I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1867 Good Omen (Mo Ming Chan and Choi, thank you, good night)


For the previous ten seconds, Mingchu had been waiting in the enclosed space, trying his best to calm down and put himself in the best condition.

She wasn't just waiting for Qin Yu to successfully break through.

She also anticipated the possibility of failure, so she didn't panic when she saw a large number of old zombies coming outside.

But she didn't go out to deal with it. She didn't have to rush to expose herself unless it was necessary. . . . .

Even she wanted to know what kind of danger Qin Yu was encountering now, which caused these old zombies to come early.

But the old zombie had just arrived outside, and she hadn't moved the sword yet.

The movement of the formation came.

Mingchu raised her brows lightly, and decisively activated the formation to leave. Before leaving, she stroked the hilt of her sword with her fingers.

She will be back, soon.


Although there was a lot of talk, the man in black had no real grasp of Qin Yu's strength, which was not a good thing, and Qin Yu had a prediction about the man in black's strength—the peak of the fusion period.

Coincidentally, this wasn't good news for her either.

At the peak of the fusion period, at present, this is beyond her maximum attack strength, and she may not be able to break through the opponent's defense with all her strength.

But when the man in black made a move, Qin Yu also made a move, and then for a moment.

The man in black instantly understood Qin Yu's strength.


After the black skull hit the sword energy.

Both are in place.

"Below the middle stage of the fusion period, I'm afraid you can be domineering, but because of this, you are so courageous, you are looking for death."

"As the peak of the fusion period, why did you still have the courage to mock me if you killed me without a single move?"

He was wrong and shouldn't have had any more verbal fights with her.

Fortunately, it was not too late to make a move.

The man in black's eyes flashed, his body and skin turned into corpses inch by inch, with a bone and long blade in his hand, buzz!

But the tip of the long blade pierced Qin Yu's eyebrows, the phantom dodged, and the long blade pierced against the Mobai mask, and traces of spiritual power passed across it, almost leaving a crack—if there was no layer of spiritual power attached to the Mobai mask time of asylum.

Are you still distracted by protecting the mask? The man in black felt that this person was looking for death. He turned his wrist, and the spear was horizontal in his hand. The flying skulls, ghosts and jackals howled around him.



The terrifying spear came straight in front of him, Qin Yu flicked his wrist, and the Chaoci sword also split into hundreds of sword shadows, and the sword energy flew across. . . The sword flow was still powerful, but it was cut off by these spears in an instant.

This was a crushing attack. Hundreds of spears chopped off the flying sword and stabbed at Qin Yu's place.

Burst! blockade range.

Unless she can teleport.

But Jiaojiao didn't teleport, he ran away, because there was an old zombie coming.

It is estimated that he had transferred here in advance. This villain is obviously not an arrogant master.

These ten old zombies are all five hundred years old. They are so powerful that they can almost fly when they bounce. Come on old zombie.

boom! The fierce old zombie was slapped on the wall by Jiaojiao's paw, creating a deep hole and smashing the wall to break the central beam.

But there are more. . . .

"It's so ugly and smelly! Go away go go go go!"

While beating and chattering, the claws and tails are all used, the scales are shining golden, the bigger the bigger the brighter, and the mouth is open, boom! The light bullet blasted out! The white light in the distance made these dark beings very disgusted and taboo, so they kept roaring.

Jiaojiao fought fiercely with one enemy and ten fiercely, and barely tied, which also bought Qin Yu time.

The man in black was obviously surprised, because he didn't know that the cat was so cruel.

And it seems that the species level is a bit high-end, otherwise he would not have used the mid-level escape technique that is not considered high-end before, and he would not have noticed it at all.

"With such a powerful spiritual pet, it's no wonder he's so arrogant."

Qin Yu: "But I only have him as an assistant, but you have more subordinates on the way quickly, don't you?"

The man in black: "But you don't panic at all, as if you have a way to solve such a crisis."

Qin Yu, who was forcibly pressed and beaten by the man in black, said: "Yes, a battle with thousands of troops and horses, and a single rider of thousands of miles will take your head."

It kind of rhymed, and after she finished speaking, she didn't waste any more time. At the moment when the man in black grabbed a weak point that she had sold and stabbed the spear close to him, her pupils met his eyes.

a split second.

The man in black saw the strange light in her eyes. . . .

Moment dizzy.

The man in black sensed that something was wrong, he had a phantom figure, and wanted to forcibly get out of the dizzy state.

And he did succeed.

He is leaving.

But at the moment of separation. . . . A Nascent Soul Dharma Appeared behind Qin Yu.

That was another Qin Yu.

The sound of the flute is coming.

After the eyes are dizzy, the soul storms!

This time it is the vertigo of blessing.

From one second of detachment to three seconds of blessing.

Three seconds was enough for Qin Yu to be cautious in an instant, and pulled out Chaoci and inserted it into his face himself. . . The point of the sword pierced his face and pierced through the back of his head, but there was no blood splashed under the point of the sword, but a ferocious black air.


He was stabbed to the ground by Qin Yu and crucified to death. Qin Yu put a sword in one hand and stepped on his chest with one foot.

"Where is my senior sister's mask, you almost hurt it, you are more annoying than I imagined - even if you are trying to play me like a monkey all the way."

What a physique she is, once she stepped down, even the chest of the headless corpse would be dented and shattered.

And the chest of the man in black was also sunken.

But the man in black made a shrill sound from his throat. . .

"You are right, I do have many subordinates."


A large number of headless corpses.

Suddenly broke through the wall, there were forty or fifty heads!

I rely on! Jiaojiao was terrified.

It's over, this ghost can bear it, it can't bear it at the peak of the fusion period, and it can't bear it at the tribulation period!

"Yuyu, let's go!" Jiaojiao quickly transmitted the sound, leaving Lao Zang behind, and rushed to Qin Yu, trying to teleport her out.

But he soon discovered that it was not necessary.

Because Qin Yu shook his hand. . . A large number of heads flew out of the hand.

Holding the sword in one hand and stabbing the head of the man in black, with the palm of the other hand, the fingertips quickly formed a seal in mid-air, and the print shuttle flew into these heads.

"You!!!" The man in black was horrified.

"How could I be?"

Qin Yu sneered, "In terms of playing with corpses, you can't beat me."

Fingertips unite and swipe, and the head flies out. With the traction of its own head, these headless corpses with terrifying combat power, enough to easily tear apart a man and a cat, quickly follow them like hyenas that have seen flesh and bones. Face off with those old zombies and long tongues who came from behind.


Crazy fighting inside.

Jiaojiao thought: Zombie Empress, what the hell he forgot!

No wonder Qin Yu wanted to put away all the heads in those big tanks when he and Mingchu left the headless creek.

Yue Mo wanted to use these heads to control the headless corpse.

——Why do I always feel that you are the most domineering and emotional when you play these evil methods?

The tone of Jinbi is particularly complicated.

This is not a good sign, it is a little flustered!

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