I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1890 Secret

——It should have been confirmed just now. Now that Qin Yu is in a weak state, he deliberately stimulated her soul state and grasped the recovery of her body. Corpse poison is the best auxiliary agent, which will fully expose her physical characteristics.

Because so far, Qin Yu, who was actually bitten by the Zombie King and sucked blood, has not been turned into a single bit of corpse.

This is the most obvious anomaly.

The Great Elder's eyebrows twitched several times, and he reacted sharply, "You want to threaten me with her?"

Man: "Wu Que is the most cherished talent, and it is also interesting. No matter how naughty the evil genius is, when he arrives in Wu Que, he will always have a bit of nostalgia, including the former Zhou Xuanqing, or the later Chang Tingwan. I think this is somewhat There is a two-way friendship in it. Many years later, another lonely Taoist Qingqiu came out, who has been in Taoism for more than ten years, can kill and combine, and resist Mahayana, such a character...you can't bear it."

The Great Elder sneered: "It's really a conspiracy. Since you are all smart people, why don't you open the skylight and tell the truth, what exactly do you want?"

Man: "Where is he?"

The Great Elder's expression twitched, and he remained silent.

The man smiled, "Everyone has a secret to defend for life in this life, and nothing can shake this resolve, so one Qingqiu is not enough, even if that is the case, I can only threaten her."

The eldest boss said with a straight face: "How could she, a junior, know."

Man: "She also has a secret that interests me."

Qin Yu, who was suddenly touched, twitched his brows, and said lightly: "Since you know me so well, you know that I won't say it. After all, in my opinion, you don't intend to keep alive - after you tell me those secrets After shaking out, since you wanted to keep me alive, it means that these secrets of mine are of high value to you. Those who know these secrets will actually have to die."

In terms of mind skills, Qin Yu may not be unable to see the opponent's style and character.

The man didn't deny it, "So I didn't intend to use threats like this, even though I can clearly test whether the cat is approaching your bottom line."

Qin Yu glanced at him, "You can't kill him."

Man: "I can see that it has a strong background. It can be crippled like a dog, but it cannot be killed."

Fat Maojiao, who was lying on the ground dying, glared at him angrily.

The man was noncommittal, "My solution is—let's make a bet."

Qin Yu: "Tell me."

Man: "You fight with one person. If you win, I will let these people go. If you lose, tell me your origin and why you can master the magic pattern."

Qin Yu didn't ask who he was fighting with, but just looked at one person, Heiwu.

Hei Wu was a little surprised, but his expression was a little gloomy.

"Don't let him take those two big guys?"

"Of course not."

The man said, and asked Heiwu again: "Are you sure?"

Hei Wu bowed his head and saluted, "This subordinate must not embarrass the master."

Qin Yu sneered: "Don't be stupid, you tried to kill me against his order before, wouldn't he know? With his style, there must be punishment, maybe he thinks I can kill you, it's not necessarily that, it's just a matter of waste utilization. Test my hypocrisy."

This sentence is like a soft knife, piercing people's hearts.

It was also intentionally disturbing Hei Wu's mood.

The most interesting thing is that the man didn't deny it, and even if Hei Wu had already guessed, he couldn't bear to be poked by Qin Yu like this, so he gave Qin Yu a gloomy look, "Don't say that you are seriously injured and weak now, you are not dead or alive, Even at your peak, you are no match for me."

Qin Yu: "Whether you can beat me or not, you will die, so I don't care about you."

Black Crow: "..."

What nonsense, let's fight!

Qin Yu and Hei Wu were about to fight, but their bodies were moved. . . The two of them were moved out of the sealed space.

Not to mention Heiwu was shocked, the Great Elder and the others were all shocked.

put. . . released?

Xue frowned slightly, didn't this make her run away?

"Master!" Hei Wu was a little anxious.

The man was very steady, only looking at Qin Yu calmly.

Qin Yu: "You let me out to force me to make a choice, in a dilemma? Are you a pervert?"

Man: "You don't know how to run, but you don't think there's enough space here, and you guys can't fight well enough."

Qin Yu frowned and glanced at him. This person must have another purpose, but she hasn't thought of it yet.

It was too late to think about it, because the black crow moved.

In terms of the situation, Hei Wu was no better than Qin Yu and the others, they were all fish and meat. Although he didn't know if his master would spare his life if he won, but he would definitely die if he lost.

So Heiwu is also desperately trying, after all, he is at the peak of the fusion period. Although he is also seriously injured, it is far less serious than Qin Yu's injury. More importantly, he recovered halfway, but Qin Yu has been injured all the time.

So Hei Wu thought that Qin Yu was definitely not his opponent.

In the first move, Qin Yu was really at a disadvantage, and was repelled by the opponent's hook. When he flew out, Heiwu caught up with him, poked his claws, and locked on Qin Yu's surroundings, swearing to kill her.

Hei Wu is particularly desperate and fierce.

This is the second trick.

This move also made Qin Yu, who was already seriously injured. . . . The hook went straight into her shoulder.

Pulling and pulling, the hook pulled the flesh and blood, and Qin Yu was pulled over. Facing him was Heiwu's open palm, which turned into gas, and it looked like a ghost king's claw, or a dead king's claw.

This is a secret art of refining evil. The stronger the ghost king and the zombie king, the more powerful the refiner can get a part of their abilities.

This is also the basis for Hei Wu to be sure to take Qin Yu down even without the Ghost King and Zombie King.

Otherwise, just relying on his peak fitness period, he really doesn't have much confidence.

After all, his master said it too, didn't he?

The body of a fairy plus the restorative properties of a near-immortal body.

And sound attack or something?

Heiwu was on guard and wanted to take her down as soon as possible, so after Qin Yu's shoulder was penetrated, Guazi directly tore at Qin Yu's head.

At close range, flesh and bones splashed on his shoulders, but Qin Yu disappeared in an instant.

Spring Breeze and Rain Technique.

She appeared behind Heiwu, but Heiwu also dissipated into black air, and with a backhand hook, the hook broke Qin Yu's shoulder bone, and his claw landed on her face.

That is, on the ink-white mask.

This catch. . . Just as he was about to use his strength to scratch the mask and the head together, the hook that cracked the flesh and bones suddenly moved up and something came out of Qin Yu's body.

Heiwu's complexion changed, and he immediately pulled back, but it was too late, the little green snake scurrying on the hook had slipped into his body through the wound on his body.

Poisonous, terrifyingly poisonous.

As soon as the poison came out, most of the viscera and spirit veins in Heiwu's body were instantly eroded.

Seriously injured, this time, his condition dropped to the same level as Qin Yu's, or even worse.

Because this toxin was cultivated by Qin Yu for many years, it can be regarded as a shameful method, comparable to Zombie King Corpse Poison, but Qin Yu's physique has been strengthened, and Hei Wu has no ability to recover from death, so his condition will be worse than Qin Yu's. Not as good, and it will get worse.

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