I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1851 Follow You


As far as the organization is concerned, it works from top to bottom. Li Qixi is a very comfortable person like the spring breeze and the moon, and the people under her are also very thoughtful and complete in their work. Sit down low-key, and hand over the right to speak to the City Lord's Mansion.

None of the people present were stupid, calling so many people for a meeting was nothing more than an attitude of the City Lord's Mansion to investigate the matter, not to explain to Yunyi Pavilion, Yunyi Pavilion did not have such a big weight, the main reason was that it was too embarrassing.

After so many years of self-made tyrants and three kings, the city lord's mansion in each city is the highest ruling class of the three kings, and it is rare to be so embarrassing.

"It's not just a loss of face, the city lord's mansion in each city is not unattended, and the city lord's mansion of the Three Kings City is under the rule. If such a thing happened under his own rule, this old river river needs to be held accountable as the city lord, so He has to investigate Chou Yinmao, even if he really can't find out the real culprit behind the scenes, he should at least find out the details of the investigation regulations and leave it to Three Kings City to decide."

The real murderer behind the scenes. Qin Yu talked about this Kaikai, and he seemed to have no sense of being the instigator in his words, both inside and outside. He watched the city lord's mansion and Yunyi Pavilion jointly investigate and analyze carefully, and saw it with gusto.

Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi think that with this guy's brazen mentality, even if the old Taoist He Chuan confronts Li Qixi face to face, she probably won't reveal anything. . .

Three minutes later, Qin Yu said, "You two idiots are poisonous."

Because as soon as Taoist Hechuan raised his hand, Qin Yu took advantage of the opportunity to see that some masters sitting around were gone, and there was a white space in front of him in an instant.

If it was an ordinary murderer, she might have panicked at the first moment, thinking that she had been seen through, but Qin Yu didn't. She knew that it was the hands of Taoist Hechuan, who isolated the space and separated all the participants to investigate.

Soon, someone will come to interrogate her in person, not necessarily the highest level like Taoist He Chuan, but maybe. . .

It was Li Qixi.

This young pavilion master actually came to ask Qin Yu himself, could he be the most suspicious of her?

If Jiaojiao hadn't been instructed by Qin Yu, she might have panicked immediately.

"Where is Your Excellency Mobai?"

The first one to order was Qin Yu.

Sitting Qin Yu can look at Li Qixi without even raising his eyes, because he is also sitting.

She glanced at the other's quiet and weak face.

"You are Mobai?" Li Qixi was the young pavilion master with extensive knowledge, and he had never seen anyone before, so he was very calm.


"Your Excellency Mobai, do you know that the city and I, Yunyi Pavilion, jointly searched for the bandit who shot and killed Taoist Ming Qiu yesterday?"

Bandits, that's a good word to use.

"It's such a big deal, so I naturally know."

"But nothing."

Qin Yu sat safely, and said calmly after hearing the words: "Yunyi Pavilion is quite famous, there are as many masters as clouds, even the young pavilion master has arrived, and with the central control of Hechuan City's sovereignty, the whole process of searching, the ability is naturally enough, if you still can't find the other party , it can only be that there is a problem with the direction of the search.”

Li Qixi sighed softly, "That's right, if you can't search outside, there is no trace, so you have to go inside, but if you think about it carefully, the way to give birth to Roland's tail is to choose the closest..."

Qin Yu: "Roland's Tail? The poison in those people?"

Li Qixi: "Your Majesty Mobai, don't you know?"

Qin Yu: "I have nothing to do with other people's life or death."

Li Qixi, who had lost his family, was not angry, and smiled lightly: "So I apologize for bothering you."

Qin Yu: "It's over?"

She was indifferent to Li Qixi's weakness, and had nothing to do, she was also in this business.

Li Qixi: "The inn where Your Excellency Mobai is staying is very close to Zhuangzi."

Qin Yu: "I'm not the only one close."

Li Qixi: "Your Majesty Mobai seems to have lived in the residence of the five-star members of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance before. Why did you suddenly live in the inn?"

This is indeed a doubtful point.

Qin Yu was silent, as if he was being asked, but Li Qixi was not complacent about it, and just waited quietly for a response.

quite a while.

"A hyena was hunting outside and was injured. He didn't want to go back to the group, and would rather go outside to recuperate alone. What does the Young Pavilion Master think is the reason?"

Li Qixi also thought for a while, and said: "Because she doesn't trust the other hyenas in the group, she is afraid of being trapped in the hyena group and being assassinated, ah, so what does His Excellency Mobai mean, you don't trust the Northern Xinjiang Alliance? "

Qin Yu asked back: "Young Pavilion Master, do you trust Yunyi Pavilion?"

These words are not polite, but also sharp.

Li Qixi's quiet eyebrows and eyes seem to be a little darker, but they are still graceful and soft.

"For a person like me who can't walk, the only thing I can trust is a wheelchair."

It's an answer.

As if she understood Qin Yu, she said to herself, "The alliance that exists because of common interests will also disintegrate because of private interests. The word trust should not be used in it. Your Excellency Mo Bai was born as an assassin." , You should be more cautious, so is Your Excellency Mo Bai really injured?"

Her words were very coherent, without any gaps, and came out like flowing water, but the turning point of the last sentence. . .

Qin Yu glanced at her, "Young Pavilion Master didn't ask Hechuan City Lord to investigate the reality of those of us present?"

Li Qixi: "Yes, probably because they all rushed back from various dangerous places, many people were injured, but the one who was seriously injured was the one mentioned by His Excellency Mo Bai to that girl Mingchu, Taoist Hechuan."

Qin Yu: "Outsiders are envious of his situation, but they don't know the joys and sorrows inside."

It means that she gained fame in the battle with Mingchu, but she also paid a big price.

"Being able to bear what others can't, and being indifferent to what others care about, are all heroes. I admire them very much. He also has some medical skills. Would you like to let me have a look, Your Excellency Mobai?"

Qin Yu took a deep look at her. If the other party was a bad old man, Jiaojiao would definitely blow up, but the other party was weak and Qianqian, whose delicacy was even more pitiful than Qingqiu.

However, Qin Yu also knew that the other party was here to investigate, relying on the masters of Yunyi Pavilion and the support of the City Lord's Mansion, she had no room to refuse.

"what ever."

Mo Bai is notoriously indifferent, Li Qixi didn't take it seriously, and pinched Qin Yu's wrist.

She checked her pulse, but still had time to chat with Qin Yu, "Your Excellency Mobai has dealt with Jiang He and others, I'm afraid Huaye's will not let it go, what are your plans from now on?"

Qin Yu: "I can't even trust the Northern Xinjiang Alliance in Lielu. Could it be possible to tell you the whereabouts of the Young Pavilion Master? But if you want to know, you can check it yourself. I think Yunyi Pavilion has such abilities. "

Li Qixi felt her pulse very quickly, her eyebrows were moving, she withdrew her pale and clear hand, a little helpless, yet friendly, "If possible, I don't want that day, after all, I have a deep affection for Your Excellency Mobai, and I don't want to be your enemy."

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