I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1843 Too Weak

Qin Yu's expression froze for a moment, and Beitang was surprised, "Senior, what is this?"

"No, I just feel that the name of the hall is very particular."

"Thank you."


Beitang miraculously left in the early morning, neat and tidy, with a very vigorous figure, not at all pretentious.

Qin Yu looked at his back and sighed, this man is really patient.

No wonder it was ranked among the top five in the selection of Southern Tianzang, and even crushed many middle-generation people.

After Qin Yu sighed, he also got up and left.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at the depths of the Howling Valley.

Jiaojiao: "The little ghost king is still staring at us."

Qin Yu: "Just stare at it, it's not brave enough, and it's not as good as a young man in the world, but it can use this ancient Buddha wall to suppress and nourish the little ghost king at the same time. The generation of grieving ghosts is man-made... why is the heart so dark? Forget it, it has nothing to do with me, let's do the business first."

Qin Yu, who was no longer Amon in the past, hung the little ghost king, and finally came out of the Howling Valley alive, and the little ghost king didn't dare to chase him out.

Because it knew that the male cultivator was not strong enough to use the Buddha's Yaobi, but this woman was not. It already felt that this person was quite dangerous, not to mention that now that it sensed that the Buddha's Yaobi was on her, it dared not do anything.

He could only watch Qin Yu leave the Howling Valley.


Taoist Mingqiu spent half a day contacting all the evil elections in the Yunyi Pavilion distributed in Sanwangdie, because some of them also hid in the Yunyi Pavilion, so he didn't dare to gather in public.

Fortunately, they already had a secret meeting place in the city, which was safe and not revealed.

What a big manor, the courtyard is beautiful.

It is the residence of a powerful master, but in fact, this is the secret place of Taoist Mingqiu.

At noon, these people all came to this yard, a crowd of hundreds of people, set up a hidden barrier, a group of people to discuss.

Three key points.

1, Next door to Spicy, Tianxuan on the opposite side has sent out some shameless scheming Bichi, who used his strength to secretly poke and assassinate so many of us!

2, Where is that scheming bitch hiding now, and who is he going to kill?

3. Fortunately, Lord Mingqiu was wise and mighty and made the early decision to call them home to save a dog's life.

But there is also a fourth point.

"My lord, what should we do next? Can we just stay in the city? It's okay for a while, but I'm afraid people will notice it after a long time."

"That's right, since there was an incident at Tianzang Selection in the east of Dalielu, although the cabinet dealt with it under pressure, there was a vague intention to investigate thoroughly..."

Taoist Ming Qiu was deeply scheming, and he had an idea early on, saying: "Don't panic, Shangfeng has already prepared for this matter, and will never let anyone find out one or two. I have already reported it, and the reply has sent expert support to take down the thief in one fell swoop."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and took advantage of the situation to discuss how to set up a plan to ambush the thief after the arrival of expert support. . . .

But at this time, the Sunset Swamp not far from the city was very lively.

Because of that Qi Yun. . . It's still blocked!

It's poisonous, five days, just five days, the monks in Lielu Dajing State lost all face.

Every day is on the road to being humiliated.

On the other side of the bridge is a group of people who support Qi Yun, aggressive, arrogant and domineering.

On the other side of the bridge is Lielu's man, ashamed, very angry, but helpless.

Don't they have masters?

Yes, but the masters didn't have the courage to make a move, because once it was out, more masters rushed out behind Qi Yun.

That is a dead end.

No monk is willing to take such a risk.

"Everyone is a rat, thanks to their advanced cultivation, but they can't shrink back. What's the face of me!"

Some of them in the stage of distraction were so ashamed and annoyed that they couldn't help but blame the masters of their own Dajing State.

But there are also thoughtful people who don't agree, and persuaded: "My Lielu's weakness has long been normal, but it is rare for the other party to persecute him like this. They must have a plan. I think they must have gathered several masters behind them, just waiting for us Lielu If the masters here come forward, if they win against Qi Yun, the other party will have an excuse to criticize, and they may want to wipe out our Lielu's upper-level combat power..."

This is a long-term perspective, but not everyone can understand it, or care about it, they don't care about the future situation, they only care about the immediate humiliation.

Not to mention right or wrong, it can only show that the pattern is not enough.

Regarding this, the eldest grandson Yunhong, who was still persuading his friends just now, had no choice but to be helpless, but Fu Xia next to him was indifferent to this, and only said: "Everyone has his own freedom, and there is glory in fighting. , have nothing to say."

Although those who were persuaded were dissatisfied with this statement, they couldn't say anything harsh to the beautiful Fu Xia, and could only sullenly.

At this moment, Qi Yun's loud laughter suddenly came from the bridge.

There was another scream.

It turned out that he had lost another person by KO, stepped on the other person's back and said arrogantly: "I said Lielu, you are really lost, there is no one who can fight, but you have a lot of backbone, one by one to die, that is You don’t have any self-knowledge, it’s embarrassing to be so weak, if this really starts a battle of magic, I’m afraid you Lielu will just give away your head!”

This is very humiliating.

Who can not be angry? But after five days, most people couldn't understand that Qi Yun was deliberately forcing people to fight.

The more people sent up, the greater the humiliation.

what to do?

The eye sockets of many young monks were red.

No one would praise the courage of those who died, because the world of comprehension is so ruthless, and the strong are respected.

After all. . . Can't win.

too weak.

Really too weak.

And Fu Xia and Changsun Yunhong already knew that although they were considered the best in the east of Lielu, they were surrounded by people and praised, but it was really nothing to go to other places.

Together, they can be at the peak of the transformation stage, but they are definitely not the masters of the fusion stage.

What's more, Qi Yun is not weak in the early stage of the fusion period. . . .

"Here we come! People from Northern Xinjiang are here."

"It's Beitang Nuannuan and Hua Buxiu."

"Although they are not weak, what use can they be, they are not opponents, what about the Beitang miracle?"

"The miracle of Beitang is worthy of a battle, but he has been coming and going without a trace. I heard that he has already gone to other dangerous places and has not returned for a long time."

Beitang Nuannuan and others came after hearing the sound, seeing Qi Yun's arrogance, they were very angry, Hua Buxiu was more insidious, and refused to go up, but they gathered Beitang Nuannuan, Beitang Nuannuan was not stupid, but thoughtful Concentrated, with a lot of backbone, and went straight to it.

After boarding. . . .

The smell of blood came.

Fu Xia frowned, and glanced at Hua Buxiu and the others, what kind of person is this from Northern Xinjiang?

She raised her sword and was about to go up.

The eldest grandson Yunhong held her back, "I'll come, you wait."

"No, together, it's a fusion period to control him. It's not easy to make fun of us two juniors together."

Fu Xia has always said little, but he is also cold and stern when he is extremely angry.

The two were about to go up.

Suddenly smelled a green bamboo fragrance.

Then there was an ethereal sword qi piercing through the air.

Then Qi Yun's throat was choked after laughing.

The sword energy pierced his throat.

The sword energy went up, crushing his head.


Qi Yun fell down.

Bleeding from the seven orifices of the head, death.

The audience suffocated.


Beitang Nuannuan, who was seriously injured on the opposite side, was also dumbfounded.

After a while, someone came back to their senses and noticed a person.

The man came from behind.

Fu Xia and eldest grandson Yunhong turned their heads and saw them.

is her!

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