I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1840 49 people

Therefore, Wang He was doing well in the Three Kings, and with the support of abundant resources, his cultivation base also advanced very quickly.

But being a human being requires progress, no, he accepted a hunting mission announced internally, and with the information from Yunyi Pavilion, he has already searched for the location of the mission target.

Falling Feather Forest.

A clump of tall fallen feather trees with branches and leaves like feathers stands in a jungle, and there is a pungent smell like asphalt in the air. become toxic.

Whether it can be prevented or not, and whether it can be resisted or not, this is the key point.

In Wang Hun's gaze, his prey was struggling to kill a three-tailed tiger with a gas shield on it.

Wang Xie observed the opponent's output of spiritual power and the fluctuation of breath, and compared his cultivation base, he was sure that the opponent had consumed more than half of it, and he should use all his strength to kill the three-tailed tiger with a single blow later.

He has to wait.

The time will soon come.

The magic weapon spirit banner exploded, covering the three-tailed tiger in it, killing the three-tailed tiger one after another. The three-tailed tiger only roared and then blood and flesh splashed, and the light pierced into the throat, and it stopped breathing. The spikes on the tail also sprayed out, the man avoided two but still got hit by one.

puff! He vomited a big mouthful of blood, but this person quickly sat cross-legged on the ground regardless of the trauma, and forced out the poison from the sharp thorns with all his strength.

good chance!

Wang Hun, who had been dormant for a long time, was about to explode and kill the opponent.

At that moment, a sword light shot from behind him soundlessly, and shot into the back of his head.

His pupils dilated, his body went limp and was about to fall, an invisible force entangled him, like a few poisonous snakes wrapped around him, the warm and fresh corpse was quickly dragged silently into the Fallen Feather Forest, and disappeared .

And the Chosen One who was not far away didn't notice the slightest sound.

I don't know that he narrowly escaped death once.

Not to mention that somewhere where the corpse was dragged into the Fallen Feather Forest, the corpse was thrown on the ground, a cat quickly groped the corpse for treasure, and a woman in black pulled out a piece of paper and burned it with her fingertips.


There are 49 more.


The huge Three Kings Stack has a geographical area one-third that of Lielu, and is nearly a hundred times larger than the Great Qin Kingdom. With such a huge territory, there are countless monks, so it doesn't matter if a few people die.

No one knows who died, or how, when or where.

No one knows how many people died that day.

Eight people on the first day.

Nine people the next day.

Twelve people on the third day.

Twenty people on the fourth day.

Killing will become a habit, the stronger the habit, the more skillful the memory.

Huang Jinbi has never changed his cognition that "Qin Yu is a scheming Bichi fighter sent by evil." As time goes by, this cognition. . . So deep-rooted!

You see, the people she kills are getting stronger and stronger, the separated areas are getting more and more scattered, and it is getting harder and harder to kill, but her killing efficiency is getting higher and higher!

Every time she kills a target, every time she burns a plan list, her killing speed will be faster. In the end, she doesn't even need to hibernate. 24 hours a day, she has allocated every time block, and every minute and every second is calculated to the extreme. Arrive at place A, do not lie dormant, kill instantly, the corpse is collected instantly, rush to place B, do not lie dormant, kill again instantly. . . .

Why do you catch one right? Because the route was planned by her - ABCDFG will take turns in one day, where will each of them go, where will they practice, and where will they get out of the order.

Huge data, precise prediction, even if there is a slight change, she will be aware of it in time, make changes, and then kill.

Jiaojiao: "This is like killing chickens with a knife along the cages in a chicken farm."

This description is very accurate.

It seems that every prey is free to move, but they all have trajectories, and they are all predicted, so their whereabouts are actually a cage. Qin Yu divided the cages and continued to assassinate along the displacement.

One sword one.

Kill the dead and leave.

So smooth and smooth - the speed of movement, the technique of killing, the art of planning.

To sum it up is. . .


Jiaojiao: "Wow, a lot of money!"

Qin Yu: "..."

OK, that sums it up pretty well.


On the night of the fourth day, in the whistling valley to the south of Sanwangdie, it was raining that night. There was a small tree hole on the 100-meter-high fantasy peach tree beside the stream, and the rain outside was overwhelming. The trees were also almost covered by the rain, and the night was very dark, but the cave was warm and bright.

There is no safe place in Sanwangdie except for the various city garrisons, and few people dare to light a fire at night.

Except for the strong and the big guys.

Qin Yu teamed up with Jiaojiao, almost fearless. Of course, they also had their own division of labor in the past four days.

After finally coming to Three Kings, of course you can't do murder!

"You kill your people, I'll look for my treasure."

Jiaojiao, this little fat man has good eyesight and a good nose, she can be called a treasure hunting pig. . . Anyway, it's the MAX of treasure hunting ability. When Qin Yu went to kill people, he ran around in various dangerous places. When he encountered any precious medicinal materials, he would dig them!

The treasure guarded by some monster is about to mature, do it! Treasure!

One person and one cat work together in a division of labor, and sometimes it is difficult to deal with. Under Qin Yu's command, Jiaojiao also uses her space ability to retreat bravely.

With such a routine, for four consecutive days, you can earn a lot of money.

At this moment, Jiaojiao is sitting there cross-legged, counting money and resources.

Qin Yu was recovering the consumed spiritual energy.

"Okay, I'm fine."

Qin Yu opened his eyes and saw Jiaojiao dividing the spoils into several bags.

Lingshi pouch, medicine pouch, rare mineral material pouch, magic weapon pouch. . . .

"I don't count the others. Anyway, the 49 people you killed gave a total of 5.85 million middle-grade spirit stones. Including what we got some time ago, we now have almost 10 million middle-grade spirit stones." There are so many fishes!"

"It's almost 10,000 high-grade spirit stones in exchange! It's comparable to the wealth of a peak boss in the fusion period."

This is still without counting those material resources.

Qin Yu had expected this harvest, "Ten million, it's actually not very useful, a soul formula needs a total value of nearly three million materials, my soul limit is high, one dose may not be enough, if The effect is good, you may not be sure to get several copies, let alone upgrade in the future... MMP, the soul path is too expensive!"

Not only is it costing money, it can be called a money burner!

Jiaojiao instantly felt that the money on hand was too little.

"It's okay, there are a lot of rich people in Three Kings Stack."

Jiaojiao said innocently and cutely.

Qin Yu thought so.

The golden wall is as quiet as a chicken.

"By the way, there seems to be one last one, Nong, this one, Yuyu, will you fuck him tomorrow?" Jiaojiao put away a bunch of pouches, patted her belly, and looked at the 50th hunting list.

"Hey, you made a note of this list, ah! He is the number one leader of Yunyi Pavilion in the Sanwangdian branch! Taoist Mingqiu?"

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