I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1850 Investigation

Now that "you" was used, and Qin Yu noticed her tone of voice and eyes, he was sure that Mingchu had some friendship with Fang Yourong before, at least it had to be a gentleman's friend.

"Fortunately, you too."

Mingchu slightly curled his lips into a smile, and his originally delicate face suddenly became more comfortable.

"But your temper is stronger than before. In the past, you never killed people on the bright side."

Qin Yu's movement of holding the wine glass was very natural, and said calmly: "The situation has also changed, and it is not like this in the past."

"It's not so good. Originally, I thought that even if you and I dealt with Jiang He and others, Huaye would not let it go. The people who will come in the future will be difficult for you and me to deal with. I also want to remind you to leave this place as soon as possible. I didn't expect this to happen today."

Although Mingchu's posture was calm and stable, as if the incident that broke out not far away had nothing to do with her, she was somewhat startled by it.

After all, he smashed the city with one arrow and killed people in front of all the Mahayana during the tribulation period.

Still killed. . .

"The one who died was the person from Yunyi Pavilion."

"It's still Taoist Mingqiu! This is a big deal!"

There were other guests in the inn talking enthusiastically, and it was difficult for them not to hear.

"The life and death of others has nothing to do with us."

"I hope the people in the City Lord's Mansion think the same way."

The two looked at each other, Qin Yu hadn't finished his glass of wine yet, a queue came outside the store.

Search people, investigate.

Come so fast!


Qin Yu and Ming Chu sat on chairs and were questioned directly. The people in the City Lord's Mansion have always been strong and ruthless, waiting to recognize them. . . . Don't ask how they recognized it, the city lord's mansion has always had excellent intelligence, so how could they not know that these two female cultivators had just completed a big job before smashing the city and killing Ming Qiu with arrows.

The strong are respected, they respect a lot, and they are not directly detained for questioning like other people.

They only asked a few questions, registered the relevant information, and one of them told them not to leave the city in a hurry these few days, lest no one could be found when the necessary search in the city was carried out.

The so-called necessary search, I am afraid that the high-level officials went to investigate in person. If the person is not there, there is no way to justify being suspected, which is not good.

Qin Yu and the two agreed, and returned to the inn after drinking.


Although Qin Yu knew that this incident was not a small one, and the city would definitely react, he never thought that the reaction would be so big.

That night, she was notified by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance to attend the city meeting the next day, but she was very surprised when she arrived at the City Lord's Mansion the next day.

Because there are really many people present.

There are fifteen five-star masters in the Three Kings Stack of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance alone.

"There were thirty-five five-star masters in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, one of them died. A few days ago, I heard that two more came up, that is thirty-six, thirty-six five-star masters, but more than half of them are practicing in Sanwangdie , but only eighteen."

"Eighteen people, and fifteen of them came back in one night. It's really complete."

"For the recruitment of the City Lord's Mansion, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance has always been obedient and obedient."

Is the gossip of some people here a compliment? In fact, full of sarcasm.

Qin Yu sat among the fifteen five-star master seats in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, facing the sarcasm and sarcasm from a few people not far away, but the others around him were also stable, and they were probably used to it.

"Mobai, you're new to Sanwangdie, I'm afraid you don't know yet. Although our northern border alliance is not weak, it is after all, and our Lielu is weak, and our reputation in Sanwangdie is not high. Not quite used to it yet."

The person who greeted and chatted with Qin Yu enthusiastically was called Dongshan Taoist. He was very handsome, polite and friendly.

Qin Yu glanced at him, "I was often ridiculed in Lielu before, it's nothing."

How can it be seen that she is not used to it.

Dongshan Taoist is obviously a good at awkward chatting, and said with a smile: "That's because those people didn't know how powerful you are, Mo Bai. Yesterday, you fought with Jiang He and the others. It was extremely exciting, and it made people's blood boil!"

Qin Yu: "Are you there?"

Taoist Dongshan: "I'm not here."

Qin Yu: "..."

Then you are also very good.

During the awkward chat, Qin Yu also noticed that the top three masters of the thirty-six five-star masters of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance were all there.

"Beidou, Jian Yu and Shangguan Weijiu are really rare. The three of them usually don't see each other."

The Dongshan Taoist also noticed that he got excited and crazily promoted the deeds of these three masters, making them look like crazy fans.

Jiaojiao: "I'm afraid this person is not a groupie, he is obviously a five-star star just like those three people, so he is so vulgar..."

Qin Yu: "Don't underestimate him, this person's strength is definitely among the top five among these fifteen people, perhaps second only to those three."

Of course Jiaojiao also knew that this person was not weak, but felt that the other person did not have the temperament of a strong person.

"Yuyu, you look like a strong person."

High cold, outstanding, sharp.

Apparently other people think so too, and now many people consider her record yesterday and believe that she is definitely in the top ten among the thirty-six five-star masters in the Northern Xinjiang League.

it's here. . . Basically, it can be in the top eight.

Amidst the discussions, the bosses of the City Lord's Mansion finally came.

The master of the city in the Mahayana period, that is, Hechuan Laodao, there are three in the tribulation period, and many peaks in the integration period, one of which is the defender commander, which can be described as a huge lineup.

The city lord's mansion convened, not to mention the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was very responsive, the other forces were actually not bad, and even the main force's branch in the main city of Sanwangdie, Shiweilou, also came to this city's branch.

Apart from Shiweilou, Huaye's Mountain Desolate Alliance is the strongest, but they are not the strongest forces in the entire Three Kings Stack.

"It's all the city lord's mansions of the Three Kings, they are the overlords of the Three Kings."

The family is the host, and of course the guest must cooperate.

Even as a victim?

"This is the person who came from Yunyi Pavilion—Li Qixi, the young master of Yunyi Pavilion. She came to investigate the murder of Mingqiu Taoist, the head of Yunyi Pavilion's Sanwangdian branch, and related members of Yunyi Pavilion."

Qin Yu, who was chatting with Taoist Dongshan, raised his eyes when he heard the sound.

What surprised her was that the head of Yunyi Pavilion, a big and powerful business firm that is quite famous in the two states, has a lot of wealth, and if you don't spend money, you are like a beggar compared to others, but such a person is actually in a wheelchair.

The face is fair and clean, the facial features are weak and beautiful, and the brows are full of delicate temperament like silk flowers.

Surrounded by masters from Yunyi Pavilion behind her, she looked even more delicate.

This kind of frailty was even worse than Wuque Qingqiu before.

This morbid weakness is too eye-catching.

Not only Qin Yu was surprised, but all the masters present were astonished.

Seemingly accustomed to other people's reactions, Li Qixi gently stroked the jade piece inlaid on the armrest of the wheelchair with her palm. Her voice was very thin, but not weak, just slow and soft.

"Everyone, I, the people of Yunyi Pavilion, are in trouble. In order to investigate the truth, I bother you, and I need you to spare time to cooperate with the investigation. Thank you very much."

"After the investigation is over, no matter what the result is, all fellow daoists who have nothing to do with being involved will be compensated by me in Yunyi Pavilion. We should all thank you for your generosity and help."

With a few words, she dispelled the secret unhappiness in the hearts of the people gathered for investigation.

The atmosphere quickly became warm, and there was no need for the City Lord's Mansion to use its strong majesty.

And Qin Yu was thinking about this young master who is very good at diplomacy. . . Is it an evil choice?

And it was her opinion or someone else's to target them with suspicion in such a short period of time?

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