I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1839 Don't Know? (The ink dyes the lion's heart, the red beans grow with the wind,


Mingchu only had direct contact with Qin Yu that night. At that time, Qin Yu was blamed, so she had a bad impression of Wuque Qingqiu.

But for Mo Bai, everyone is a female killer of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and they all sprinted to five stars, so there should be a sense of fate.

So after Mingchu looked over, Qin Yu also looked at him.

Is this a natural picture?

No, in fact, Qin Yu felt that the situation was not good.

1. This Mingchu seems to be a little concerned about her.

2. Qin Yu doesn't know whether this kind of attention is unfamiliar or familiar.

3. Fang Yourong and Mingchu knew each other?

Qin Yu's memory turned quickly, and he quickly remembered whether Fang Yourong had met Ming Chu face to face in Tianzang Zhixuan, and whether he had expressed his familiarity with Ming Chu.

But it is a pity that if Fang Yourong knew Mingchu when he was in Mobai, he would never express his familiarity with Mingchu when Fang Yourong was in identity.

There was no flaw, at least Qin Yu didn't recall it, since Fang Yourong had nothing to gain, he could only find traces through his clear demeanor and eyes.

So Qin Yu and the other party looked at each other twice, and both times showed neither cold nor close attitude

Until Mingchu turned and left.

do not recognize.

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly scolded in his heart that the information given by the elder, the old man, was not detailed enough, and he did not mention who was familiar with Mo Bai. . .

——It stands to reason that this is Fang Yourong's fault, if she didn't mention it, the old man wouldn't ask.

——After all, in the eyes of the Wuque executives, her security is much higher than yours.

——At least not messing with the relationship between men and women.

Jiaojiao: "Bibi, what are you talking nonsense about?"

Qin Yu: "..."



Mingchu walked quickly, going out, but Qin Yu was going in.

She calculated the points, in order to raise Mobai's authority to five stars, not for those rewards, but for the authority.

"I remember that the rewards for those fifteen missions totaled 3.5 million middle-grade spirit stones, wow, that's a lot." Jiaojiao calculated.

Qin Yu: "Of course, I deliberately picked the one with the most rewards and the most points."

You see, the rewards are at the top, but the points are also the highest, which means that the difficulty is also the highest, otherwise why give such a high reward.

——You want the authority of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, do you want to investigate something?

Qin Yu: "I'm wondering if there are some people from Yunyi Pavilion in the database... or some information from evil selections. Let's check it out. Some of them must be in the Three Kings Stack."

——Then I understand, you want to kill far more than these fifteen people.

Thinking about it, Qin Yu must take revenge, how could he let the Yunyi Pavilion group go.

"It can't be helped, Yunyi Pavilion is still a huge business firm on the surface, it is said that there are evil people doing evil in it, mixed with Tianzang's choice, Tianzang Realm can be investigated and judged, but the inside of Yunyi Pavilion is not completely black, there are also white people inside. As a part of it, the black side used the identity of the white side to mix it up with them, held together and dumped the blame on those dead people, abandoned the car to protect the handsome, and in the end, the Tianzang Realm will not take the blame for Yunyi Pavilion."

The scope of such things as a business firm is too wide, and it is not enough for the Tianzang Realm to wipe out the entire Yunyi Pavilion simply by plotting some candidates in the east.

Qin Yu knew the result a long time ago, so he didn't expect it.

She intends to come by herself.


In the special personal reading room, with the authority in hand, Qin Yu's memory and eyesight are adjusted to the most superior conditions, reading, memorizing, printing a large amount of data into his brain, and checking with the movements of his hands, people, places, activity trajectories, and so on. Maps and character information are drawn on each piece of paper, line by line, crossing, or separating.

The thickness of the papers kept stacking up, but they were burned in an instant. Only 50 of them were pulled out by invisible force and put aside obediently.

Holding the fifty sheets of paper in both hands, they stamped lightly on the table, and then put them down.

It took three hours to sort out 30,000 pieces of intelligence information, and selected 1,000 pieces of information that she believed to be related to Xiexuan and Yunyi Pavilion, and then screened out the opponent's geographical location and the best possible shooting location. . .

The location of the map on these fifty pieces of paper is the final place of death of the other party.

——All in Three Kings Stack?

"Well, why don't you run out again? It's not easy for me to come in through wild roads."

——You have a cat-shaped teleporter, what are you afraid of?

——Teleporting back and forth is enough, and it can also create your alibi.

——This is more in line with your plan, unless you don't want this effect.

——You deliberately wanted these fifty people to die from Three Kings in a short period of time, and it is suspected that they died from the same person.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, ah, those who know me are Bibi.

"Yeah, so there is a kind of panic, isn't it?"

Let anyone panic.

Let the evil choosers panic, because there is a high probability that they will know that the dead are all their companions.

With such a terrifying evil-chosen hunter coming, they either leave Three Kings Stack, or. . . Can only hold together.

What Qin Yu wanted was for them to hug each other.

She took out a jug of wine, drank it slowly, and smiled while looking at the exquisite garden outside the transparent crystal gate.

Is she, Qin Yu, so easy to provoke?

Although she is more likely to provoke others.


When Qin Yu was drinking and taking a nap in his spare time, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was also a little restless, because the news just came out in the alliance that one of the thirty-five five-star masters died a month ago, but today. . . Directly increased by two.


who is it?

Sorry, it is currently highly confidential, and the two adults have no intention of publicizing their identities, so you can't try it.

This is not the first time, many five-star masters are good at concealment, and low-key, after all, most of them are killers.

People in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance can only be curious, but they can't test it out. Firstly, most people don't have enough authority, and secondly, they don't have the time and energy to test it out.

problem occurs.


When Qin Yu left the Northern Xinjiang Alliance branch, he noticed that more than half of the people were missing. When passing by a forest, he saw no one around, and a squirrel ran out of the forest and jumped onto Qin Yu's shoulder.

"Yuyu, something happened just now."


"It seems that there is Qi Yun blocking the road in the Yanri Swamp. He challenged a lot of people, and his methods were a bit ruthless. Many people were cut off. Lielu's popularity was not enough, so he drove a bunch of them over."

Qin Yu had no interest in this and took Jiaojiao to other places.

Jiaojiao: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Yu: "Kill someone."

If Qin Yu wanted to kill people, there must be dead people.

Fifty hunting plans, Qin Yu took the first one and glanced at the name on it.

"Wang Xie, the little leader of the second team of the Sanwangdi Branch of Yunyi Pavilion, the peak of the transformation stage, good at..."

Wang Xie's life in Sanwangdie was pretty good. First, he was a small leader, and he was not able to do the dirty work. Second, although this huge Sanwangdian had such powerful forces as the masters, Yunyi Pavilion can only be regarded as a second-tier power, but there are still huge resources to be harvested. As a small leader, there are naturally rich benefits. Third, he is a member of Yunyi Pavilion, but he is also an evil choice of Yunyi Pavilion, and there are other mission rewards.

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