I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1878 Target? (Updated yesterday, it’s over, the double monthly ticket is coming to an end, a

There are a total of seven cities in the Three Kings Stack.

The lord of the Three Kings City, Li Yu, is the strongest and the most respected, and the Three Kings City also has a total of three buttresses, and the other six cities are next, and each has only one Mahayana stage, but now there are only five people left. Participate in meetings.

It was Li Yu who spoke last just now. He interrupted everyone's speculation about Dongshan Taoist. He folded his hands and said something in a low voice.

"The opponent is aggressive, but there are many means. From the beginning of the headless creek, I suspect that the opponent is plotting the overall situation of the whole Three Kings Stack."

"You mean that the other party wants to kill all our cities? How is that possible! Three kings will not have such power."

Li Yu glanced at the other party, and said calmly: "If we join forces, of course it's impossible. Let alone the three kings, there are not many people in the two Dajing states who can attack us. What if they defeat each of them?"

At present, it seems that the opponent is breaking down one by one.

"Thinking about it now, the Headless Creek and Baozi Mountain are of course the other side's base camps where the old zombies and headless corpses were made. Although Brother Li sent people to wipe out many of them, according to the survey, after so many years, there are still There are a large number of headless corpses that are missing, and they may have been turned into an army of evil things, but besides that, are they also deliberately using this incident to attract our attention so that they can take down Tianheng?"

"That's right. Not only Brother Li, but also our cities have recently sent personnel to thoroughly investigate the evil spirits. For example, Tianheng...is this also a chance to be caught?"

After repeated speculations by several big brothers, they felt that they were getting closer to the truth.

Li Yu obviously had the same idea. Seeing that everyone's opinions tended towards him, he said coldly: "Everyone, I suspect that Dongshan went out because of this. Tianheng was in the town during the period of losing Mahayana and was taken down. But now Tianheng has fallen. Nine, the important thing is Dongshan's whereabouts—don't forget, he has that thing on him."

The expressions of the five city lords present were subtle, and their eyes flickered.

In fact, all seven of them have city lords.

But if one piece is missing, something bad will happen.

"It seems that we have to join forces to check Dongshan."

"The other party can have such a plan, I am afraid that the strength is also very strong. Brother Li, I heard that your son offended a person who is suspected of being in the Mahayana period at the Dharma King Diaozu. Now that there are troubles, brother Li, please be careful."

Li Yu heard the words, and saw the same attitude from the expressions of these city lords.

He narrowed his eyes, and said: "Of course, Gouzi is not sensible, and I didn't plan to get used to it. If I hadn't been busy recently, I would have gone to find that Mrs. Bai."

After talking about the good things, the images of these city lords disappeared, leaving only the three Mahayana masters of the Three Kings City.

"City Master, these few seem to know everything about the young master."

Li Yu sneered, got up and stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, his face slightly cold and stern.

"They don't care about Shubai, nor me."

The direction he was looking at was the Three Kings Diaozuo.

On that day, Li Yu left the city and stayed in Three Kings City for two Mahayana periods.

During these three days of waiting, on the second day, there was news that another city had lost contact.

This time, everyone couldn't sit still.

Except for those who retreated in the cave, most of the carved seats of the three kings have come down.

On the third day, the army that went to Tianheng City finally sent a letter back, and the result was very tragic, because Tianheng City was even more tragic.

"The whole city is dead, and no one is left. It has become a dead city. This is the news from over there."

"The other city... I'm afraid it's almost the same."

"Where are the two Mahayana masters?"

Who knows, that's the scariest part.


The carved seat of the Fawang was empty, so no one could see the position of the shoulders under the head of the Fawang. A layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the empty wall, but it returned to calm after a while, and after a while.

It opened a hole.

A woman came out with a tiger-headed baby, seemingly comfortable and brisk. She walked to the railing and stretched her waist towards the atmosphere which was obviously different from that of the Three Kings City a few days ago. At this glance, she was still stunned, Jiaojiao was stunned for a while.

"Fuck! Yuyu, this person..."

Man, the top looks good.

No less than the fifth Dao Ling.

Calm and introverted, but quite refined, he wore a purple gold robe with no decorations on his body.

By the way, what he crowns his hair with is a purple gold and jade crown.

This is obviously the dress of a high-ranking person.

The leader of a case, or a leader-level figure.

Qin Yu looked at him, and he also looked at Qin Yu twice more, but he didn't change the pace of walking up slowly, and waited.

He glanced at the French King's head, his gaze was long and long.

"Hello, Mrs. Bai."

Qin Yu leaned against the railing, slightly surprised when he heard this, "Your Excellency knows me?"

"Li Shubai's reputation is not small."

It was the answer to why he knew Qin Yu.

Qin Yu smiled, "It seems that the reputation passed on to me is not good."

"City Lord Li didn't bother you, it's a good reputation."

"Really? It's good for me to have no trouble, but I don't know why you are here?"

"Dual King Diaozuo, I haven't been here for a long time."

"That will not bother you."

"Okay, Madam Bai, go slowly, see you later."


"Yes, see you later."

The man smiled faintly, Qin Yu took a deep look at him, noncommittal, and walked down with Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao: "Yuyu, this person seems to be a bit strong, at least he is in the tribulation stage."

Qin Yu: "I don't know, the high probability of being able to reach the supernatural level of attainment is the Transcending Tribulation period, or it may be the Mahayana period."

Mahayana period? Jiaojiao muttered, "When did the Mahayana period become so worthless, Yuyu, let's go down to a place where there are fewer experts, and we can pretend to be aggressive. There is a Mahayana period, so it's a bit vain to pretend."

Qin Yu smiled, leaning on the railing and walked down slowly, his eyes swept over the huge city, "The Mahayana period is so powerful, no one is plotting it, but I want to know who is planning such a big... After all What is it?"

Jiaojiao: "Kill you?"

Qin Yu shook his head, "That's not the case. If it's an evil choice that locks on me, I'll give up 100% if I get a big success. The target of this round should not be me."

Jiaojiao: "Then what about that handsome man just now? His target is not you, is it?"

Qin Yu: "Crazy, I'm not a renminbi or money printing machine, but... those people below must be targeting me."


"Are you looking for me for a meeting?" Qin Yu led Jiaojiao to the square in front of the King's seat, and there were already people waiting.

A cultivator who looked like a housekeeper came with a few servants.

There is pomp, majesty, and specifications.

Very face-saving.

"Madam Bai, you are a powerful person with profound strength, and you have the qualifications. On behalf of the City Lord's Mansion of the Three Kings City, I solemnly invite you to participate in the meeting of killing evil spirits held in the city today. I'm waiting for you."

Old thing, my mother is the mother of a child, and the reputation of adventure is also famous for everyone.

Jiaojiao: "That's right, aunt is pretty much the same."

Qin Yu: "Shut up."

Qin Yu wished he could kick the brat's ass, but he still kept his elegance, and smiled at the butler, "It seems that something really happened, although I'm just here for sightseeing, but the City Lord's Mansion treats you so politely, so you can lead the way. ..."

The housekeeper of the city lord's mansion thinks that this Mrs. Bai speaks and behaves elegantly, and her skin and temperament are full of elegance, which makes people feel like a spring breeze. How can her son be beaten so badly? It must be that my son went too far and seriously offended the other party.

Huang Jinbi: Your son actually made a fake product and molested him with a few words, and then his arms were chopped off.

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