I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1862 Interesting (End of Fifth Watch, 20181228212757777)


The number of old zombies has not doubled, but there are forty or fifty more, and the most frightening thing is that they concentrate their attacks. . .

"It's the three-hundred-year-old Zombie who hasn't reached the level of the Little Zombie King. He hasn't realized his sanity, so he won't be so smart and concentrate his attacks. Someone must be driving him behind..."

"How vicious this person is, I'm afraid it was deliberate to drive us here."

"It's better to forcefully kill out if you know before, than to be trapped at this moment."

"Now we have to kill it, otherwise we are waiting to die!"

At this moment, both Beidou and Jin Banshan have no motivation to argue, because their attitudes are the same.

must be discarded.

Jing Butrit also agreed with this choice. The two siblings also knew the situation and felt helpless, but they couldn't, because even the relatives and friends of the injured had to endure the pain.

They are all people who have practiced for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and they are not so unwise. Even if some people are reluctant to let go, they can only take it with them. They will never have the face to let others bear the burden of these sick and terrible old zombies for themselves.

The atmosphere was sad and solemn for a while, and there was a stiff roar from outside, and the barrier began to tremble violently. After a while, everyone raised their spiritual power, and under the leadership of Jing Buzhu, Beidou and Jin Banshan, they rushed out .

boom! The barrier was opened, and the monks took the initiative to choose the position with the least staleness to try to break through.

Everyone attacked together, and indeed opened a hole, but before rushing out, there was a substitute from behind.

As soon as they met each other, the faces of Jin Banshan and the three of them changed slightly, but they still attacked with all their strength, knocking out four or five old stiffs, but they were facing more and more people. . . .

It's over.

Still worse.

After failing to break out of the encirclement, Jin Banshan and Jing Butritium were furious, and suddenly saw a purple light flying out, Beidou rushed out!

"Big Dipper!"

"Damn it, this Big Dipper ran away by itself!"


Surprised by everyone, most of them were furious, although they also knew that if there was a chance to escape, they might not give it up, and the other party was capable of escaping, but. . . Some monks who are also members of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance can't bear it.

Jing Butritium and Jin Banshan's expressions were very ugly, because once Beidou escaped, they faced even greater pressure.

Soon some people screamed, and some were swallowed without even having a chance to scream, but most of them were forced to retreat into the temple, where they were about to die.

The fierce old zombies suddenly became restless.

Why are you restless?

This restlessness is due to the sound of fighting in the Populus euphratica forest on the west side of the temple.

There is not only the black aura that wanders in the dark, but also the sharp sword aura that drifts around.

Someone is fighting in the forest!

Taking advantage of the restlessness of the old zombies, Jin Banshan and Jing Butrit exchanged a glance, "It's the one who drove the zombies! Let's go!"

The two took the opportunity to go out, but instead of escaping, they also shot into the forest, directly entering into a fierce battle.


In the forest, there were two female cultivators fighting the man in black. One was the main attacker, and the other was the main assistant. They tightly entangled the strong man in black. After not too many moves, Jing Buzhuo and the two came , these two people are stronger than what Qin Yu and the other two showed in terms of single-handed attack. As soon as they got into the situation, they immediately gave a critical blow to the man in black.

The man in black vomited blood, so he could only drive the old zombie to his side for rescue, but Qin Yu and the others were so fast that the four of them had a reasonable chain operation.

The head of the man in black finally flew up.


Qin Yu, who sacrificed the last sword to behead his head, shook off the blood on the sword. Jing Buzhen and the two were about to say thanks, but Jin Banshan recognized Qin Yu and the two at a glance. His face darkened, and his eyes flashed. Ask directly, "You shouldn't have killed him just now, otherwise how would you know who he is? Why did you surround and kill us!"

Qin Yu didn't know that this was Jin Banshan's intentional trouble for Lielu. He glanced at him and said indifferently: "The technique of controlling zombies is very tricky. If you don't kill them, wait until he controls those old zombies and kills everyone over there?"

Jin Banshan, who was beaten back, was embarrassed for a while, but he tried his best to refute, "Could it be that if you kill him, those old fools..."

He was very soft and stopped talking, because the old zombie was gone.

They all ran in one direction.

Surprised, Jing Butrit glanced at Qin Yu and the two, "What method did you use to lure them away?"

"The flesh and blood of rattan spirit dolphin, paired with musk spirit incense, zombies like it the most."

What attracts them more than living people is naturally finished flesh and blood. If you add a little seasoning, it is indeed more attractive to old zombies than these hard-to-eat monks—especially under the premise that they are out of the control of the man in black. Like vicious dogs that smelled of dog bones, they immediately dispersed.

But Jing Butritium and Jin Banshan were very surprised, because they never knew that rattan dolphin and musk spirit incense are the favorite food of zombies. . .

In fact, Mingchu knew it for the first time.

"I've studied it." Qin Yu answered in three simple words. After all, she couldn't tell them that she had studied many existences related to "corpse".

What dead corpses, living corpses, living dead, zombies, walking corpses.

Different corpse products from each plane will be released.

Of course, this is the first time I have encountered such a high-level old zombie, but she has read enough books, and she is also busy with other things when alchemy and other potions are produced. . .

Jiaojiao: "What else could it be? Just dissect some corpses by the alchemy furnace, use Xiaobai to research zombie potions, turn them into little zombie mice, and then use the little zombie mice to study their eating preferences... .Let me just say you are a pervert, now it seems that you are very far-sighted.”

People who love to the extreme are like this, when they praise you, there is damage, and there is a little distorted praise in the damage.

——Your Highness, you are now a jade pendant, be more reserved and elegant.

——And I remember that when she was dissecting and raising the little mice, you were eating meat by the fire of the Dan furnace.

Jiaojiao: "Oh, I see."

Jiaojiao: "Wow, Yuyu, you are really amazing! Pen refill~~"

——. . . .

All right, as long as you like it.

No matter what, Qin Yu and Ming Chu showed their faces in front of everyone, and the people in the temple expressed their gratitude after knowing it.

But after a wave of thanks, they all had a feeling - this Mobai is so cold, and his aura is so strong, it feels that even Jing Butritium is inferior to him.

Everyone was in awe, but they didn't dare to get close. Without the crowd around, Qin Yu felt much more relaxed. While Mingchu was chatting with Jing Butrit and others, she looked around and quickly noticed the wounded lying in front of the Buddha statue. . . .

To be honest, Jiaojiao spoke out what Qin Yu was thinking.

"Yuyu, are you looking at those two siblings?"

"What? No, I'm looking at their injuries."

"Those wounded are nothing to look at, they are half-dead, but the two siblings are not bad, you are obviously looking at them!"

"When you said that about me, you actually thought the same in your heart. Otherwise, why would you pay attention to their good looks? If you don't think so in your heart, it means that you are not in the right mind, and you are a dishonest fat man."

Qin Yu's logic is logical, which is comparable to brainwashing.

Jiaojiao seriously thinks about ING.

Huang Jinbi thinks that the only thing His Royal Highness did right was to hold the leg of a peerless enchanting village girl after holding the salted fish for thousands of years.

After fooling Jiaojiao, Qin Yu really took a serious look at the two siblings, hey, they really look good.

But this statue. . . It seems to look more interesting.

It seems that three leaders have been added today, Riyue Weiyang, Qi Shutong, 20181228212757777, the names can’t be put down, and the chapter name will be added in another day, and the owed amount will also be added. I calculated carefully and subtracted today’s five More, I still owe you 12 five times, I will pay it back slowly, and I wish you a happy new year.

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