I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1886 The Scepter of the Three Kings (Third update~)

"This is the scepter of the Three Kings. After so many years, I finally saw it."

Tian Haidao: "It's best to present this thing to the master, and please ask Mr. Hei Wu to take it away himself."

Heiwu smiled, "The master said that he taught you for only ten years, and your cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds. In a hundred years, you will fly straight to the heavens. The competition in the heavens is cruel, and the inheritance of the three kings is needed to strengthen your strength. After I take down the three kings' scepter, Inheritance with you, all he wants is this semi-immortal weapon-level Three Kings Scepter."

Tianhai was stunned, then he was both happy and restrained, and said kindly: "Thank you, master, for cultivating it."

In fact, this black bird did not reach the Mahayana stage, and even only reached the peak of the Fusion Stage, but Tianhai Tangtang Mahayana stage, but he was able to make the etiquette impeccable, and he did not feel uncomfortable or embarrassing at all. Such a person deserves to be extraordinary.

As for Tianhai, his respect for Hei Wu is not only because the other party is the master's confidant, but also because he knows that the other party can drive the two great forces of the Zombie King and the Ghost King at the peak of the fusion stage, which is absolutely terrifying The ability is almost against the sky.

"Go and remove it, so that it will be closest to your inheritance."

"Thank you."

Tianhai flew up when he heard the words, and was about to reach out to take down the scepter of the Three Kings. . . .

The soul suddenly felt dizzy for an instant.

Magic pattern stun plus soul sound attack.

Tianhai was seriously injured and weak, and was stunned by this, as was Hei Wu, who was at the peak of the fusion period.

This was very abrupt, and what was even more abrupt was that at the moment they were stunned, a carved cave appeared under them, and there was suction in the cave, which sucked them straight down.

When they went down, there was a black shadow coming out of the cave.

Tianhai and Heiwu couldn't see who each other was in the dizziness, but they knew that someone was walking past them, staggered up and down, and when they fell into the cave and the door of the cave closed spontaneously, Tianhai and Heiwu dispersed at the same time In a state of dizziness, Qiqi attacks upwards!


They bombarded Qin Yu's body, causing blood and flesh to splatter, but a second before it happened, the top-level brilliance erupted.

Because Qin Yu had already pulled out the Three Kings Scepter decisively and quickly.

The moment it was pulled out.

Qin Yu, who was covered in blood and flesh but was being repaired in horror, held it tightly. At first, Jiaojiao took him to teleport away, but when he looked back, he saw that the once prosperous and powerful Three Kings City was devastated, and he also saw two city walls desperately resisting the falling monks , and the weak group of cultivators who were trapped in the city and could not escape.

At that glance, Qin Yu hesitated for a second, and with this hesitation, she felt the sadness of the scepter in her hand.

That is the sadness from the Three Kings Diaozuo.

Guarded for nearly ten thousand years, will the glory of the Three Kings be destroyed tonight?

Qin Yu's hesitation, its sadness, time delay.

The attacks from those two hit her.

But Qin Yu, who forcibly endured such an attack, did not die. With blood dripping from her hands, she clenched it tightly and sacrificed it in front of her body.

"I'm a mortal. If I don't seek to save all living beings, I can't die for the glory of your three kings. If you want to clean up the dust and kill evil, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yu closed his eyes, and poured powerful soul power directly into the Three Kings Scepter in his hand.

No need to communicate, because she and the will of the scepter. . . That is to say, the scepters of the three kings reached an agreement in an instant.


Extraordinary brilliance, powerful coercion, and the peerless colossal statue of the king were sacrificed from the three kings' scepter, and three rays of light reached out, one was injected into the carved seat of the sword king, and the other two were injected into the dharma king and the poison king respectively.

Bang. . .

The Sword King Eagle Seat woke up, the huge sword held by the Sword King moved, and the huge eagle seat that stood upright was half alive, only to see the golden light mist, condensed light shape, fast entity, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden light king body. The stone statues were separated, and the three kings made different voices, but they seemed to be the same person, and the voices resonated at that moment.

"My three kings, the foundation of ten thousand years, if evil comes, kill it!"

Killing it with one sound shocked the whole field.

And in the next second, after the King Statue of the Three Kings Diaozu awakened, it revealed a huge space under the carving seat, and the golden light spread across the earth under the space, as if it was a huge underground palace, under the underground palace. . There is the sound of hooves.

Under the roar, huge golden armored stone cavalry came roaring.

They awakened from the underground palace and fought out from the underground palace.

Ancient, graceful, and powerful, as if the elders who guarded and fallen from the Three Kings City for generations came back to the world, attached to the stone cavalry and roared to kill.

Thousands of troops and horses, immortal and fearless.

Slashed out from three directions of the Three Kings Carved Seat in the city, passed through the interior of the city, reached the entrance of the city wall, and rushed out of the city under the dull eyes of many monks on the city wall.


The army of the three kings and the two armies of evil things are directly confrontational!

"It is the will of His Majesty the Three Kings..."

"It is the glory of our Three Kings City!"

"The King's Stone Armored Army!!"

The older generation of monks in the Three Kings City had tears in their eyes, if not for the imminent battle, life and death, they would have knelt down.

Xiao Zheng, who are the local geniuses of the Three Kings, even though they are young, are infected, and their blood-stained faces show excitement.

It is clear that these outsiders do not have the emotions of local people, but they also feel the long-standing and heroic feelings of this kind of emotion.

However, they also saw the man who summoned the Three Kings Stone Armored Army with the Three Kings Scepter on the Sword King Diaozuo.

She was covered under the golden light, and she couldn't see her appearance clearly, but she looked like a god.

Then. . . she disappeared.

Together with the Three Kings Scepter.

Because Tianhai and Heiwu rushed out of the cave.


On Yunque Mountain, one hundred and fifty miles away from Three Kings City, Jiaojiao suddenly appeared on the hillside with Qin Yu.

"Oh my god, it's so exciting."

As soon as Jiaojiao appeared, she stomped her feet and wagged her tail, very excited.

Qin Yu, who had regained his flesh and blood, also wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, "It's very exciting. After all, this time is the most thrilling and risk-free adventure."

But the benefits are huge.

She looked at the Three Kings Scepter in her hand, "Not only is it a half-immortal weapon, but it also has the will and inheritance of the Three Kings, which is of great benefit to me. With it, I will have all the accomplishments of the Three Kings' practice inheritance and the Three Kings' carving seat." sum."

For a person like her who is good at comprehension, with it, her strength can be improved by several steps by leaps and bounds, basically ignoring the cultivation ladder. The future of the future can definitely be brilliant!

Jiaojiao was also very happy, "But Yuyu, let's leave here quickly, after all, it's not very far from Three Kings City..."

Qin Yu also felt this way, and was about to leave when he suddenly frowned and stared sharply at the forest.

there. . . someone.

Not necessarily people.

That is not the breath of human beings.

Ghost gas, corpse gas.

It's the Ghost King and the Zombie King!

When Qin Yu saw Hei Wu walking out of the forest with Ghost King and Zombie King.

Her and Jiaojiao's expressions were dead silent.


still. . . The other party also teleported over?

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