I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1842 Life-Saving Matters (Fourth)


The big and small guys knelt down simply, and went down in a single stroke.

Jiaojiao was taken aback.

Qin Yu was also stunned for a moment, then laughed, but also looked ahead and remained silent.

To save, or not to save?

The knelt young man didn't wait for Qin Yu's response, but he noticed that the ghostly aura of the little ghost king behind him seemed to stagnate in one place.

It doesn't move.

The young man turned around and looked, only to see that the forest under the heavy rain was dark and gloomy, and the ground was muddy, exuding the bloody smell of old chicken ribs, mixed with the smell of mud, it was actually a kind of poisonous miasma, but compared to the little turtle king, these were all A piece of cake.

The little ghost king is hidden in the poisonous miasma and darkness, and there is a ghostly aura rolling around, revealing some rotten flesh and twisted heads of children, some are bald, half of the face is rotten, some are fresh and tender like newborn babies, But all of them carry cord blood, and some are white and bulging skulls of children.

It's scary, it's ferocious, and it also has a bit of childish innocence and mischievousness.

The young man saw that it was not moving, and also saw that it had been staring at one place.

The dream big mahogany ahead.

There was no movement on either side, the rain was pouring, thunder and lightning.

So cold, so cold.

So quiet, as quiet as a cemetery.

The young man was drenched all over, but a large amount of blood flowed from the wound on his abdomen protected by the golden wheel. The blood had already started to turn yellow and black, and he held on for about seven or eight breaths.

The voice of the little ghost king was submerged in the ghostly aura.

After a while, even the ghost energy retreated.

The young man was a little dazed, he didn't expect the little ghost king to retreat, but it seemed inevitable.

Because of the person above. . .

He vaguely saw a graceful and beautiful figure, just one glance.

He recognized each other.


In the tree hole, the warmth was unreal, but the young man still noticed many comfortable appliances such as blankets, candles and lamps in the hole. Obviously, the other party was a very particular person.

Even in such a dangerous place, it is like being in a boudoir of an elegant pavilion, exquisite and comfortable everywhere.

The young man hesitated while clutching the unsightly wound on his abdomen, "Senior..."

"Lie down."



Lying on the blanket, the young man's mind was a little drowsy, but he could still see the other person's face clearly.

"Thank you senior for saving your life."


Qin Yu's fingers entered his abdomen, but the man held back and let her play with him obediently.

"So good, aren't you afraid that I'll kill people and seize treasures?"

"Senior is a noble person who makes Shiweilou treat each other with courtesy. This junior dare not make wild guesses based on this. Besides, this is a life that should be lost. No matter what the senior does, the junior will not be considered a loss."

Qin Yu glanced at him, his brows were light, and he didn't say a word. One hand cleared out the ghost energy in his abdomen, reorganized the pulse and organs, and the other hand formed the seal to exorcise the ghost energy.

Qin Yu is speechless, but Jiaojiao can force her to chatter.

"You just knelt down. Seriously, it was the first time I saw you, a child of such an unscrupulous family, and it scared me just now."

Youth: "I am used to being punished and scolded since I was a child. Life is more important than face."

Jiaojiao: "Then how do you know my family is here in vain? Could it be that you can see through concealment?"

Youth: "Senior's technique is superb, I can't see it, but there are almost zero ghosts around, obviously there is a deterrent to them, I'm just trying my luck, I'm laughing."

Jiaojiao: "No, I don't think you are just lucky, you are quite smart, and you can get out, not bad."

Youth: "Thank you, young master, for your compliment."

Jiaojiao: "Very nasty."


After a while, the young man felt that the ghost energy in his body disappeared, and his sanity gradually recovered.

He didn't dare to be lazy as a patient, he quickly sat up after taking the pill, and then directly took out two pouches.

"Senior, these are all the belongings of this junior, this one is the spirit stone, this one is the medicinal materials and so on."

"and this..."

Qin Yu was leaning against the tree hole and stretching out his hand to wash his hands in the rain outside. Hearing this, he turned his head and looked.

As soon as the object came out, Qin Yu raised his eyebrows.

Pure black, like ink jade, but opaque, with a bit of stone texture, carved on both sides, one side is a kind Buddha head, and the other side is a vicious ghost line, faintly deep and unpredictable.

"Buddha Yao Bi?"

"Seniors are really knowledgeable, but juniors just suspect that this thing may be the Buddha Yaobi, not sure."

"You took out this thing from the depths of the valley, which alarmed the little ghost king and made him chase you madly?"

"Yes, I don't know if it's a fluke or a bad luck. The younger generation only thinks that this thing is rare and precious. The Buddha nature is introverted, and it is very beneficial for refining the mind, but I didn't expect that after taking it off, it would release the little ghost king from the yin nourishing secret pool, which caused great disaster. .”

"It is indeed a catastrophe, so what do you intend to do by telling me about it?"

"When the junior is in crisis, placing hope on the senior is actually tantamount to passing the risk on to you. In the future, my family will not be able to repay you, even if we find you, I am afraid that you will not accept it."

Qin Yu was still leaning against the entrance of the cave, graceful and graceful, smiling at the young man with that peerless elegance.

"Actually, I usually accept it. After all, you and I don't know each other. It's good to save you and get back the best of both worlds."

The more magnanimous she is, the young man feels that the other party is more immortal, showing respect.

"So it's better to promise now, but the junior's cultivation base is humble, even if he has some resources from the family, plus the property on his body, it's nothing. After thinking about it, only this object can serve as a thank you."

"Buddha's jade has always been precious, and it will be of great benefit in the coming day for surviving catastrophe or practicing. Even those in the Mahayana period will be envious. Besides, I won't hide it from you. This Buddha's jade may have some origins. It is suspected to be an ancient thing, and it even came from Buddha. The hand of a famous Taoist is extremely valuable, if you want to give it to me, don't you feel a pain in your flesh?"

She didn't have to feel sorry, she had to use her flesh to hurt, as if she had seen through something.

The young man had a complex expression, and then lightly covered his eyelids, and sighed, "Senior's eyes are like torches, such a treasure, and the younger generation's flesh... It hurts, but life is still important."

Qin Yu pretended to be surprised, "Ah, you are calm, I thought you would pretend to be generous, why not hide it, maybe this way I will have a better impression of you."

She is a beautiful woman, just mentioning the word "favorite" in vain, even if she knows that the other party has no other intentions, it will still shake the hearts of men in the world.

Fortunately, the young man. . . Durable.

He stabilized himself, and said: "The grandma of the younger generation once said that there are very few people who can cultivate to high positions since ancient times who are not smart."

"That's not necessarily true. In the sky and on the earth, there are many people who are born with a golden spoon in their mouths and have reached the standard in practice, but they are all stupid and sweet."

Qin Yu said casually, referring to Xuan Luobai's kind of real steel idiot, the second generation of the fairy family, but he didn't want the real No1 idiot, the second generation Jiaojiao. . . He nodded sharply, and seemed to agree with this point of view.

Jinbi sent out a row of emoticons covering his forehead and face.

My lord, you nod your ass!

"Maybe, but senior is definitely not this kind of person, so you must know... If this Buddha wall is on this junior, I am afraid that this junior will not be able to get out of the Howling Valley alive."

"That's right, the little ghost king is thinking about this Buddha wall, and it will follow you wherever you go."

Now that this point has been mentioned, Qin Yu will not be hypocritical, because she really wants the Buddha Yaobi, and secondly, this young man doesn't have the face to let her escort him all the way home.

He was killing him, and she took advantage of it, as it should be.

"By the way, what's your name? As if you have a younger sister..."

"Beitang Nuannuan is my younger sister, the younger generation Beitang Miracle."


Jiaojiao, who was drinking juice, squirted.

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