I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1859 A Well

Mingchu was surprised, but after a little thought, he understood Qin Yu's meaning - last night, so many headless corpses and tongues gathered in the depths. It is several times stronger now, but even if the corpse aura they feel is not weak now, it is not in line with common sense.

"Are they hiding in a place that is isolated from the corpse, or are they no longer here?"

Mingchu frowned, "If we weren't here, then things would be more troublesome than we imagined."

It's just a guess. The two are practical people. They searched the vicinity and found that there was a small road where the board was just found, so they went in, but they both raised their status to the highest level.

There are about seventy or eighty households in this village, all of which are very dilapidated, and I don't know how many years old they are.

"It's also interesting. It has a history of thousands of years, and people don't know where it went. Even though this house is dilapidated, it can still be preserved to this day."

"The yin is too heavy. Naturally, these wooden houses have been grown into shady trees, and they are all shady trees that are more than a thousand years old. I am afraid that living people will naturally turn into ghosts within a few days after living in them."

This place is so fierce that Jiaojiao doesn't like it very much, so she doesn't chat with Qin Yu through sound transmission, which makes Qin Yu feel much cleaner.

From entering the village to walking to the end of the village, it took more than ten minutes. The two first came to guard against the attack of evil things, and secondly searched for traces of some monks who came here to be in danger. They found two things.

1. There are no headless corpses or tongues.

2. There is no trace left of the person they want to search for. After thousands of years of history, it seems to be what it should be, and it is still what it is.

That's scary.

There is no hair, check a hammer!

but. . . Seems like there's something else to look up.

Mingchu pointed the tassel hanging from the hilt of the sword to the rare building of a wealthy family in front of him.

This place should be the ancestral home of some famous families in the village. Compared with other small thatched huts, it looks very simple and majestic. There are stone lions sitting in front of it, and the gate is also a little wide. There was the faint rustling of fallen leaves being blown by the wind.

Somewhat eerie and creepy.

And the tassel of Mingchu's long sword has automatically rotated, and the delicate bamboo bone chalcedony beads have also captured the strong corpse energy contained in it, and gradually filled with blood red.

There is something dirty.

The two looked at each other, Qin Yu walked ahead, Ming Chu leaned back to prepare,

Qin Yu went up the steps step by step, and approached specially, pushing open the door with his hands.

The harsh sound of door panels rubbing against each other, slowly, slowly. . . . elongated.


The doors slammed to the sides, crushing the space behind the doors as well, but there was nothing, they just slammed into the door walls loudly and shattered.

Such a loud noise resounded through the entire village, and it was also amid such movements. . With his back to Mingchu, Qin Yu's pupils turned miraculously, his eyes caught the dust particles in the air, and he could even see clearly the corpse aura attached to the particles, followed by fallen leaves, stones, and wood.

With just one glance, Qin Yu raised his foot and stepped on the ground.

Mingchu saw it from behind, and was slightly surprised, because she saw that Qin Yu had used a spell.

Half magical powers, feet of great strength.

One foot down.

The floor shattered, revealing the ground in the courtyard. . . Two headless corpses.

But it was not stepped on by Qin Yu, but attacked suddenly, but Qin Yu was a second faster than them, and the giant foot went down, the golden light was strong, the range was trampled, the floor was cracked, Qin Yu had no head under his feet Li Shi's shoulder was also kicked back by her.


The newly emerged end went down unscathed and just smashed back into the ground, but the other end came out and pounced on Qin Yu.

The speed was extremely fast, but Ming Chu behind him was even faster.

Qin Yu stepped back to the other end, which was equal to 2-1=1. At that moment, they only needed to work together to kill a headless corpse.

She raised her hand and drew out the sword, and the sword energy was flying, each sword was like a bamboo branch born out of thin air, tough and flexible, directly entangled the attacking headless corpse.

The left hand is hooked with the imperial sword, and the right hand is pointing at the hilt of the sword. The spiritual power continues to wander, and the sword shadow is also hooked, which is like a flying sword forming a chain, firmly restraining it.

However, it can only be restrained for a short time. First, her spiritual power output may not be able to keep up, and the explosive power of this headless corpse is terrifying, so it is difficult to restrain one person for a long time.

But enough.

After being restrained in this way, Qin Yu stepped on the clear flying sword chain and floated away. In an instant, he touched the shoulders of the headless corpse, stepped on both feet, hum! Two Shufa halos suppressed its shoulders, and the headless corpse let out a roar and half-kneeled.

The ground exploded again, but Qin Yu had already jumped up, grasped his fingertips, drew his sword, and turned his wrist, a full moon drawing sword technique, floating and jumping!


The sword pierced fiercely into the headless neck of the headless corpse - this is also the place where it has the least skin defense.

Karma wipe. . . There was a creepy sound of flesh and blood cutting into it, and the headless corpse let out a terrifying howl, its arms struggled wildly, and the chains trembled violently, disintegrating inch by inch.

But Qin Yu's sword was still inserted into his heart through his neck.

One sword cuts the lifeblood.


Not yet.

Mingchu retracted her hands, the flying sword retracted, reunited in her hands and turned into an elegant and clean green sword, then she sacrificed a drop of chicken blood from the tip of her left finger, pressed it into the blade, the sword intent wandered away, whoosh !

A blue light came out of the sword, and it also stabbed the heart of the headless corpse.

This is not a heart-piercing sword, but an exorcism sword.

The heart pulse is broken, and the corpse is exhausted.

The corpse of the headless corpse just trembled violently, and soon, the skin of the corpse, which was strong enough to resist general attacks in the fusion stage and did not break through the defense, cracked open automatically, oozing out extremely foul-smelling translucent blue pus, and convulsed.


It fell to the ground.

Four moves, two moves, two moves each, forcibly killed a headless corpse in less than three seconds.

So efficient, no more than two reasons.

1. Both of them are very powerful.

2. Greatness belongs to greatness, and cooperation is also cowhide.

Of course, this kind of cooperation was discussed early on the road, and they had a strategy - such as what skills to use to cooperate most efficiently.

This is like making a strategy in advance before entering the dungeon. Once you encounter one head, how to kill it, how to kill two heads, and three heads. . . Even if you have more than four heads, let's run.

But one fell to the ground, and there was another.

After a while, the other end also fell to the ground.

Neither of them belonged to Flame and Thunder, and if they couldn't burn the corpse, they wouldn't waste their energy.

"There is nothing outside, so they can't all hide in this room."

The two killed the two heads, thinking that there was a group hiding in the room, but Tassel sensed it. . . . It's gone.


There is only one well in the backyard.


In this kind of place, a well suddenly appeared in a square yard full of decay, it was really not a pleasing picture.

Qin Yu still walked forward, and Mingchu was preparing behind, but Mingchu saw Qin Yu went to the well and looked down, then took a step back, with a strange expression on his face.

Is there something dangerous? I didn't see her move either.

Mingchu: "What's wrong?"

She looked forward as she spoke, but before she could see, Qin Yu grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

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