I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1879 A Play


The City Lord's Mansion of the Three Kings City is also a small bunny tent, but there is really a hole in it. Qin Yu walked in after the butler opened the curtain. As soon as he stepped in, his vision suddenly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it became a huge City Lord's Mansion, a luxurious courtyard with blue sky and white clouds.

"The conference hall is here, please." The butler led the way and led Qin Yu to a magnificent building. As soon as he walked in, many people looked at each other, and Qin Yu had seen many of them when he was climbing on the throne of France. Yes, such as Jian Dongcang, such as Xiao Zheng and Shu Man.

But Qin Yu's gaze swept away, and he quickly landed on Li Yu, the lord of the Three Kings City. Li Shubai was at the bottom of his right hand.

Li Shubai stared at Qin Yu with very sinister eyes, Qin Yu noticed it, and glanced at him with indifferent eyes, even in front of Li Yu, she didn't show embarrassment.

Didn't go any further, just stood there.

The atmosphere was delicate for a while, and many people paid attention to the gaze of these two people.

It is said that they are looking at each other, but it is not evenly matched, because it is very fast. . . Li Shubai shifted his gaze in some embarrassment.

The woman's eyes were a little scary.

Li Shubai, who had always been arrogant and powerful, retreated. Everyone was surprised. Li Yu frowned slightly, and looked at Qin Yu thoughtfully, but soon smiled, "Mrs. Bai came to our Three Kings City for the first time, and she is willing to help you wholeheartedly. The city owner is very grateful. Please sit down."

Snake spirit disease, the old lady did not say to help.

Qin Yu felt that Li Yu was a bit deep-minded, and he didn't even try to win him over, so he directly put him on the shelf.

Father and son are not good things.

Qin Yu lacked interest, but also smiled lightly: "Thank you, City Lord."

It was also a coincidence that she walked to the position led by the butler, just next to the door god duo, but Jiaojiao was fast, she sat down first, separated the distance between Qin Yu and the two, and pretended to be innocent Own tiger hat.

The two glanced at the little fat man and said nothing.

Probably felt that this brat was full.

Qin Yu glanced at Jiaojiao, half-smile, but said nothing. After sitting down, he looked at the three-dimensional figure on the mirror, which seemed to be Tianheng's city defense map.

Tianheng was the first to suffer?

Qin Yu had already guessed that the people behind the scenes would definitely attack the city, but she didn't expect it to be Tianheng. It was said that this was the first city she visited after the Three Kings Stack.

While Qin Yu was thinking, someone mentioned when the meeting would start.

Li Yu: "Wait a minute, there is another Tianhai City Lord coming soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he laughed, "Already here... Tianhai, you are always on time, but today you are late."

Tianhai. . . It is also another city lord, he came, Jiaojiao turned her head to look, a little surprised, is it him? The little boy with the purple gold jade crown that he saw just now on the carved seat of the French king.

To say it's a badass, is actually Jiaojiao being mean. In fact, this person is in a high position at first glance. You see, he is actually a majestic city lord.

"I haven't been to the Three Kings City for a long time. When I arrived today, I saw the carved seat of the Dharma King. I felt a little nostalgic for the past. After all, my way has benefited a lot from it."

Li Yu smiled, "You are already the youngest and most accomplished among us city lords, what else do you want?"

Tianhai also smiled, "To practice as a human being, you have to make progress day by day, you can't stand still."

Li Yu's eyes were dark, seemingly unintentional, "Then I am looking forward to your progress... By the way, please sit down, the meeting is about to begin."

How many people are here here, at least they have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, and many of them have practiced for thousands of years. I feel that the dialogue between these two city lords is quite mysterious.

Jiaojiao: "I always feel that they are yin and yang."

Qin Yu: "Old men are like this when they get older, you don't have to worry about it."

Jiaojiao couldn't figure it out, so she didn't care about it, she moved her butt, grabbed the armrest and was about to arch Qin Yu's body, when suddenly her body stopped there, her two big eyes were wide open.

There was a man at the door.

To be precise, this is a woman who looks a bit enchanting.

Damn, for example, someone at Yourong's level is more refined and glamorous, do you think it's scary or not.

And wearing a close-fitting red dress. . .

No wonder Jiaojiao was speechless.

Qin Yu took a second look at this kind of product that had seen countless beauties.

It can be seen how outstanding this woman's appearance is, and the most important thing is that kind of temperament.

It is so cold and gorgeous, and it also has a domineering feeling.

The senior monks in the entire conference hall couldn't look away, and Li Shubai stared at this woman for a long time, lost his mind.

On the contrary, Qin Yu was the first to look back, rubbed her temples with her fingers, and reconsidered the matter of the evil attacking the city. Many things were too coincidental. Those who are really well prepared are obviously years of planning.

"I came to Sanwangdie as a short-term plan. I came after I replaced Mo Bai's identity at the beginning. The other party will be very embarrassing, unless..."

——Unless the other party is your perfect person.

The golden wall told the truth.

Qin Yu pondered, "Yes, and this person knows that I have become Mobai, so I suspect that I was accidentally discovered by that person after I came to the Three Kings Stack, so he let people test me again and again, and conveniently took me as a pawn." The chess pieces messed up the layout of the Three Kings Stack. Thinking about it now, when I was in Baozi Mountain, the opponent didn't care whether I succeeded in saving people. All they wanted was to reveal the matter. The masters of the Three Kings Stack were attracted...the masters left the city The city is so easy to be destroyed."

——Then which city do you think the opponent will attack next?

Qin Yu: "Other people's cities and life and death have nothing to do with me. I'm even more curious about whether the other party will plan something against me."

Just as Qin Yu told Huang Jinbi, Tianhai came and asked, "Madam Bai, is there someone sitting next to you?"

This question has attracted much attention.

As a young woman with an unknown husband and a baby, being treated so tenderly by such a young, promising and handsome city lord, Qin Yu was right at all, looked up at Tianhai with a smile, and said, "Yes, isn't it? you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and it fell into the eyes of many people-a concubine who loves a man, a man and a woman who are cheating on each other.

Jiaojiao puffed her cheeks and glared at Qin Yu angrily. Qin Yu saw it, talked to Tianhai with a smile, and gave Jiaojiao a bag of jerky.

Buy him? snort!

After Jiaojiao snorted, she couldn't refuse, her nose twitched, but she still took it.

Tianhai smiled and was about to sit down.

The fragrant wind blows around me.

Qin Yu turned his head to look, and saw the woman who was so beautiful and glamorous just now came over, came in front of Qin Yu, and was also beside Tian Hai, and grabbed his sleeve.

The six eyes are facing each other.

Qin Yu: "???"

Everyone was excited.

Love triangle?

Stunning young woman + handsome city lord vs. beautiful original match?

This is such a big show.

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