I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1849 Cruel

After all, everyone is an evil choice, and their minds are relatively sharp and treacherous. Bad people, they are all bad-hearted, and they cherish their lives. Everyone has a bad premonition. Some people have already sensed such a big movement. I came to investigate, so I was about to run away. . . .

The liquid that had melted into Taoist Mingqiu's head had already flowed away from the body, and then sprouted and grown at a terrifying speed. In the blink of an eye, a strange tree covered in green and purple grew out, about two meters high, and it was about two meters high when Taoist Mingqiu's body quickly Shriveled and stripped of all nutrients, it blooms.

The purple-green flowers are like dreams and illusions, very beautiful, as if they can be understood at a glance. . . dead.

It releases a gas.

Covers most of the yard.

Everyone smelled it, and there was no time to defend. . .


"It's poison!"

"It's the poisonous Roland's tail!"


These people wanted to rush out of the yard but suddenly found out. . . The yard is cordoned off!

A huge barrier enveloped the entire courtyard, sealing everyone in it abruptly.

"No, let us out!"


It was a tragic scene, but it was also iron-blooded.


In the inn, Qin Yu spent the last of his spiritual power and sat on a chair. Jiaojiao flew to express the second precious elixir. After swallowing it, Qin Yu closed his eyes to digest it.

Jiaojiao didn't dare to disturb Qin Yu, so she asked Huang Jinbi: "Why did the high-level people in this city block the yard! They refused to release any of them. Doesn't that mean killing people, even though those evil choices are nothing? Good man, but the people in the city don’t know about it.”

——I don’t know, but it is enough to know that it is Roland’s Tail. Roland’s Tail is a terrible poison, and it is a highly contagious poison. Unless there are Mahayana masters who are good at medicine or related curses, if they can't detoxify for a while, they must not let the poisonous gas leak out. Otherwise, it would be a huge mistake for the city managers to infect the city.

——Otherwise, why do you think your Yuyu uses Roland's Tail? It's just because it is the only one that can kill Taoist Mingqiu and let all other evil candidates die in that yard.

——Because after she spent most of her power to kill Taoist Mingqiu, it was difficult for her to surround and kill everyone by herself.

——To be precise, she used people's hearts, and also used the strong people in this city to do this for her.

This is a terrible method.

Jinbi didn't feel much emotion.


Jiaojiao didn't feel scary either, he just hugged Qin Yu's leg with emotion on his face.

Wow, that's great!

As for the insidious means or not. . . Wow, Yuyu is still smart!

The clever Yuyu quickly recovered, it took only a few breaths. After recovering some spiritual power, Qin Yu poured a cup of tea, turned Jiaojiao into a jade pendant hanging on her belt, and opened the door with it , went to the balcony.

Holding the teacup, she leaned against the sky, turned her face sideways, and looked at the tragic state of the manor opposite.

Take a sip of tea and sigh.

"Fortunately, it's so close."

Jiaojiao: "That's right, I just found out that the Zhuangzi where they are located is next to this inn. I said why did you choose this inn, Yuyu, you did it on purpose."

Qin Yu: "The poison of Roland's Tail needs to be nourished in the flesh and blood of the Mingqiu Taoist. Although the time is very short, I can't stay on that cliff for a long time, because I will be killed by the tribulation or Mahayana masters in this city." If you lock the Qi machine, if you leave the cliff, you have to go to a place to cast spells. If it is too far away, the distance will not work, and it will be difficult to cast spells."

Jiaojiao: "So it's so close? Just face to face!"

Qin Yu: "Just get closer."

Jiaojiao: "You are not afraid of being discovered, there are a lot of people up there."

The commander of the defenders and other big bosses are all on the top, either at the peak of the fit stage, or at the crossing stage, or even at the Mahayana stage.

Qin Yu glanced at the white-haired old man.

There is more than one city in the Three Kings Stack, and each city should have a Mahayana period.

That's not a lot.

It should be low-key or low-key, but it should be used.

"The Mahayana period is here, and the combined period of the catastrophe period is also here, but the first thing they pay attention to is the arrows shot from outside, and those who are not blind look out. However, we have returned to the city, and when I make a move to give birth to Roland's tail , Their attention will return to the city and this manor again, but they will take action because they want to stop Roland's tail. Once they take action, there will be twenty or thirty people, and the complicated atmosphere of the monks inside and outside the manor will just cover up My shot, even if they think about it afterwards, they can't search anymore, because they are all gathered in this area, and they can't analyze it even in the Mahayana period—even if time and space can be reversed."

Jiaojiao understood that what Qin Yu was using was not the Mahayana period, but the human heart.

The public's psychology of seeking good luck and avoiding disaster.

"So they will definitely not be able to find you, Yuyu!"

"No, I will still investigate, because I really can't find the target, so I can only search in an all-round way. Naturally, I am also on the investigation list, but if there are some smart people on it...it may not be."

Qin Yu slowly turned the teacup with his fingertips, frowning slightly under the mask.

Is it worry?

Jiaojiao also felt that if Qin Yu got unlucky, he might be caught.


——If someone really knows Roland’s Tail very well, and guesses backwards that he couldn’t even capture the location of the killer in the Mahayana period, then the killing gesture must be hidden near the manor, and hidden among all the masters who shot at that time, then you are naturally investigating In the list, because your strength is not weak.

——But you thought that there is such a hidden danger, but there is actually a more appropriate location. You still choose this inn, maybe there are other reasons.

Qin Yu: "Yes."

She took a sip of hot tea and watched with cold eyes the evil selections in the manor being sealed up and being poisoned to death by Roland's tail. "It's the most comfortable way to appreciate my works from this distance."

When she finished saying this, she happened to see Mingchu coming out of the next room.

Looking at each other, Ming Chu frowned slightly, looking at Qin Yu with a slightly strange look.

Qin Yu: "..."

Is this a coincidence? It can't be something that is clearly seen through, right?

Jiaojiao didn't dare to speak anymore, An Jing pretended to be a jade pendant, and Mingchu said a word after a while.

"have you eaten?"


Although Mingchu, a Qingli swordsman with a mountain and sea temperament, came to such a greeting full of local flavor as if possessed by an evil spirit, Qin Yu couldn't refuse, for fear of revealing his flaws.

But even if he went downstairs with Mingchu and ordered food for lunch, Qin Yu still wasn't sure if this woman knew Mo Bai from Fang Yourong's time, because she didn't speak.

Qin Yu could only remain indifferent.

After three glasses of wine, the silent Mingchu spoke again, "You have improved a lot compared to before."

It is said that it is the monthly ticket on the 29th. I know what time it starts to be counted as a double monthly ticket. It is better for everyone to vote tomorrow afternoon or evening or at 30.31. Thank you.

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