I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1858 Form a team

On the side is the staff of the Three Kings City Lord's Mansion, who are recruiting experts to organize a rescue team.

Qin Yu didn't care, and was about to enter the city, but saw a person standing under the light mirror, and the other person saw her.

Since they knew each other, Qin Yu couldn't turn a blind eye, so he could only walk over.

"What, you want to join?"

"Not necessarily, depending on the organization... Sometimes teammates are more important than opponents."

Mingchu is a swordsman who is accustomed to wandering and adventures, and she is not afraid of danger, and she also has reasons to go.

"There is a friend I know in there, so I have to go there."

She spoke lightly and did not ask Qin Yu if he would go.

Of course, Qin Yu didn't want to go, but seeing that he didn't ask, he was also happy not to say anything, and was about to leave when he glanced casually. . . Um?

Just now Jiaojiao said that Sanwangdie is very efficient, it is indeed very good, and even the background of the trapped people is clearly recorded.

If there is no sect, please note the place of origin.

What Qin Yu saw just now was - Yuejing, Lielu Dajingzhou.

She glanced at it because she was most familiar with this name, and above and below this name, there were several other names.

"Yuejing? Is it her?"

Qin Yu was taken aback, she didn't expect this person to appear in Three Kings, and also. . .

Jiaojiao: "Who, do you know?"

Qin Yu: "This is a pseudonym. The full name is Moon Mirror. I am also the Great Elder. When I explained Mo Bai's identity in detail, I also got a secret report from the sect. I knew that Moon Mirror's pseudonym was Moon Mirror, but I didn't expect her The three kings will come... It stands to reason that at this time, Wuque should gather all the combat power of the peak master level in the peak, because the sect review is sent down from the Tianzang Realm, and the peak master will usually not be absent, why is she here? ..."

Qin Yu couldn't figure it out, and was about to send a message back to Wuque to ask the Great Elder, but suddenly thought that there are so many masters in the Three Kings Stack, and there are many masters in the Mahayana period, and she is considered a striking person now. Arrested for arraignment.

"At this time, the thoughts and spiritual consciousness of the master of Three Kings Stack are very frequent. I can't send messages, at least not in Three Kings City..."

Qin Yu pressed his thoughts, and Mingchu had already gone to sign up.

"Master Mingchu, thank you for your support for the rescue operation of the Three Kings City. You are a master of combined combat power and have the right to form your own team. Let's see if..."

Although the Three Kings City is the boss of the Three Kings Stack, it is not overly arrogant, at least it maintains 120% respect for the high-end combat power in the integration period.

So people like Mingchu are respected wherever they go.

Since Mingchu thinks that pig teammates are more terrifying than god opponents, he naturally doesn't want to join other people's teams casually, so as not to be dragged down, but the headless creek is very dangerous, and it can't be done in a fusion period, so it must be a team.

But she doesn't have many acquaintances here, and she doesn't know much, and she can't form a team for a while, so she can find someone who is passable?

She was about to check the various support teams when she suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

She raised her eyebrows, and before she could speak, she heard someone beside her say, "We form a team of two."

The person in charge of the registration saw Qin Yu and immediately recognized him, "It's Master Mobai, the two teams are very good together, and they happen to be acquainted."

The intelligence system of San Wang Die is absolutely powerful, and the person in charge of registration probably knew about the fierce battle between the two of them and Jiang He and the other three.

Familiar? They shouldn't be very familiar with each other, but neither of them bothered to refute.

Mingchu: "Yes, together."

"Do you need to add others?"

"Need not."

"Okay, the registration is complete, please wait for the news."


Most of the teams have to go together, the formation of the team is controlled at a high density, and the captains generally have to obey the people above the Sanwangdian City Lord's Mansion, but there are exceptions.

Qin Yu and Mingchu left directly.

With the strength of the two of them, they can deal with three headless corpses, at least they can come and go.

The two were fast, avoiding the crowds at the official entrance of the headless creek, and entered the headless creek.

Mingchu was a little surprised, "Why haven't we met this way?"

"Last night, both the headless corpse and the tongue went deep, and people disappeared like evil things. This is not unusual, and what is a bit strange is that the bloody water of this headless stream last night, floating a lot The heads came down, and I saw that those heads were very old... The source of the creek is in the depths, right?"

"Yes, I checked the information. The origin of this headless stream is at the source. Later, as the blood became corrosive, a stream continued to be eroded."

Because there was no obstruction, the two rushed to the depths as fast as they could.

Although it was daytime, the depths of the headless creek were like night, it was very drowsy, and the air was full of corpses, even if the two of them had advanced cultivation, they had to set up a barrier in advance to stop them. Corpse gas invaded.

The farther you go, the darker your sight becomes. This is a small village, and there are streams bypassing it inside and outside the village.

"I heard that the most primitive wave of heads in the headless creek came from a village, and the source of the creek also came from this village. I'm afraid it's the one in front of me."

Mingchu used the tip of his sword to push away the grass blocking the road in front of him, revealing a road in front of him.

The sharp eyes of the two of them saw that there were many human bones and rotting flesh mixed in the soil in minutes.

The feeling of stepping on it is really shocking.

Baji baji, but neither of them deliberately blocked such voices.

Because excessive coldness is not a good thing.

After walking for a while, Qin Yu suddenly stamped his feet, raised his palm and breathed a spiral, rolling some sawdust scattered on the ground in front of him for no reason.

When the sawdust condensed, Mingchu had already observed the surroundings, "There was a fight here before, it should have been a month ago, these weeds were injured by spiritual power, and it has been a month since they died, this board?"

The wooden plank in Qin Yu's hand was condensed and decayed, and there were bloody characters on it, but it had been a long time, and the blood had solidified into black, writing to Lijiacun.

The name of this village is quite down-to-earth.

Hang up is a road sign hanging here, and it was smashed by the fight.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, and stroked the wooden board with his fingers, touching the claw marks on it.

"It's an attack by the tongue. Someone here was attacked a month ago, but those who have the courage to come here are probably not weaker than us. A few tongues can't deal with them unless there is no headless corpse, or... ."

Ming Chu's sword swept across, and the large piece of wild grass in front of him was crushed silently by the sword energy and flew away with the sword wind, exposing the ground.

There are densely packed tongue and foot prints in the soil on the ground.

Occasionally, there are some traces of monks.

"Or there will be at least forty or fifty siege tongues besieging, you and I may be difficult to deal with, and the other party is also the same."

"If someone came here a month ago, they would be besieged by so many tongues. They all returned to the depths last night. Why did you and I come here today, but we have been unstopped..."

The two looked at each other, suddenly held the sword together, and pointed at the sword light.

Quack quack.

The sudden cry of crows was annihilated.

Qin Yu turned his head and saw a few crows flying up from the branches of the forest, but they were shot down before flying a few meters high.

"There are crows..." Mingchu felt suspenseful, but Qin Yu had already started, and directly picked a crow and cut it open, and there were several maggots in the internal organs of the tiny bird.

"The bird is a good bird, not a corpse, but what is hidden inside is a twelve-ordered maggot."

Ming Chu was good at swordsmanship, but he was not as knowledgeable as Qin Yu. He heard about the twelve-eyed maggot, and he didn't know that it could be used for surveillance until Qin Yu explained it.

"Someone is watching us?"

"I don't know, but there's something wrong with this corpse."

"Too thick?"

"No, it's lighter than I thought."

There are a lot of rewards today, I can’t put your names in the header of the chapter, so I can only add them slowly. I counted the number of updates today. It was 55 updates before, 11 times, and today’s rewards count as three times and five updates. There are still a total of There are 14 fifth shifts, minus the addition of 4 shifts so far, and there are 11 shifts left.

If today's fifth update is successful, there are still 10 times left.

I will pay back slowly, take your time, everyone will have a long time to come.

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