I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1844 Looking for death? (Cang Pang's book fan He Shibi, the first update)


The elegant fragrance of green bamboo is exquisite, the scabbard hangs slightly on her waist, and the long sword in her hand is slender and emits a clear green light, like an individual traveling through the mountains and wild bamboo forests, and the other hand takes it off. He took off the hat he was wearing, turned his fingertips, and the hat disappeared.

Showing a handsome face.

There are so many beauties in the cultivation world, her appearance is really not outstanding, but her temperament. . Temperament is really rare.

I don’t want to mention the steel straight male fighting machine like Bai Ze. In his opinion, this woman who beat him with a sword is definitely much better than other female cultivators, but this kind of excellence is not only based on the strength he cares most about. , there is another reason-temperament.

There are two kinds of aesthetic senses for a straight man of steel, one is skin and the other is temperament, and Bai Ze is the latter.

Even Bai Ze can be convinced by the other party's temperament, let alone some male cultivators who are used to beauties.

Hua Buxiu's gaze was glued to her, and he couldn't move away for a long time, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, because the opponent was very strong.

How strong is it?

The dead Qi Yun is the evidence.

After a moment of silence, the people on the other side of the bridge finally exploded!


"Who is Ernai!"

"Assaulted and killed the people in Huaye Dajing State."

These people were full of anger and murderous intent, several of them went directly to the bridge, unleashed magic weapons, activated their spiritual power, and they were about to strike. . . .


Mingchu, who walked past Fu Xia and the others, said his name, and the tip of the sword in his hand slid across the ground, looking indifferently at the Huaye people on the bridge.

She didn't speak, but she also revealed a meaning - since she had killed a person, she could continue to fight.

This silent gesture makes people feel more humiliated.

Previously, Qi Yun had spent five days on the bridge forcing people to humiliate the people of Lielu Dajing Prefecture to death, and he had achieved his goal.

Then he died.

And Mingchu didn't say anything, just using silence and a sword to achieve the same effect.


It's just because one is already at the low end, and the other is always at the high end, and it's easy to fall when climbing high, that's it.

And Mingchu walked into the bridge step by step, and slowly walked up the steps.

Beitang Nuannuan watched her come up, her eyes became brighter and brighter, the corners of her mouth were obviously bloody, but she also smiled, then turned to look at the people in Huaye Dajing State.

People from Huaye Dajing State were on the bridge, but they felt timid because Mingchu walked up step by step.

They didn't recognize this clearly, and they hadn't heard of any reputation before. They should have laughed at it, but the other party killed Qi Yun with a sword without a sound. Silence speaks louder.

They dare not face the strong.

But not reconciled.

"Call someone!" Someone whispered.

"Already shouted, I'm afraid they are already coming..."

No need, it's already here.

When the people of Huaye Dajing State heard the sound of the wind owl, their eyes widened and they were all overjoyed.


Before they cheered, there was a very handsome Xueyu spirit owl hovering in the air, and flew down on the stone pier at the bridge head, who is it? Just a bird?

I saw that the spirit owl opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of halo, and the halo bounced, revealing a person.

The middle-aged man, with a broad face and hands behind his back, looked clearly and said: "Finally, Lielu has a courageous one, but unfortunately it is a woman."

Mingchu didn't reply to his words, someone else did.

"Jiang He, why scare a woman."

"There are many female cultivators of the Three Kings, but there are very few female cultivators who can kill Qi Yun. What's more, Brother Jiang spends his days in those ghostly places like Headless Creek and Baozi Mountain. A sow also feels stunning."

"Ha ha!"

Two more people came, Fengye Swordsman and Daoist Humei.

They are all in the fusion period of Huaye Dajing Prefecture, and they have been in contact with Jiang He for a long time, and these three people are also famous people in the Three Kings.

In addition to Jiang He, Fengye Swordsman and Daoist Humei came so timely, which also verified the judgment of the previous elder Sun Yunhong-the people of Huaye Dajing State were really holding back and had been waiting for a long time.

If it weren't for such great confidence, how could they humiliate a capable senior female cultivator like Mingchu in such a way.

But come all three, fight one Mingchu?

"It's said that you don't like my female cultivator Lielu. Could it be that the three Huaye seniors are going to join forces to beat this sister?"

Beitang Nuannuan has a chivalrous spirit of her own, and she is straightforward, and she will speak first if she clearly can't say it.

Jiang He glanced at her, and said coldly: "I, Jiang He, alone is enough, and I don't need others, but even if we fight in a team battle, so what, so what if you are all on the team like Lielu?"

Obviously, Jiang He thinks he can defeat Mingchu, but his purpose is not only Mingchu, he is trying to drag all the monks present at the scene into trouble.

Including the eldest grandson Yunhong Beitang Nuan Nuan Hua Bu Xiu and all the younger generations.

Catch them all.

Even if the generation of Lielu Dajingzhou cannot be hit hard, it will definitely hit the monks of Lielu Dajingzhou who are in the Three Kings Stack.

Its heart is vicious, it can be punished!

Those who can enter the Three Kings Stack are actually well-cultivated, and they are all top-notch talents when they are brought back to their hometowns. How could they not see through, angry and frightened.

Such a big situation, can you accept it?

In terms of team battles, they are no match for each other even if they fight to the death, not to mention that there are still three fusion periods between Jiang He and Jiang He.

Originally, Mingchu killed Qi Yun to save a lot of face for Lielu Dajingzhou, but he didn't want the situation to become more dangerous.

what to do?

Everyone can only look at Mingchu.

Mingchu had already boarded the bridge, and when she reached Beitang Nuannuan, she held a sword in one hand, and the other fell on her shoulder. With the input of spiritual power and a slow push, Beitang Nuannuan was sent down.

Landing on the ground, Beitang Nuannuan's injuries were repaired a lot by this ray of spiritual energy, so as not to damage the foundation, but she was shocked.

"This sister..."

Mingchu has already looked at Jiang He, "You and I have a fight, if I lose, it's up to you, if you lose, this is the end of today, how dare you?"

Jiang Hewenyan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Mingchu, and said coldly: "If you insist on seeking death...then go die!"

Jiang He made a bold move, spiritual power surged around him, he opened his big hand, his sleeves bulged, and the rays of light were agile.

Wherever the rays of light spread, the spiritual power was sucked wildly, making the opponent's spiritual power uncontrollable, no matter if it was inside or outside the body.

Talking contemptuously, in fact, Jiang He is old-fashioned and did not underestimate Mingchu, and Mingchu looks young, but he is also skilled in battles. He leaps back, purple light flashes, and he uses body skills like escape, and suddenly escapes from the place covered by the rays of light. With a flick of the wrist, the sword wave twitched, and the sword energy of the flying shuttle swept away. Pieces of sword energy came rustling like bamboo leaves blown by the wind, messy and unorganized, but extremely unpredictable.

Jiang He swung his hands in circles, offering two rolling flame red wheels in his palms, "Go!"

Blazing fire monstrous, scorching hot.

Under the bridge, we cross the swamp water stream, and the duckweed floating on the water surface is also scalded with the hot steam.

The range of the expert battle was very wide. Beitang Nuannuan and others couldn't bear it, and retreated one after another. The swamp within 300 meters near the stone bridge was affected by the attack, and the opposite side was almost the same, except Fengye Swordsman and Humei Taoist. over there.

They didn't move.

This is not a good thing.

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