting parties.

Hua Yuesheng half-kneeled on the ground, holding the sword in both hands and vomiting blood wildly.

Bai Ze was standing on the street in front of the store, holding a gun in one hand, sticky blood was flowing from the barrel of the gun, and the clothes on his body were pasted with broken flesh, but he kept standing.

Until Hua Yuesheng couldn't stand up, it was a success or failure.

He staggered to the side steps and sat down.

Sitting down, the blood all over his body flowed to the stairs.

Although Hua Buxiu and others saw that Hua Yuesheng had benefited from it, they didn't want people from the east to step on the face of the south to make a statement, so. . . .

Hua Buxiu was the fastest, stepped forward in one step, and approached with a fan, "Your Excellency is indeed very powerful, but I just don't know..."

"Don't you know how to run? You must be bullied in groups."

Such a gentle and charming voice penetrated into the lingering bones.

Bai Ze turned his head to look in a daze, and saw the young woman who allowed him to sit at the same table not long ago walking out with a child.

Standing in a higher position, she lowered her eyes and smiled at him.

"It really is a child."

Children are tantamount to childishness.

No grown man wants to be judged childish by a woman.

Whether it's an ordinary woman or a peerless stunner.

Bai Ze then frowned, and said, "I'm not young."

Qin Yu smiled, folded his arms around his chest, leaned against the doorpost, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he said jokingly: "Then tell me, how old are you?"

Bai Ze was taken aback, with a confused expression on his face.

Huang Jinbi felt that if he were Bai Ze's NPC, he would definitely answer this question deep in his soul - yes, you were molested by this elegant looking woman.

Jiaojiao: "Yuyu, I don't think this is right, why are you molesting him, you are an old mother with children now, remember to set a good example for your children."

Qin Yu: "How can this be molestation? You can imagine that he is not as straight and innocent as he appears on the surface."

Jiaojiao: "You still blame others for not being innocent, are you a human being?"

Obviously not.

After the original tragic fight, the atmosphere was very delicate. The people in the south were fighting against each other and were aggressive, while the people in other departments were enjoying themselves and watching the excitement with cold eyes.

Until this woman came forward, with a slight smile on her eyebrows and charming lips, she exaggerated the rich bloody scent of Qing Yun, like the breath of a woman living in a boudoir in a pavilion, or like the scent that affects her eyebrows, eyes and soul when a hundred flowers are in full bloom. Color and fragrance.

And then until the woman opened her mouth.

It is really color and fragrance.

Everyone thought that they had heard hallucinations, and only after hearing hallucinations did they realize that they had heard correctly. This elegant-looking woman was indeed teasing Bai Ze.

But without being vulgar at all.

In other words, it seems to be a very beautiful thing to be laughed and teased by such a woman.

At least the straight steel man like Bai Ze was not angry, he was just a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, as if facing the cold posture of the swordsman Mingchu, he only had a sense of awe.

Being ridiculed by people in awe. . . .

Bai Ze lowered his head and didn't speak.

He didn't know what to say.

Qin Yu didn't expect Bai Ze to say anything, it was just a casual joke, but people like Hua Buxiu were very reluctant.

I just feel that the more casual this woman is, the closer and gentle she is to Bai Ze, the more she will humiliate them.

Hua Buxiu looked Qin Yu up and down, feeling a little hot in his heart, and said with a smile: "Madam, I am going to fight against Bai Ze in the east, please step back a little so as not to be affected."

Before Qin Yu could speak, Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, put her hips on her hips and said softly, "What if we don't leave?"

"Don't go?" Hua Buxiu smiled, "Then don't blame me for being rude, although I don't want to do anything to a beauty like your mother."

He spoke poorly, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Bai Ze frowned, braced his body to stand up, and pointed his spear at Hua Buxiu.

Seeing that a war is about to break out.

"What's so noisy?!"

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a row of people on the other side of the pier, orderly, but Guanlong strode out, walked in two blinks, and arrived at the door of the inn in a blink of an eye. His eyes swept away and his expression was stern.

"Do people in the east dare to be so arrogant in the south?"

Hey, I didn't know the origin of Guanlong before, but now it seems that this person is also from the south! Otherwise, how could words defend the south in such a way.

The monk in the south suddenly became imposing, and looked at Bai Ze more and more like a dead man.

Bai Ze is used to being squeezed out in the east, because he is a casual cultivator in the east, and he is squeezed out by the eastern aristocratic family and sect, and the other party is eager to strangle him in the cradle.

And out of the east, the people in the south, west, north and south probably have the same intention.

Therefore, Hua Yuesheng's design got the cooperation of these people, forming a situation that trapped him in it.

Whether he died or not, Bai Ze didn't really care.

But he was not too happy to let others suffer for him, so he did not lose his fighting spirit when facing Guanlong, and said: "I am a person from the east, if I can stand up to the monks in the south, I am indeed arrogant."

Straight men also have the temper of straight men, and it's not that they don't know how to hate others.

Of course the people in the south are wronged, but if they kill people in their own place, they will still judge by themselves in the future, and the east is the weakest of the four, so what can they say? Do you still dare to question them?

What's more, this Bai Ze is a casual cultivator in the east, and has no influence behind him.

This is the main reason why Hua Yuesheng and others intend to besiege and kill Bai Ze.

And watch the holes. . . . He also has killing intent towards Bai Ze.

"Sharp teeth, it seems that the East has indeed become ambitious these years and needs to be adjusted."

Guanlong said coldly and raised his hand with a flash of light.

An understatement is enough to kill Bai Ze.

The gap is too big.

Although Hua Buxiu and others were disappointed that they couldn't kill Bai Ze themselves to increase their prestige, they dared to compete with Guanlong.

then. . . Is Bai Ze dead?

Bai Ze thought he was going to die.

The result is not.

He stared in astonishment at the light that shattered into smoke for no reason in front of him.

The audience was amazed.

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