I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1852 Unreal

"There is no enemy in this world, it all depends on the interests, and the interests always come and go with time, so there is no need to say too much, but you are so sure that you can investigate my reality, and you never thought about healing your leg?"

Qin Yu's words were cold and harsh, and the last sentence was also very abrupt, as if paying back to the other party.

Li Qixi's eyes paused for a moment, and her beautiful eyelids trembled slightly, "Healers may depend on their lives if they don't save themselves, but it may also be due to lack of ability. Is Your Excellency Mo Bai afraid that I won't be able to help you heal?"

Qin Yu: "I haven't thought about it, and you may not have thought about it either."

Li Qixi smiled, "That's not necessarily the case."

Qin Yu also withdrew his hand, and was noncommittal, "Okay?"

Li Qixi smiled, "Okay, but please wait for a while, I still have some people below to take a look, and it is estimated that after reading it, the Lord Hechuan will unlock the illusion."

Qin Yu nodded, "Please do."

After Li Qixi left, Qin Yu sat and practiced by himself. The time passed quickly, and it was over in about half an hour.

Illusion unlocked.

Qin Yu and the others sat in their seats one after another, each with different expressions, but they all noticed one thing.

Some people are missing.

Jiaojiao: "Ah, who are those people? Did they fail the investigation?"

Qin Yu: "It is estimated that they were detained... seven of them were detained, not too many, but not too many."

Jiaojiao didn't feel guilty, but said with emotion: "Then they are quite unlucky, and they are affected by you, Yuyu."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and sneered: "It's not unlucky, do you think these people were really investigated because of the deaths of Taoist Ming Qiu?"

Jiaojiao was taken aback.

——The action of the City Lord's Mansion is too big, Taoist Hechuan is also a master of the Mahayana stage, he is afraid that he has thoroughly investigated the object he is most suspicious of yesterday, and he will not wait until the next day to investigate, and this time the scope is expanded , Surveying more people is unlikely to change his opinion, but since the movement is getting bigger, there must be something else to gain.

——I think, he is using the death of Taoist Ming Qiu and others to openly and honestly investigate all the big forces and high-level personnel in the city, in order to investigate some spies or enemies.

——Those seven people are probably related personnel, and they were investigated.

——As for Li Qixi, perhaps the main purpose is to investigate the deaths of Taoist Ming Qiu and others, but they are all dead, so she can use this opportunity to achieve other purposes, such as collecting information on the three kings. She specially surveyed Qin Yu's reality, not only for the purpose of investigation, but also to determine her strength, and maybe also for the purpose of wooing her.

"That woman has a deep scheming heart. She looks like a sick child, but she can also cultivate. She is not as unlucky as Brother Xiaoniao..."

What she said was not groundless. At the end of the investigation, the seven people who disappeared made everyone look different, but they were all wise and did not ask more questions. It was done so well that many powerful people present at Yunyi Pavilion praised everyone. Of course, Jiaojiao felt that the gift from the other party was not low in value.

"It's not low, half a million middle-grade spirit stones."

Although it is not a windfall for the monks in the integration period, it is still a small fortune, which is enough to make up for the discomfort of this trip, and there is a surplus of goodwill. If they encounter Yunyi Pavilion in the future, they will feel embarrassed to make trouble.

It's really a good diplomacy, full of the decadent taste of money.

but. . . Qin Yu also found that there were other things in his pouch.


Several pairs of medicines were firmly wrapped up, as if carefully prepared.

Qin Yu glanced at Li Qixi not far away, and saw that this person was chatting and laughing happily with Taoist Hechuan and other high-level officials of the city lord's mansion, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Seemingly aware of Qin Yu's gaze, Li Qixi tilted her head to look over, nodded moderately, and smiled slightly.

Jiaojiao: "Yuyu, I think this person is a little too good to be true."

"If it's not true, it must be false." Qin Yu said lightly, turned and left.

After everything was over, the people in Yunyi Pavilion went back to stop. Compared to whether Li Qixi had gained anything else, her subordinates were extremely disappointed because they had nothing to gain.

"The City Lord's Mansion doesn't seem to have found anything, I wonder if the Young Pavilion Master has someone suspicious?"


"That Mobai...Young Pavilion Master, you questioned her from the very beginning, and my subordinates thought you were the most suspicious of her."

Li Qixi glanced at this person, and sighed slightly, "Doubt or no doubt, without definite evidence, any doubt is useless, and it's not like looking for watermelons in the field and cutting them up when you think it's ripe?"

Everyone has always been the same, after all, those present today are not ordinary people, they are all masters in high positions, and there are many forces involved behind them, it is really difficult to deal with.

"As for that Mobai, I was the first to find her for one reason."

"What does Young Pavilion Master mean?"

"I'm most interested in her."

What Li Qixi read in his hand was the information about Mo Bai, and it recorded in detail that the latter had completed more than a dozen difficult four-star missions within a month and had been promoted to five-star.

Among them, even the specific content and details of these more than a dozen tasks are registered in the book.

If Qin Yu was here, he would definitely come to a conclusion - there is a traitor from Yunyi Pavilion in the northern border.


Jiaojiao: "Wow, have you passed this level? Where shall we go next, Yuyu?"

Qin Yu: "There is no need to go anywhere now, because people will know where to go."

Someone follow? ! !

Jiaojiao was suspicious, but Qin Yu said: "That He Chuan put a lock on me, I'm afraid everyone is still under his lock, as long as he confirms who is still suspected in the later stage, I'm afraid he will kill him immediately. "

Sesame oil, the people in the city lord's mansion are not at all as cautious and strict as those rookie chickens in the past who are easy to fool and endless.

"It doesn't matter, Taoist Hechuan won't have time to take care of this soon."

As soon as Qin Yu finished speaking, he heard some people exclaim.

"what is that?"

"Look, the direction over the Howling Valley..."

The Howling Valley is farther than the Burning Sun Swamp, but there is too much movement there, and there are too many masters in the city, so someone soon noticed the movement.

"It's the little ghost king."

The little ghost king lost Qin Yu's trace and didn't dare to chase after him, so he vented his anger in the Howling Valley, chasing and killing those monks frantically, from the depths to the outside, causing the monks to complain.

He Chuan noticed the difference earlier, not only because of his advanced cultivation base, but also because too many masters have returned recently, not because of the recruitment of the city lord's mansion, but because many of them are already on their way back, and he has long since returned. Send someone to investigate, but no response yet.

Unexpectedly, the little ghost king has already appeared.


The little ghost king is no longer something that most practitioners can deal with, and it is not conducive to the prosperity of the three kings. Naturally, the City Lord's Mansion has to step forward, and Taoist Hechuan is obliged to do so. Therefore, the matter of Taoist Mingqiu can only be put aside for the time being, and he has to withdraw his mind.

People like Qin Yu were also free.

But she made a wave of evil selection in Yunyi Pavilion, and she wouldn't waste all her time dealing with it. She still has one more thing to do.

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