I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1999 Yansha Tower (two more, end)

But even if he didn't understand, he had to abide by it, but he didn't really have much awe in his heart, and he never thought of giving face to anyone in Lielu Dajing Prefecture, unless the other party was Mahayana.

With such a mentality, Zhang Qu was really annoyed by being exposed so suddenly, and had a strong killing intent.

Not only did he have the intention to kill, but he had indeed targeted Fang Yourong.

The murderous aura is vertical and horizontal, and the breath is cold and severe.

Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

Mingchu and the others felt a chill all over, let alone Fang Yourong who was locked up, but Fang Yourong didn't even move his eyebrows.

Paralyzed, this woman is really awesome.

Of course, I hope that Wuque will be as miserable as possible, and the more people will die, but many people also feel that it is very complicated.

Firstly, they recognized Fang Yourong's excellence, and secondly, it would be a pity if such a beautiful and terrifying goddess-level figure died.

No matter how high the talent is, she has a mind that is as stable as Cangshan, but how many geniuses do she have?

In fact, many geniuses are praised too much precisely because they are geniuses, and their xinxing is lacking.

But this side is tolerant. . . Never seen her make a mistake—maybe just today.

It would be great if such a character came from his own sect, why did he have to be in the poisonous Wuque?

The difference between the goddesses is that even if they wish for the death of the other party in terms of interests, they are a little bit reluctant emotionally.

Of course, Qin Yu doesn't have this kind of treatment at the moment - she concentrates on conquering Wu Que's internal disciples' gentle senior sister with full affinity, but she treats the outsiders. . . Well, there are a lot of pitfalls, most of them are gentle ladies on the inside, but black hearts on the outside.

But even if it's Qin Yu like this, if someone wants to take her away, there will always be someone who doesn't want to.

As soon as Zhang Qu locked onto Fang Yourong and released his killing intent, trying to force the other party to fear or submit, the fifth sword feather appeared.

He appeared with the three thousand Wuque troops.

Mighty and majestic.

When he came, his eyes were like mountains and seas, staring at the ten-person team, as if they were facing each other coldly, but also seemed to be crushed deeply.

"Take away me, Wuque, and want to kill me, Wuque's second person?"

He asked, and Zhang Qu didn't need to answer, so he continued on his own.

"I have no faults. I am already a fifth-rank sect in the Tianzang world. According to the rules of Jingmen, I have the authority to deal with the internal affairs of the sect first. Do you want to overstep the authority?"

With one hand clasping the handle of the long knife hanging from his waist, and pressing it lightly with his fingertips, his stern face seemed to be the prelude to a landslide and tsunami, and his eyes were as silent as an abyss.

"Even if you dare to violate the established rules of the Three Realms State that have maintained balance and mutual protection for thousands of years, who gave you the courage?"

Since the Qingqiu incident, he and Fang Yourong have been going back and forth, trying to compete with the big bosses in the sect for the responsibility, to ease the matter for a turnaround, to prevent the woman Chang Tingwan from having full power to investigate, and to follow up with the terrorist organizations above to draw up a plan. "Relevant reports" in order to hold the main authority in their own hands, so as to prevent Qingqiu from dying in the endless and harsh interrogation of the other party.

This is not enough, they still have to struggle to test a certain junior sister, but this little junior sister is as slippery as a loach, as brazen as an iron bull, with first-class acting skills, pretending to be fake and acting coquettishly, as if she is a wolf-hearted dog who doesn't believe her.

what can they do

Too bad.

The mood is naturally very bad, but this kind of bad mood can't be vented on someone who is delicate and wronged, so it is piled up with Zhang Qu and ten people.

Great history, strong strength?

Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling didn't care, just hate it!

Zhang Qu was stunned, his complexion turned red and bloody, Lielu East is really poisonous, Wuque is even more poisonous, the people in the fourth department have been taught, but unexpectedly, the dignified members of the big organization from Penglai Dajing Prefecture were also stunned Hemiplegia.

Can this be tolerated? What kind of stuff are these two people? !

Holding a chicken feather as an arrow is still missing a chicken feather!

The ten people were almost about to blow up, their murderous intentions were relentless, and they were about to start a massacre.

At this moment, a sentence suddenly inserted in the side.

"Although it is a bit out of date, I still want to ask."

"Well, I don't know where the ten of you came from?"

ten people:"???!!!"

Onlookers: That's right, before I even asked what the origin was, I knew it had a big origin.

People in Tianzang Realm: "..."

The trio of Wuque is more poisonous than the other.

Qin Yu's simple, friendly and gentle question was more lethal than Fang Yourong's stubbornness.

"They are from Yansha Tower."

Yansha Tower, this name has been lost in Lielu Dajing State for a long time, because fighting with the demon sect has always been a matter of the other two powerful Dajing States. Lielu, a depraved little brother, has been offline for many years , so Qin Yu didn't know either.

But Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling obviously knew.

Qin Yu also learned from other people's conversations, "So what do you want me to do?"

She asked. Although Zhang Qu was extremely impatient and didn't want to say anything more to this dead target, he also knew that there were restrictions in the metaphor. If he really took the initiative to attack and kill this Wuque person first, he might end up He will also suffer losses - in an organization, he also has competitors.

It is better to let the other party make mistakes first.

Zhang Qu has already seen that those two powerful men and women in Wuque intend to protect this Qingqiu, then. . .

Zhang Qu sneered in his heart, but said to Qin Yu lightly on his face: "You are quite good at disguising, why are you pretending to be stupid? Since the last time when Tianzang chose the Nine Palaces of Tianxu, the demon seeds inside were killed, and the devil embryos that raised them The primeval stone disappeared without a trace."

Qin Yu: "Then what fetal stone, do you suspect that I took it?"

"Pretend it! Even if you have done it very covertly, but I am so powerful in Yansha Tower. I am as expert as a cloud. I have my own means to investigate. After the final investigation, I will lock your suspicion. You stole the devil's embryo Yuanshi. If you plead guilty obediently That's fine, otherwise..."

He yelled threateningly, but Qin Yu laughed.

"Your Excellency just said that the suspicion was confirmed. Since it is a suspicion, there is no evidence yet. Besides, even if I took the magic embryo Yuanshi, it is not enough for you to come and get someone aggressively. Unless you suspect that I am a demon. But you still have no evidence, so you want to take me back for interrogation and investigation, but this reason is a bit far-fetched. According to the rules, as long as Wu Que is unwilling, you can detain me."

The Wuque trio is shrewd and cunning, and a lot can be analyzed just from the words of Fang Yourong and Zhang Qu.

And Zhang Qu was humiliated and ridiculed again and again, and he was already furious. The other party was too tolerant for the two of them to make a move. Could it be that he still can't move his arrest target?

"Whether you are the evil seed of the Demon Sect, you can know it with your own hands."

Before Zhang Qu moved, his subordinates moved first.

How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!

A peak of the fusion stage made a bold move, but the two lights and shadows, the sword aura and the saber aura were soaring.

Fang Yourong and the two teamed up to forcefully stop this person.

Zhang Qu was excited now, he was waiting for this!

"If you dare to stop me from Yansha tower to take someone, I think you Wuque must have colluded with the Demon Sect, otherwise why would you protect him so much! Come and take it down!"

Zhang Qu was eager to convict Wuque and Fang Yourong, and also wanted to intimidate the people present. As soon as he yelled, the fierce fighting scene was about to break out, and he suddenly inserted a more abrupt sentence.

Well, it's still the same person, a professional outburst, a small expert in interjection.

This time, what she inserted was. . .

"Actually, you can go together."

She was also gentle and elegant, although the volume was not loud, but it was strange that everyone could hear her clearly, and she also looked at Qin Yu who was speaking like a demon.

No one could figure out what the faint smile on Qin Yu's face meant at this moment, because they were still trying to figure out the deep meaning of what she just said.

"Don't think too much, there is no deep meaning."

"I just mean——if you don't go up together, you can't take me down."

Is this what people say?

When Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling looked at each other, no one except the two of them would examine the authenticity of Qin Yu's words.


boom! The nine people under Zhang Qu moved!

At the same time, Fang Yourong and the two were locked and fixed by the immobile Zhang Qu.

At that moment, it was probably the most majestic moment of this rainstorm, because of the sudden burst of power of the group, and also because of the completely released killing intent, and even more because of. . . .

Qin Yu, who was holding Jiaojiao with both hands, freed up a hand, and then she disappeared.

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