I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1868 Disgraceful to Sven (thank you Zihan for fifty thousand, cosine21333 and Choi)


It doesn't matter whether the omen is good or not. What matters is that the man in black is dead. Before he died, Qin Yu didn't intend to force him to ask him anything, such as who are you, what conspiracy is there, and who is the person who gave the information? Asked, just turned the blade, shattered the mask, revealing the black air under the face.

With a sword poking the head, although there is less blood in the head, it is impossible that there is not a drop of blood.

unless. . . It's a puppet.

"Don't dare to meet in person, and use puppets to do ghosts and ghosts all the way. Is it because you are timid, or the master behind you warned you not to underestimate me, ah, I think it should be neither, but you In private, I secretly feel that someone who can be specifically mentioned by your master must be difficult to deal with. You have developed a mind and put yourself in a safe place to avoid taking risks. Especially, it seems that you are also afraid that you will be regarded as useless by your master chess pieces."

Her tone is cold, but it can confuse people's hearts.

"My loyalty to my master is evident, you don't have to waste your time trying to shake me..."

"Generally, the explanations that are eager to present are all cover-ups."


Probably because she was wearing a mask, only a pair of eyes were exposed, people could only pay attention to these eyes, and her eyes became more and more cold and sharp, piercing into people's hearts, just like the horror of being dizzy when he looked at her before. . .

He subconsciously closed his eyes.

Then his head was stepped on by Qin Yu's boot and smashed to pieces.

"Yuyu, don't you even ask?"

"Everything that can be known is already known."

"What? He doesn't trust his master behind the scenes?"

"No, he is a good slave, or in other words, a good slave who is terribly afraid of his master, and never dares to use his own little thoughts to spoil the master's big things."

The purpose of Qin Yu's temptation is not to shake the other party's loyalty and make him reveal his master's identity, but to test whether he is really loyal.

Jiaojiao rubbed her head, "Then how do we know the identity of the person behind him, that person must know you very well, even I know it, this is too dangerous, it can't be the high-level executives of the evil election."

Qin Yu: "I don't know, but this is not very important at the moment. The important thing is another thing - if this person dares not to think carefully, but still just sits here as a puppet, but the deity is not here, it can only mean that there is a In their entire plan, dealing with me is not the main purpose, and the so-called deadlock secret here is not the biggest secret, they must have other plans."

What kind of planning steps are worthy of what kind of appearance roles.

If he wanted to seize power, during the Xuanwumen mutiny, could Li Shimin stay at home and play chess, and only let his subordinates show up?

It is necessary to go out in person and make sure everything is under control.

Either you make it to the top, or you fail.

Jiaojiao understands, the implication is that these people have other leaders behind their backs, and Yuyu may just be a part of the other party's plan.

Sesame oil, this is a bit of a nuisance.

"This is one of his lairs. Do you want to check it again? There may be clues. If you don't let it go, it's like a time bomb. It's too unsafe—for example, the altar, I think it has some background."

"That's too late."

brush! The long sword was spinning in his hand, and he inserted it into the scabbard handsomely.

Qin Yu looked outside the rift valley, "They're coming soon."


Estimated to be the rescuer.

Coming so fast, naturally there is only one possibility - Mingchu really promised to bring someone, and he really came.


After all, the Three Kings City is the Three Kings City, and there are many rescue teams formed, and the practitioners spare their lives. After all, there are not many people like Qin Yu and Ming Chu who are brave enough to walk alone, so after they leave the city, the small teams behind In fact, they are all in a group, and the basic range of action will not be too far away from other teams, and since they enter the headless stream, the search area is constantly shrinking, and there are more and more people.

But basically everyone gathered because of the discovery of the ancestral house in Lijia Village, and the commander of the Sanwangcheng City Lord's Mansion called everyone over with a single order.

The traces left by Qin Yu and the others were quite directional. The brigade rushed to Baozi Mountain again. As Qin Yu said, the timing was good, and it was also thanks to Qin Yu's recognition of the overall strength of the Three Kings City, but she I didn't expect the other party to come so fast, it was nothing more than a clear effect.

Not long ago, when Mingchu teleported to the foot of Baozi Mountain with the teleportation array, the brigade was still some distance away from Baozi Mountain, and the direction was not this way.

As soon as Mingchu was sure of the location, he sent a firework of a police whistle into the sky, regardless of whether it would attract the old man, but when the people in the Three Kings City saw this firework, their first reaction was that someone was trying to kill them, but their second reaction was . . .

"Something must have happened."

"Someone discovered Lijia Village before us, and they should have arrived at Baozi Mountain one step earlier than us. At this time, there are warning fireworks, and there must be a discovery."


The leader of the rescue team of the Three Kings City was also decisive and wise, and immediately changed the route into the mountain and went to the firework warning position.

When they arrived, they saw Mingchu and the rescued people. . . .


A group of people were left to rescue these missing persons and bring them back to the city. Most of the other people rushed into Baozi Mountain and went straight to the ruined temple. After entering the ruined temple, they encountered old zombies and headless corpses.

At this time, the heads of the headless corpses had long since disappeared, and they made friends with Lao Zang and Brother Long Tongue again. Before they could shake hands and make peace, they caught up with the masters of the Three Kings City, and they started fighting.

The scale of this fight is too big, the captain of the leading rescue team is in the period of crossing the catastrophe, and he can't open his mouth for a while, not to mention the group of masters behind, they can only reduce these evil things step by step Quantity, gradual dominance, then crushing.

The biggest advantage of humans over these evil creatures is their brains, strategies and tactics.

Mingchu fights among them, she also knows so many evil things, they are extremely tyrannical, and she can't kill them in the tribulation period, let alone her, so when fighting among the crowd, she tried to find a trace of a person, but found nothing.

She was terrified, thinking that she had come late and that Mo Bai had been killed, but she had another guess—these evil creatures were still powerful, but they seemed to be chaotic without being driven by them, otherwise even if their masters There are many, and it will be much more difficult to fight.

The absence of the person behind the scenes, does it mean that Mo Bai was not killed? Or has already escaped, and the people behind the scenes are chasing after him?

She was so looking forward to it, waiting for the brigade to finally defeat the army of evil creatures and enter the depths of the rift valley. . .

Mingchu glanced away, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

The altar is gone.


For Qin Yu and Jiaojiao, if there is really no time to investigate the clues of the enemy's lair, they should remove all valuable things and study them slowly in the future.

So before they left, Qin Yu moved the huge altar away with a flick of his hand.

Jiaojiao even took those pillars away.

The behavior of one person and one cat is so familiar that the golden wall can see the texture of the wall twitching.

It is a normal way to collect money by killing people and collecting corpses. Now it has been sublimated to the point where even the pillars of the altar are searched. Will the land be scraped in the future?

I probably thought of the ugly act of a village girl who had just become the Chosen One and entered the space of the Golden House a long time ago and naturally had to dig floor tiles.

After enduring it, Huang Jinbi still uttered four words.

- Disgraceful.

It's as if he really knows if Sun Xiucai is possessed.

I won’t add more today, I can’t hold it anymore, my eyelids are always sore, but I can’t sleep after taking a nap at noon, let me take it easy.

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