I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1864 Altar (Yesterday 20181228212757777 leader)

On the way of swordsmanship, Mingchu would not show her timidity in front of Qin Yu, but she knew that formations and spells were too late for her, so she just guarded her surroundings and let Qin Yu study them.

"It is indeed an entrance, there is space below, and the last time it was activated was last night."

"Last night?" Mingchu was surprised, but quickly thought of it: "Because of the change the night before yesterday, the headless corpse moved over the headless creek, it is estimated that the other party moved the monks they captured that night, but we It took nearly two days from the headless creek to Baozi Mountain, and the other party is probably about the same, and arrived here a day faster than us, and the time is right."

It's just a day, maybe less than a day, maybe everyone is still alive, the two try their best to think about the good, but they don't want to waste time, want to join the battle?

"This is the reverse mirror formation. If we directly enter this formation, we will not enter the real space, but a trap set by the opponent, and we will die in all likelihood."

Qin Yu said and pointed to the top of his head, "The entrance is on the top. As I said, concentrate the spiritual power in the palm of your hand, press the core of the transparent space mirror, and you can enter. Let's go."

Qin Yu only said it once, and did it again. After the person swept up, he disappeared in the mid-air under the eaves in an instant. He did so clearly and disappeared in an instant.

And not long after the two disappeared, the face of the Buddha statue seemed to melt, revealing a lively face, and the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a weird and sinister smile.


Qin Yu first appeared in another space, but the moment she appeared, she pulled out Chaoci and inserted it into the mountain wall on the side. Going down, but Mingchu didn't seem to need it anymore, and her reaction was also extremely fast. When she sensed that the air flow in the space was not right, she stepped in mid-air in time, and then jumped onto the mountain wall, grabbing the mountain wall with her fingers and floating.

"The bottom pool has suction."

"There is something in the refining pool."

Mingchu has already seen that the pool is densely packed. . . They are all tongue-in-cheek.

"No wonder, before, I always felt that those old zombies looked a little strange and familiar, but I couldn't tell, but now that I think about it, they look a lot like tongues."

"This is probably a series of processes by the other party to create old zombies. Normally, it takes at least three hundred years for a old zombie to be formed, and the production environment is quite harsh, but it is different if it is refined with a long tongue. The tongue already has a foundation of intermediate cadaverization, and it is enough to refine the zombie. If it is not artificial, there will not be so many old zombies on this bun all at once, which is far beyond the control of the three kings on the bun in the past."

For Sanwangdie, these dangerous places are the resources to attract monks to practice and take risks, which is equivalent to opening up a beast forest in their own backyard for people to hunt and sharpen, but if the beast forest breeds too fierce and too many beast, that's not so good.

It's okay to set fire to the backyard.

"Arrest monks in the headless creek - Raise headless corpses and tongues in underground caves - Transfer the headless corpses and tongues to Baozi Mountain when the number of headless corpses and tongues reaches a certain level - Baozi Mountain will use the tongues to refine old zombies , it was quite smooth, because there is a possibility of transfer and concealment, if there were not a large number of evil creatures in the headless creek that night to attack people, I am afraid that no one would know about it."

"Indeed, but the opponent made such an obvious move, I'm afraid it's a big deal."

The two watched the headless corpse being refined from above, but they didn't see any people behind the scenes manipulating it.

I don't know if it's not there, or it's hiding.

The spiritual power here is different, the gravity is not right, and they can't control the sword. They have to go down, but they can't disturb the tongues in the pool. Even if they are still in the refining stage, they must be stronger than the original tongues, not to mention the huge number.

The two of them carefully moved using the technique of walking on the wall, away from the huge freezing pond.

"However, I'm more worried about where the headless corpse is going than these snarky tongues."

"It stands to reason...a headless dead corpse is a better material for stiffening."

After falling down from a gap in the shadow of the rift valley, Mingchu heard Qin Yu say this, and his expression was slightly solemn.

Is this a crow's mouth?

but. . . I always feel like it will happen nine times out of ten.

"Previously, those old zombies outside were probably three hundred years old. Occasionally, a few powerful ones could reach five hundred years. It is very difficult to deal with, but they all have heads, so they are not headless corpses. I think it was a long time ago. It was refined, and after a long period of time, it cultivated itself into a five-hundred-year-old zombie, but I have never seen a headless old zombie."

It's even scarier if you haven't seen it before, maybe it's hiding there and suffocating.

Mingchu hesitated a little, she looked at Qin Yu, "I came here to save my friend, and it seems that it is much more dangerous than I imagined, but you are different, Your Excellency Mobai, and you have to continue to take risks now ?"

Qin Yu glanced at her, "I'm also here to save people."

Mingchu: "I faintly noticed it, but you didn't tell me, so I didn't ask, but there are some things that I have to ask."

Qin Yu: "For example, why do I show some abilities in front of you so that you can guess my identity?"

Mingchu: "If I were more affectionate, I would think that you trust my character and want to make friends with me, but I think that I have nothing to make you think differently. Thinking about it this way... there is only one possibility, and that is us I have known each other before, at least met, and we are still in the same camp, such as the east of Lielu, because of the regional cognition that ordinary people normally have, you classify me as a credible person of your own."

"In this regard, you even told me that you are unmarried and have children."

In such a hidden and dangerous place, the two quietly surveyed the surroundings while chatting about rumors.

Qin Yu leaned against the wall, glanced out, but said, "You're wrong."

"Huh? Could it be that you lied to me because you are unmarried and have a child?"

"No, it's because you have something that makes me look different."

Well, it's a compliment.

Mingchu was noncommittal, she was observing the other side. . . After a while, both of them found the correct route - where the Yin Qi flows, there are also marks on the ground.

"The missing people are living things, and they cannot be transported in storage mesons. To bring so many people here from the headless creek, it is probably driven by hypnosis. Like driving corpses, there are traces of their movement on the ground."

The two followed the trace and looked inside.

Jiaojiao: "It's another rift, so there won't be another cave or underground cave."

Qin Yu: "I don't want to see the burrow either, I feel sick."

——Then what do you want to see? Do you like the one in front?

With Huang Jinbi's chilly words, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao fell silent for an instant.

But their soul activities are very consistent - MMP, if there is no hole in the ground, come to the altar, right?

This altar is pitch black, but it looks very tall, its body is like jade, clear glass, and there are strange bright blood flowing inside.

This altar might be a bit powerful.

Moreover, all altars are used by bad people to do bad things, and many people have to die for any sacrifice.

It's not as good as a cave! Pooh!

But why is there a big square pit in front of the altar.

There are still people shoveling soil by the pit.

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