I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1891 No way?

Heiwu vomited blood, but since he had been hit, he immediately regretted retreating, so he rushed forward again, trying to kill Qin Yu desperately.

But now that Qin Yu had succeeded, he naturally expected Hei Wugou to jump over the wall in a hurry, dodged, and the Three Kings Scepter stabbed hard, directly piercing Hei Wu's probing paw. After piercing, Qin Yu turned his wrist, and the Three Kings Scepter Tear from the palm up. . . .


One of Heiwu's arms was torn into squid-like strips of flesh by the Three Kings' Scepter, and the tip of the Three Kings' Scepter exudes a strong suction force. suck away. .

In order to protect himself, Heiwu snapped off his arm decisively, got away and backed away,

As soon as he retreated, Qin Yu swept across with his scepter and hit Heiwu fiercely on his abdomen, but Heiwu blocked it with a hook, but this hook was nothing compared to the Three Kings' scepter.

After shaking violently, even the person and the hook were blown away.


The black crow was driven into the mountain wall, the mountain wall pierced through, and came out from the other side of the mountain wall. The black crow turned into black smoke and whistled again.

Work hard, who wouldn't!

Even though the loss was huge and almost exhausted, Qin Yu became vicious and ruthless, fighting the desperate Heiwu inextricably. The surrounding mountains, forests and walls were devastated, and the movement was no less than that of a battle in the Three Kings City.

However, at this moment.

In the sealed space next to it. . . . Dead again.

Zombies and ghost kings are slaughtering.

It's just that the sound was blocked, Qin Yu couldn't hear it, but she saw it.

What if I saw it?

Qin Yu was expressionless, without the slightest distraction, and was so ruthless.

But she also knew that maybe it wasn't blocking the sound, but that there was no sound at all inside.

Those Wuque elites who were slaughtered were silently enduring their own deaths.

No one cried for mercy, probably because they were all psychologically prepared. Even if the Zombie King tore their bodies and swallowed their flesh and blood, none of them gave in.

The small space was covered with blood red, and the blood wet the apprentice, and all the blood was left on Jiaojiao's side.

Jiaojiao looked at it, her eyes were red.

Xuewei has been very silent, her eyes are a little distracted, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

And the Great Elder. . . . .

He was more indifferent than Qin Yu, as if everything in front of him didn't shake him at all.

The man was right in front of him, neither making him ruthless, nor lamenting the bravery of these Wuque disciples.

He just said, "It's been a long time, all forbearance is related to trade-offs, and his whereabouts are indeed related to Wuque's survival, so even if these people are dead, even if Qingqiu dies, he must not be exposed. Traces... right, our master, he is doing something to determine the future of Wu Que."

"As for the whole Wuque, no one in the sky prison knows his information, except you, and only you."

The Great Elder neither denied nor admitted, but said hoarsely: "It's all over, why don't you go ahead and kill the one outside together, and see if I will tell you, and since you are a hero, Another man, since he agreed to fight as a gamble, why should he kill and cruelly kill her here in order to defeat her?

Man: "You may have misunderstood. Killing them is not to force her, nor is it to force you. It just needs a little soul energy of the dead to activate the soul-stirring technique."

As he spoke, the Great Elder seemed to have remembered something. At that time, his pupils shrank and he tried to explode himself, but he couldn't succeed because the man had already pressed his hand on his head.

"No matter how forbearable it is, it is painful."

"And pain makes people weak."

"If those people's deaths don't work, then look at the little girl outside."

"Sometimes, the more stubborn you try to survive, the more distressing you are. Why doesn't she just run away?"

"You don't want them to die, especially her, so you were lucky and didn't blow yourself up before—I gave you a chance to blow yourself up, so you used a special soul secret technique to penetrate the forbidden sect Calling for help, right?"

"Unfortunately, I stopped it."

"Is it hopeless?"

Every sentence is a torture that goes deep into the soul, and it also comes with a terrifying soul technique. Following his words, and following his fingertips, the souls of those who died tragically were condensed and coiled in his fingers. The head of the Great Elder enters through the seven orifices and entangles the soul. . .

The Great Elder's face was distorted, livid, and he insisted on gritting his teeth.

To be able to represent the missing head of the Wuque Center in such a large sect with not-extreme strength is not based on real strength, it can only be super strong sense of responsibility and perseverance.

In his heart, there is no more supreme belief than Wuque.

But that doesn't mean he's invulnerable.

No one's soul is absolutely powerful.

This man used a little foreshadowing to gradually destroy the mind of the Great Elder, and then, with a calm face, he used the technique of soul-hunting to forcefully invade the soul world of the Great Elder. . . . Search everything about that person.

"Tell me, our leader... Shang Zhizhou, where is he?"

The man's voice was very soft, like a devil, and he asked softly when the elder's eyes were bleeding blood.

The Great Elder tightly closed his eyes, refusing to speak, and the man's insanity technique crushed his soul inch by inch.

He crushed the soul fragments of the memory of the Wushang Continent inch by inch, just looking for what he wanted.

But the Great Elder hid it tightly, like the strongest agent, when faced with all kinds of torture by the enemy, not only relied on the will to overcome physical pain, but also a tactic.

Obviously, the Great Elder is still stable at present, although it looks miserable.

But the man didn't panic, because Qin Yu, who had the upper hand outside, was suddenly pierced through the heart by a black black hook, and hit the ground directly.

And the scepter also flew out, swishing and stuck in the ground more than ten meters away.

It was very sudden, it turned out that Heiwu was crushed and beaten.

Could it be because the Great Elder's situation is not good, and this guy can't bear to respect the old and love the young?


It was because Qin Yu was poisoned.

After being controlled by Heiwu, Qin Yu looked at the man, "You did it."

It should be that after she was pinched by his neck before, he poisoned her silently.

Man: "Can't you?"

Of course, because Qin Yu also poisoned Heiwu just now.

The mask on Qin Yu's face already had cracks and several dripping blood, but his eyes were still eye-catching and deep.

It's too beautiful.

Beautiful eyes can speak, and her smile seems to be exposed in her eyes.

wry smile.

She lost, and still lost.

It was not at the hands of Hei Wu, but at the hands of this man.

But this kind of smile is not directed at men.

She is looking at the elder.

The four eyes are facing each other.

It's all miserable.

Do you want to encourage each other?

"Old man, I really can't bear it anymore. Don't resist. If you betray the head, the sky won't fall. If we bargain with this pervert, maybe we can all live."

Qin Yu's tone was very gentle.

The great elder's eyelids moved, and he said gloomyly: "Looking at it now, I think you look like Qingqiu."

Hypocrisy, pretense, hypocrisy.

Hey, the old man scolded me.

Qin Yu: "I hate my fat cat."

Quite lonely and sad.

With just one sentence, the Great Elder was stunned for a moment, and then his face darkened.

Are the beauties and handsome men of the Zongmen not enough for you to cherish? You want to pet a big fat cat!

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