I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1877 Lost contact, fallen? (Mu Yanyunying and Shibi, thank you for your support)


It was still Wuthering Valley, but the little ghost king endured it and did not rush out to recruit people, because a man in black robe appeared in front of him.

"That man is not an idler, but a pure-blooded blood dragon. If you fought him just now, you would surely die!"

"Hmph, wait until I become the ghost king..."

"You are not the ghost king yet."

The little ghost king showed displeasure, but he didn't dare to say anything more, "Then when shall we start?"


As soon as the man in black said that, the little ghost king was overjoyed, and immediately floated back inside, and the man in black followed suit.

But lightly, the man in black asked.

"Did he mention why he was looking for that woman?"

"I didn't say, who knows, maybe it's a concubine. I knew at a glance that neither the old woman nor this man was a good thing."

You, a little ghost king, have the nerve to say that he is not a good thing.


The man in black frowned and pondered for a while. He probably had to talk to his master about this matter.

I always feel that this incident is a bit strange, and it may affect the overall situation.

When the little ghost king was busy, the man in black found a secluded corner, activated the magical talisman, and reported the matter carefully.

But after finishing speaking, the person at the other end only said a word.

"I see, according to the original plan."


After finishing the conversation, the man in black turned around and walked back to the area where the little ghost king was.

It was a mass grave.

There are countless grieving ghosts crouching on each tombstone, and the ground on which these tombstones sit is all blood-red and sticky.

This is land?

No, it was a blood clot that had coagulated for countless years.

The land of pure blood.

The resentful ghost bred. . . The little ghost king suddenly opened his mouth and frantically devoured these grieving ghosts, while other grieving ghosts were also devouring each other.

The man in black watched coldly, his eyes flickering strangely.

So the first thing to do is. . . Tianheng.


At five or six o'clock in the morning, outside the white belly has not yet been turned, there is only a dim halo, Li Qixi got up from the luxurious and elegant tent that looked like a slope on the outside, but with a slight movement of the spell, she landed in a wheelchair, wearing thin clothes The silk clothes, the fingertips are lightly tapped, and the flame lights the candle, which is warm and yellow for a while.

She stroked her eyebrows, breathed a sigh of relief, and dealt with business as usual.

The main force of Yunyi Pavilion is not in the Three Kings City, because the Three Kings City is segregated, and the city lord Li Yu is a very powerful person. He supports his party members and does not move space for external forces. , but the share is not particularly large.

Their layout of the Three Kings Stack is mostly in other cities.

She contacted the subordinates who were still in other cities. After contacting three waves, the fourth wave was Tianheng.

This is the first city she logged into, and it is also the place where Taoist Ming Qiu and others were killed, and it is also the city controlled by Taoist Dongshan.

but. . . no response.

Her subordinates did not answer the call. It stands to reason that this time is the time to report to her according to the usual practice.

problem occurs?

Li Qixi frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and contacted other acquaintances in the city.

Interestingly. . . No contact was made either.

Li Qixi's face was slightly condensed, and he quickly called his subordinates to distribute them and use various means to contact the personnel in Tianheng.

After half an hour, she finally confirmed one thing.

Tianheng lost contact.

Regardless of her personnel in Yunyi Pavilion in Tianheng, other monks in Tianheng cannot be contacted.

this. . . I'm afraid it's not a trivial matter.

She felt that Yunyi Pavilion was not the only one who noticed it.

Other forces must feel this way too.


All major events always drive away people's sense of sleep at the dawn of dawn.

"Have you heard? Something happened!"

"What? I still want to study, don't pull me! Don't touch me, I have a fairy companion!"

"Bah! Seriously, Tianheng knows, right? Lost contact! The whole thing is lost!"

"What the hell? You're making trouble, it's early in the morning, go away."

"Really! If you know that the loss of contact with such a big city is tantamount to falling! At present, the city guesses that Tianheng must have been washed by some dirty things. Currently, the City Lord's Mansion and all the adults are investigating the situation there and sending personnel to go there. Check..."

Seeing that the other party's expression does not seem to be fake, the man who was originally dragged was also suspicious at the moment, "I remember that Tianheng is not weak, and there is still a Mahayana period over there, that is Dongshan Taoist, how could the whole city fall? Things are under siege, can't it be okay to send a message?"

"Why do I feel even more frightened when you say that?"

The two looked at each other.

That's right, if you can't even send a message, or the whole city's monks are wiped out in an instant, that's something that can only be done by immortals in the sky, and they can't do it in the Mahayana period, or. . . It was the city's communication inspiration that was blocked by some powerful means.

This is so frightening.

"What is there to say in the city lord's mansion now?"

"Not yet, anyway, many people know about it now, and people are panicking. After all, the matter of Headless Creek and Baozi Mountain just happened..."

Many monks got up and left the Three Kings Diaozuo, Jian Dongcang on the side of the Dharma King Diaozuo also finished his enlightenment, there is no way, he is a member of the Huaye Mountain Desolation Alliance, his status is very important, he was urgently called back by the alliance members, and he had no choice but to don't go.

At this level, most of them are middle-generation personnel from various places, and they all serve in various forces. They are not free like casual cultivators, but when Jian Dongcang left, he subconsciously glanced up.

"Brother Jian, what are you looking at, Xiao Zheng and Shu Man, one is the number one genius in Three Kings City, and the other is the number one talent in the western part of Lielu Dajing Prefecture, both of them rely on powerful forces behind them, so they are sure to succeed. "

Sure enough, as soon as the two talents talked, the two geniuses came down.

In terms of strength, Jian Dongcang is naturally much stronger than these two geniuses, but his talent is not as good.


Jian Dongcang took a look, walked down with his friends, and said lightly: "I'm not looking at them."

The woman didn't come down.

I don't know where this woman who is suspected to be a master of the Mahayana period has gone.

"And what's interesting is that the City Lord's Mansion has not made any moves, and the City Lord Li Yu has not responded. This is not normal."

Jian Dongcang's eyes were sharp, and he said in a low voice: "I suspect that the City Lord's Mansion is not ignorant of the recent series of changes. I'm afraid it's because I knew it and had some premonitions that I didn't take action against her."


The Three Kings City was in a state of turmoil, and people from all walks of life were surging. This time, it was far more than the size of the rescue team, it was even larger. Even the government troops of the Three Kings City were mobilized. Experts gathered and dispatched troops to Tianheng.

"The teleportation array over there has been damaged in one direction, so we can only fly there. According to the shortest time, it will take three days. Wait, there will be news in three days."

"Did Dongshan get in touch?"

"Not yet, it's strange why Dongshan can't be contacted all the time. Could it be that he was also killed?"

"Impossible, if it's a fight during the Mahayana period, how could we not notice it!"


In the huge meeting, there were eight people present.

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