I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1869 Is there a nephew Rong? (End, please ask for a monthly ticket, it's so miserable,

"Yuyu, the helper is coming, why do we run away!" Jiaojiao, who had become a jade pendant again, couldn't understand, but Qin Yu said, "Mobai's identity can't be too prominent, if I stay there intact , The investigation at the Three Kings City is endless."

For example, why she could resist death, whether she met the real murderer behind the scenes, whether. . .

Anyway, there is a lot of trouble.

He is so powerful, why don't you cooperate with the investigation for a few tribulation periods and a Mahayana period?

Might as well show weakness.

So Qin Yu ran away, so that people would think that she escaped by chance and didn't know what happened next. . .

Of course, she also deliberately lured several old zombies and headless corpses to chase out, and she was seriously injured! Bloody!

"I left the blood in it when I escaped. Mingchu will definitely lead people to chase me out to save me."

Qin Yu was very shrewd in his small calculations.

Jiaojiao: "Then Yuyu, where shall we go now?"

Qin Yu: "Nowhere, they are here."

After finishing speaking, she slowed down the speed, let the old zombie behind him face the headless corpse, forcibly made a few moves, and then it was just right. . . Pfft, spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Coincidentally, Mingchu and others had already chased after him and saw this scene from afar.

——Although I have seen it many times, every time I see it, I have a transcendent feeling of flying to the sky.

Jiaojiao seamlessly added a sentence: "This is such a good mouthful of blood."

Qin Yu: "..."

It's a good mouthful of vomit from you guys.


Two days later, in a courtyard of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, Qin Yu finished drinking the medicine and handed the bowl to the female cultivator opposite, "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

"You're welcome, Senior Mobai has made extraordinary achievements this time, saving so many people from the fire and water, I..." Xiao Bailiang was full of longing, but under Qin Yu's cold temperament, his voice was quickly annihilated. , With a blushing and delicate face, she hurriedly put away the medicine bowl, just as Xiao Sangwei came in, saw her brother like that, and then glanced at Qin Yu who was sitting not far away.

She knew that the juniors in the cultivation circle had a strong mentality, and a female cultivator like Mo Bai with a strong aura, strength, tyranny and unparalleled agility was naturally very eye-catching.

"Senior Mobai, your recovery is very fast, but you still have to refrain from taking action in the near future, so you can live well."

Qin Yu glanced at her, "I don't plan to make a move in the near future, and I think the Three Kings City will never be in danger."

Mingchu came in from the outside, and handed the meson in his hand to Qin Yu, "Because you were in a coma for two days, although Miss Xiao and the others rescued you, but you still haven't woken up. went there."

Xiao Sangwei watched from the side, and felt that those people were probably not only comatose because of Mo Bai, but most likely because of Mo Bai's indifferent temperament, which ordinary people can't handle, and these people themselves are also monks with a high level of cultivation. Dao, being moved around like a pig is also a shameful thing, and I just took this opportunity to give the gift of thanks, which not only fulfills my heart, but also avoids embarrassment in person.

"Senior Mingchu is here, so let's leave first, Senior Mobai, our two siblings have disturbed the residence for the past two days, if there is an errand, please do so."

Xiao Sangwei took Xiao Bailiang away.

Mingchu heard Qin Yu ask, "Did you call them?"

"Not really, it's a coincidence. At that time, I set off fireworks to attract rescuers from the city. I met them halfway up the mountain. It was not easy to go up the mountain, and it was not easy to go down the mountain. They were encountering another wave of old zombies at that time, which was very dangerous. I met you by chance and was rescued. Seeing that it was a large army, I went back to the ruined temple together... Later I found out about you, you were in a coma, full of corpse gas, very dangerous, and I am not good at it, these two people Let’s get started.”

Mingchu said simply, seeing that Qin Yu was still wearing the mask on his face, he smiled suddenly, "But these two, especially Miss Xiao, are rare and reasonable people, when they rescued you, they could obviously take off your mask and watch your face Checking the wound, she was puzzled, but she is also very skilled in medicine, and the poison of the corpse faded away in two days."

Of course, Qin Yu knew what happened later, so he asked on purpose. At this time, he was silent for a while, and said hoarsely: "Thank you for your hard work."

Mingchu was noncommittal, "Next, take care of your wounds, I'm afraid I won't be able to come and see you for a while."

"Do you have to recuperate too?"

"My injury is not serious, it's just a little wear and tear. I'm not in a hurry, but I know my strength is not enough. I want to see the Three Kings Eagle. What about you?"

At a glance, she looked like a breeze in a bamboo forest, fresh and clear.

Qin Yu glanced at her, and said lightly, "Not only told me to keep healthy, but also asked me where I'm going next, isn't it contradictory?"

Mingchu: "Politeness and understanding are two different things. Although I guess you won't be obedient and healthy, you will go to the Three Thrones in all likelihood."

Qin Yu nodded, admitting it.

Mingchu mentioned three more things.

One is that the investigation of the City Lord's Mansion is relatively strict at present, but it has basically been determined. After all, Mingchu has already informed him that he will come to Qin Yu to go through it later.

Second, in this encounter, neither of them was the victim, but they performed quite outstandingly, especially Qin Yu, who originally wanted to save his friends, but finally saved a bunch of people. Small troubles, one is that others are jealous, quite ostracized, and may slander, and the other is that some people are suspicious and tempted.

The third is that the people behind the scenes did not show their faces, or have already fled, so they will bear some grudges against them.

"It's quite dangerous." Mingchu said so.

Qin Yu: "There are gains and losses."

Mingchu nodded, got up and wanted to leave, before leaving, he suddenly said: "I have also placed your friend in the guest house, and has been rescued by Miss Xiao, but she has been infected by magic for a long time, and may become weaker Some, about the same as my friend."

After she finished speaking, she left, met Xiao Sangwei who was stewing medicine in the yard, and had a casual chat.

In the room, Qin Yu was not in a hurry to meet Yue Jing, she was thinking that Mingchu should have come into contact with Yue Zhijing, they are both from the east of Lielu, they should be in the same age, would they know each other, would they know each other? They know each other a little bit, after all, the name Yuejing is really true. . . It's so perfunctory!

"If you change your name to Qin Dayu, I don't know if the evil person will guess it's you." Jiaojiao complained.

Huang Jinbi disagreed, so he stabbed his heart.

——It’s not something shameful for someone to change their nickname and come out to practice. Can it be compared with your Yuyu?

It's incomparable, you can't afford to be offended.

The peerless white lotus Qin Yu, who has devoted herself to building all kinds of vests since she was a child when she first entered the Tianzang World, so that the cunning rabbit and three caves can hide from enemies, can only roll her eyes.

But that night, she also went to the side room to meet Yue Jing, and as soon as she entered the door.

Yue Jing, who was cultivating her spiritual power with her legs crossed, turned her head to look at her, and her eyes met for a while, before she said, "Your nephew Rong?"

This title is an instant blessing to the soul.

Qin Yu: Damn, my aloof and elegant demeanor already resembles Senior Sister Fang Fang?

— Wake up.

Jiaojiao pursed her lips, and said casually: "You only have tolerance, but nothing behind."

Qin Yu squinted his eyes, and said via voice transmission: "Bibi, it's been recorded, let your Majesty the emperor listen to it some other day."

——The next time your Highness refuses to lose weight and eat and drink, you can threaten him.

Qin Yu: "Kids have to keep up with their nutrition. They can't be threatened by eating and drinking, but some learning and guidance materials can be added."

Jiaojiao: "..."

After repairing Jiaojiao, who was a little ghost and drove the go-kart, Qin Yu also said to Yuejing, "Senior recognizes this black-white mask."

She didn't use interrogative sentences, because Fang Yourong had a stable personality, and if he was in doubt, he seldom expressed it.

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