I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1887 Poor


Sesame oil, this is a bit scary.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao stopped moving, and looked coldly at each other standing on the outskirts of the forest, more than ten meters away from them.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Hei Wu said slowly, "Don't you teleport away? It seems that there is a time limit, so it's inconvenient."

Qin Yu: "It seems that your master knows me very well, I don't know if we met by fate."

Hei Wu: "Young lady is an extraordinary talent. If you don't kill such a person immediately, it will be bad if you have long nights and dreams. So don't talk to me, Your Excellency. If you take time off, if you run away again, I will kill you." This is impossible to explain to the master."

After that, he waved his hand, and the corpse king and zombie king rushed out.

Sesame oil, this is something that can kill the Mahayana period, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao are no match for flirting.

Can't teleport.

Jinbi also went bald.

This is not a problem that can be solved by tricks, the gap is too big,

Back then, when dealing with the evil ancestor Yuanya, even though the gap was even greater, it still had its own land and was right. It not only used the will of the plane of the earth, but also used the rules of the golden wall.

But on this Tianzang plane, the rules of the Golden House were very shallow, and Qin Yu no longer used such methods, only cultivating himself.

Self-cultivation is fast, and I can't stand the enemy's leaping across the class and skyrocketing.

Back then, the little ghost king was scared away, but now the ghost king + corpse king. . .

Can't, can only fight to the death.

Heiwu had also experienced how powerful Qin Yu was, so he didn't dare to delay. The Corpse King and the Ghost King came directly. In terms of speed, the Ghost King was faster and came to the front first.

It was so fast that Qin Yu couldn't dodge it.

Can only hold up the Three Kings Scepter to block.


The ghost king came down with a ghost claw, and the three kings' scepter was unscathed, unbroken, and did not tremble, but Qin Yu was slapped back, Jiaojiao was behind, wrapping her tail around Qin Yu's waist, preventing her from retreating. Turn the scepter, clang! Qin Yu inserted it into the ground, and the ground suddenly cracked, and her body also tore out a large amount of blood, and the ghost energy swept around the Three Kings Scepter and swept her arms, as if it was about to invade the body.

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth also overflowed with blood, obviously unable to withstand the blow of the ghost king.

Jiaojiao had already transformed into shape, and roared in front of Qin Yu, trying to stop it, but the Zombie Queen came up with his heels, and with a corpse pounce, Jiaojiao was knocked into the mountain wall.

Qin Yu's face changed slightly, she saw that Heiwu wanted to separate her from Jiaojiao, so that Jiaojiao would not take her away in a teleportation time.

What's more, separating them, both the Ghost King and the Zombie King are capable of killing them separately - at least she can kill Qin Yu.

In such a dangerous situation, Qin Yu's mouth was full of blood, and he showed no signs of panic, "It's obvious that you can kill me with one blow, but it doesn't hurt my heart, in order to kill me, but although I'm far inferior to you, If you don't kill me, you may not be able to take me down in a short time, and if time drags on, my Jiaojiao and I can still get away."

She stared at Heiwu coldly.

The look in this look is so frightening that even a knowledgeable person like Heiwu would be shocked.

This is not the first time he has met someone's eyes, the first is his master, but this woman is the second, and it is also the second time he has met her.

Previously, it could be said that she was relying on the puppet and was defeated by her, but this time it was pure fear.

He suddenly had a feeling - this woman seems to be incompetent now, but she is capable of great things and also has great insight. A character like himself is far from making her timid, and she can even see through her palpitations at a glance.

Dangerous, very dangerous.

He wanted to kill her so badly that he would avoid future troubles.

But he can't.

"You do not dare."

Qin Yu wiped off the blood stained on the ink-white mask, but left even more ferocious bloodstains.

The bloodstain actually looked like a sinister bloody smiling face.

It is the most provocative and deceptive smiley face of the perverted murderer in American dramas, and it is also the most painful smiley face in WeChat emoticons.

Hei Wu's nerves suddenly burst, and a sense of danger suddenly appeared in his heart-the master wants to keep this girl, and if he doesn't kill her, he will live, will he not kill her forever? If it has not been killed, it must be of value.

Her worth is obvious, isn't it?

Potential, scheming, and methods are all far superior to Tianhai's, but she is biased and extremely evil. Even Tianhai is reused, let alone her!

And if the master wants to reuse her, if he hurts her or her spiritual pet today, there will be revenge in the future.

Can you handle it yourself?

With a coherent mind, Hei Wu suddenly glanced over.

The Ghost King whistled and rushed towards Qin Yu. Is he really going to kill him this time?

The King of Ghosts opened his mouth, with four petals protruding from his mouth like ghost tongues, slithering towards Qin Yu.

On the other side, Zhuang Wang suddenly rushed out from the mountain forest, came around from behind, raised his hand, and seemed to slap Qin Yu's leg with his wide corpse palm.

Break her limbs, entangle her body, and capture her alive!

He really didn't dare to kill her.

Even if he guessed that far, he still didn't dare.

Because the fear of the master goes deep into the bone marrow.

So he would rather let Zhuang Wang abandon Jiaojiao and join hands with Ghost King to take her down.

He himself dodged in front of Jiaojiao who was chasing her, and raised his hand to attack.


Jiaojiao was intercepted by Heiwu's hook attack, broke several trees, got up a few times, and wanted to rush over again.


Qin Yu couldn't even handle the Ghost King, let alone the Corpse King.

Seeing that he was about to be captured alive by the other party. . . .

A phantom suddenly appeared in the mountain wall.

Appeared behind Qin Yu in an instant.


This woman helped Qin Yu resist the corpse king's blow.

The backs of the two collided, and their bones trembled.

So great!

Hei Wu was surprised.

This person arrived in hiding, and he didn't even sense it.

And this person. . . woman? He looks so good, like a snow fairy.

"Miss Xuewei!"

Qin Yu seemed very surprised, while Xuewei gritted her teeth and whispered.

"How come you are completely different from before, and you still wear a mask, what about your baby?"


Qin Yu choked, "I'll talk about this later, how did you find me?"

"That Haichao Sheng has my heart's essence and blood left on it."

"Miss Xuewei, you are a bit shameless."

"Such a treasure, if I don't pay attention, what will you do if you run away with the treasure? Look, you really escaped! Why do you blame me for being shameless!"

The two of them carried the Zombie King's dead body to death, and even exchanged a few sentences in a daze, which made Jiaojiao angry.

"What time are you still chatting! Run!"


How could it be possible to escape.


Qin Yu and Xuewei were hit by Ghost King Zombie at the same time, one crashed into the forest and the other crashed into the mountain wall.

What a powerful person, they are all people who can leapfrog to kill the enemy. It is so pitiful to be bullied like this.

But in the next second, Qin Yu jumped out from the mountain wall and circled back to the corpse king.

Zhuang Wang's arms were thick, his defense was extremely strong, and his speed was actually fast. After Qin Yu rushed over, he immediately blocked the Three Kings' Scepter, and then grabbed Qin Yu's neck.

Ha, this is delivered to your door.

I couldn't catch it alive before, but I sent it to him in a blink of an eye, so I caught it now.

Heiwu was surprised and delighted, but suddenly felt weird—this woman is so cunning, how could she deliver it to her door herself?

There must be a way, Heiwu's heart thumped, and he suddenly woke up, and his eyes suddenly saw that the Zombie King who was holding Qin Yu seemed a little restless.

out of his control.

"No!" Heiwu was frightened when Zhuang Wang was affected by Qin Yu's blood, roared and lowered his head and bit Qin Yu's neck.

It wasn't that he felt sorry for Qin Yu, but that he was ordered by his master, so he didn't dare to let her die.

Of course, Zhuang Wang just bit her. . .


During the Mahayana period, being bitten by the Zombie King's neck and injecting corpse poison may not be able to bear it.

What's more, watching Zombie King's bloody mouth, the zombie teeth spit out almost pierced Qin Yu's neck.

It was indeed exposed, and it sucked more than half of the blood in Qin Yu's body in the blink of an eye.

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