I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1863 Line of Sight


At first glance, the Buddha statue is actually the same, the only problem is that the person looking at it is Qin Yu.

Qin Yu is a person with venomous eyes. He can see both the living and the dead. Let's look at the statues. . . People in the direct line of Gu Daofeng are all engaged in jade carving, and also have research on statues, so she looked at it for a while, saw the essence through the phenomenon, and saw it. . .

Its sculptural nature, such as internal structure and so on.

But the problem is that she is a person with special pupil vision ability. If Hanhai Chaoyi's fairy pupil talent focuses on the energy system and belongs to the material category, then Qin Yu focuses more on the soul category.

— What do you see? what is inside?

Huang Jinbi asked, but Qin Yu said: "It's empty, nothing, it looks normal."

Jiaojiao: "Isn't that great, Yuyu, you can't think that people are abnormal just because they stay in the zombie mountain."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, and said deeply: "The problem is that it only has problems staying in the Baozi Mountain where the corpse aura is so strong."

Jiaojiao: "You speak human language."

——She means that after staying in such an environment for many years, it is really abnormal for this Buddha statue to remain unchanged and not be contaminated with the smell of corpses.

——Take a look at Lijia Village in Wutouxixi, those woods have turned into thousand-year-old Yinling wood, the corpse atmosphere on this bun is even worse than Lijiacun in Wutouxixi, the Buddha statue is still a kind of cast The carrier is more erosive and alienating than the wood of those houses, so why is it so clean?

Jiaojiao suddenly realized, "So it...could it be some kind of Buddhist treasure?"

Qin Yu laughed, but instead: "There is another possibility, that is, it hides something deeper than my ability."

Jiaojiao: "Impossible! Now you can see through all the fit periods outside, including their souls."

That's right, so the number of paths on this Buddha statue must be above the integration period.

That would be very dangerous.

Qin Yu looked down from the Buddha statue to the ground.

Eyes slightly. . . .

"Mobai." Mingchu called Qin Yu, who turned to look at her, "Okay?"

Ming Chu nodded, "They are leaving and asked if we want to act together."

Don't think the crisis here is resolved at this time, but this mountain of buns is huge, there are countless old zombies scattered around, and a man in black has appeared out of nowhere, so it's natural to hold together.

When Mingchu was speaking, Jing Butrit also came over on his own initiative, and solemnly invited him again.

Qin Yu: "Sorry, I still have friends to save, so I can't go with you."

Jing Buzhuo: "So that's the case, but now this Baozi Mountain is far more dangerous than before. Although Your Excellency Mobai is capable, it may be very dangerous alone. Why don't you come out of the mountain first with us? His Excellency Mingchu also said just now that the Three Kings City A rescue team has been dispatched and there is a good chance we will join them."

Qin Yu: "Time is running out, I'm afraid people will die."

In this case, I am too embarrassed to persuade you any more, Jing Buzhen took a deep look at Qin Yu, and then at Mingchu, "Where is Your Excellency Mingchu?"

Mingchu: "I'll listen to her."

Nice and simple answer.

Jing Butritium smiled helplessly, "Alright then, both of you, take care."

Then he organized the staff and prepared to leave.

The rest of the people also took the wounded and prepared to leave. When they got behind, the two siblings walked behind.

They had been busy saving people just now, and they didn't have time, so they specially walked back to thank them at this moment.

"Senior Mobai, Senior Mingchu, thank you for saving your life."

This young man is very pure and kind, his eyes are bright and clean, his gratitude to the two is beyond words, but he is not good at expressing it, he seems to want to say something, but he doesn't know what to say.

The woman next to him patted him on the shoulder, and said softly to Qin Yu and the two of them: "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I'm Xiao Sangwei and my brother Xiao Bailiang. If you go back to the city, if you two live in leisure time, you will definitely visit me."

Mingchu had a good impression of this woman with a graceful temperament and a medical demeanor, so she nodded in agreement, and Qin Yu also nodded slightly, but when the two of them walked some distance away, she suddenly transmitted a word to Xiao Sangwei.

"Your brother has a special physique, don't bring him to a place like Baozi Mountain next time."

Xiao Sangwei was startled, and turned her head to look, but Qin Yu and the two were no longer seen.


Qin Yu and the two left the ruined temple, but they didn't go far.

Watching the group go away in the forest, the two can still see Jin Banshan talking to Jing Butritium.

He was probably speaking ill of Qin Yu and the others.

In addition, Beidou escaped before. . . It is estimated that the people of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance will be looked down upon.

But Qin Yu didn't care, and Ming Chu didn't care, she just asked Qin Yu: "I thought you would agree to them, not because you wanted to go out, but because there are these people, there are so many people, so it's easier to investigate. "

Qin Yu took a deep look at her, and said lightly: "If you encounter a situation that you and I can't handle, these people are useless, and if you encounter any danger and hurt someone, whether you or I will save it depends on the picture. Just causing trouble."

These words are cold enough, but also very realistic and calm.

Mingchu: "That's right, I didn't expect this level."

Qin Yu: "Didn't you think of it? I don't believe it."

Ming Chu smiled, "Okay, then what's the point...there is something wrong with this ruined temple?"

She actually noticed Qin Yu's thoughts.

"There is a problem with that Buddha statue. It is too clean, and there is no dust accumulation in the gap between the carving seat and the ground, and it often moves."

As soon as Qin Yu explained, he suddenly understood, "I didn't pay attention to this, so you and I are waiting here..."

Qin Yu moved aside and asked her to stand over.

Standing in her position, Mingchu looked towards the ruined temple, where the line of sight could just pass through a hole in one wall of the ruined temple, and the line of sight extended inwards, and there was no one inside, as dead and desolate as ever.

But she was also keen, and immediately noticed something strange.

"Blood, the blood left by those wounded before is gone. Xiao Sangwei and the others left in a hurry before, but they didn't deal with it."

The blood that was still there before leaving, is gone so soon?

Mingchu is not a person who is surprised at first glance, although he is suspicious, he is not impetuous, and Qin Yu's finger suddenly fell on his temple.

"Look again."

Mingchu only felt a cool breath pouring into her eyes, and soon, her vision expanded infinitely and finely, and she soon saw in the cracks of the floor tiles besides the dust particles, there were existences smaller than these particles.



"No, it's Zombie."

Qin Yu pulled his hand back, and said calmly: "Zombies are absolutely dead things, and most of them are old for a long time. They can't see living things, and they don't stay alive. A corpse is still a living thing, but a zombie is not. It is born from a complete body. The existence of the zombie body, but without stiffness and corpse, we can't detect it."

"I'm afraid there is Xu Xuanxu under the Buddha statue... Maybe there is still room for secrets."

The two quickly entered the ruined temple. Because there were no obstacles, the two were also bold masters of high art, and planned to detect the Buddha statue directly, but Mingchu didn't expect that Qin Yu's detection method would be to kick it directly on the Buddha statue. On the carved seat of the Buddha statue.

Even the carved seat of the Buddha statue was kicked and moved to the wall without hitting it, leaving a subtle gap.

But the exposed pitch-black formation undoubtedly proved their speculation.

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