I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1860 One Sword

Mingchu was surprised, and glanced down at the other party's hand that was holding her, raised his face, thoughtfully, "What is something you can see, but I can't."

Qin Yu also glanced at her, and said calmly: "Unmarried girls can't see it."

Mingchu: "..."

She was silent for a while, then laughed, "As if you were married?"

Qin Yu: "Not married, but I already have children."

Jiaojiao was startled at that moment, "Fish, are you going to blame Senior Sister Fang Fang?"

She is an unmarried goddess, and you turned her into an unmarried young woman with children?

Mingchu probably didn't expect it, so he was stunned for a while before he said, "Then I'll congratulate you first...but what does this have to do with me not being able to see that well?"

Qin Yu couldn't explain it for a while, and with Mo Bai's temperament, she could only let go of her hand, "Then you see, it's good to have a raised posture."

Mingchu was suspicious, stepped forward and looked down, and with just one glance, she saw the reality at the bottom of the well.

There is water down the well.

The blood was thick, but soaked in the white body.

Fresh and plump, it is the beautiful ketone body of a young woman, but it is fixed in blood and puts on an extremely ugly posture. Of course, there is also a male corpse. . .

Mingchu was astonished, his complexion quickly stained some crimson, then he took a step sideways, frowned and said: "How could this be?"

Qin Yu was very calm, and said: "Yin combined with the magic of python intercourse, someone is using this well to breed corpse children."

The Corpse Boy may not be better than the Headless Corpse, but the Headless Corpse is a tool. It is a finished product and has no room for improvement, but the Corpse Boy is not. It is very difficult to create and has great potential. king.

"I've heard of this terrible sorcery, but I don't know it's like this... But this environment can really breed corpse children?"

Qin Yu: "No."

This kind of thing can fool most righteous people, but she has some knowledge of evil arts. After checking the surrounding environment and the setting of the ancient well, she knew that the way to raise corpse children was wrong.

Mingchu: "..."

cannot? That. . . .

Mingchu's reaction was also quick, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked to the edge of the ancient well again, "That's why he deliberately used such unsightly things to prevent others from going down this well."

Righteous people cherish their feathers. If they see the men and women in this well, they will feel ashamed if they don’t recognize them, and they will ignore them. At best, they will fish out the two corpses and bury them. If you drop a corpse, you will never go down to the bottom of that filthy well, so as not to be contaminated with unclean things. How can you think that there is any mystery down there.


The two corpses were fished out, and Mingchu helped them dispel the evil spirits, and also destroyed the runes inscribed on the bodies, and then cremated them, so as not to turn into ghost corpses soon after being buried here.

On her side, Qin Yu has already sucked up some of the blood below with water-absorbing spirit beads.

The water-absorbing spirit beads are suspended in the palm, evil and mysterious.

Mingchu glanced at it, not quite understanding what she was going to do.

It's not easy to go down the well, she thought Qin Yu was going to dry up the well water, but it turned out. . . What is the use of sucking blood?

As a result, Qin Yu took out two outer robes, which seemed to be magical artifacts, but they could not be seen to have any power, and they were densely covered with seals of the secret flow.

She took out the blood and sacrificed it into the robe, and the blood filled the gap of the secret flow.

After finishing, Qin Yu handed one to Mingchu.

"This is the Cloak of Concealment, which isolates the homogeneous environment. A layer of blood water is sacrificed into the robe, and it blends into the environment like a discoloration. The evil spirit in the blood water at the bottom of the well will recognize that we are the same substance as it, and will not invade, otherwise If you and I are in the bloody water, it will be difficult for the magic barrier to resist for a long time—especially when the water outside does not know how deep it is."

She was indifferent, but when she explained seriously, although she couldn't see the face under the mask, Mingchu also felt that this friend who was an accidental acquaintance with a gentleman should be a very gentle person in his bones.

At least take care of other people's feelings.

Of course, it is far more powerful than she imagined, as if it is omnipotent.

"Thank you."

The two of them went into the water wearing the cloak, and the blood was really dirty. Under the water, the two of them could feel all kinds of disgusting things contained in it without insight.

But the water was far deeper than they thought. . . .

It took a full half an hour, when the Cloak of Cloak was almost weakened and was about to be corroded by the extremely deep blood.

Qin Yu and the two finally saw an underwater cave.

The two swam over immediately, covered by the water curtain, but the inside was quite dry after entering.

Taking off the nearly scrapped cloak, Qin Yu didn't go straight away, but collected other blood and made several sets in a row. Mingchu watched from the side and felt that so many sets were probably not just the two of them going the same way. I will use it when I go back, and I will prepare it for others. I will do it now, because I am afraid that it will be too late to escape when I encounter some danger.

From this point of view, this Mobai is really careful and meticulous to the extreme.

"Aren't you afraid that the two of us will die inside and won't be able to get out?" Mingchu asked.

Qin Yu glanced at her, and said calmly: "The person who can say such things so casually must not be a crow's mouth."

Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi somehow felt that their butt and the wall had been hit by several arrows.

MMP, chatting with the Goddess of Sword Do not forget to hurt them, forget who you are?

Mingchu laughed, "Well, my luck is indeed not bad."

Qin Yu was done soon, and then walked into the cave with Mingchu.

To be honest, she has a bit of a psychological shadow on the cave.

Probably Tianzang Zhixuan created various caves, one ring after another, there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, snakes, maze specialists, endless.

But the number of roads in this ancient well is a bit straightforward. After the water curtain enters, it will directly open the door to a large and wide space.

There is only one thing inside.

Hundreds of large tile vats.

Qin Yu and Ming Chu: "..."

Qin Yu thought of the Jiangxi Mature Vinegar Factory on Earth.

What people put in the big vat is bad vinegar, but in this big tile vat. . .

Qin Yu and Ming Chu looked at each other. This time, Ming Chu stepped forward and Qin Yu was behind.

Mingchu swiped his finger, opened the lid silently, nothing scary came out, quietly, he leaned over to have a look.


There were many heads soaked in it, and when Ming Chu took a look, these heads also opened their eyes.

"It's the head of a dead body, be careful!"

As soon as Mingchu finished speaking, all the skulls in the vat flew up, and many resentful spirits flew out from the wall, and when they flew into the skulls, they turned into vicious headless ghosts.

Are these hundreds of headless ghosts okay?

I can't stand the Tribulation Period!

But just when Ming Chu and Qin Yu were about to be bitten to death by the terrifying headless ghost flying in mid-air, Qin Yu acted very decisively, directly unsheathed Chao Ci sword, and was thrown out by her.

Bang! ! !

A sword pierced into the wall, poof! Blood sprayed from the wall.

Crash, hundreds of headless ghosts seemed to have lost their power, and they all fell to the ground.

Jiaojiao was already screaming, she was so handsome!

How should I put it, since she is a woman and also a swordsman, Mingchu really thinks this sword is too beautiful.

Kill decisively.

As is her sword, so is her person.

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