I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2000 Bing Chansi (thanks to Qi Shutong yanlinz121 half body silk dragging)


What disappears does not disappear forever, it exists forever, only in what form.

Qin Yu disappeared, and Qin Yu with his sword appeared.

She appeared behind one of the nine people. The sword she drew had three shadows in one sword, and the sword style of "Absolute Sword" had three moves and one fluidity.

Coherent and smooth, the sword energy burst out after overlapping is more than ten times more lethal than Sha Lengjian.

This sword also caused Qin Yu's sword damage to reach the late stage of the fusion stage.

As soon as the sword airflow shuttle vibrated the airflow in the space and buzzed, the person fell down.

Some people have seen her use spell seals and formations before to kill opponents one by one with one trembling and five early fusion stages.

This is a terrifying record, but many people also believe that it is relying on the outside world, not to mention the fact that the five people's vitality is severely injured and their strength is less than 40% to 50%. In terms of actual single-attack lethality, Qingqiu will fit together if he is dead. Early period.

So people should not judge lightly.

The slap came too fast.

Qin Yu didn't use any complicated and fancy methods, just swordsmanship.

Wuque's swordsmanship, the sword flow under her own control, and the strength and speed possessed by her physique.

Three swords and one sword flow.

One of the nine had both arms severed.

Not dead, but temporarily lost combat effectiveness.

The other eight were terrified.

This is a KO in one round!

It's really an instant KO of a peak of the fusion period.

They were terrified.


Mo Jinzun waited for Cang Binggu and the first wave of examiners who came to trouble Qin Yu:? ? ?

They shouldn't be here, they're gonna go blind.

The people in Tianzang Realm were also confused.

This is wrong, this Wuque swordsmanship, and Jianliu are so awesome?

Calculating the increase, it shouldn't have such a terrifying explosive power.

"Her physique." Or how can I say she is a big boss, Deacon Zhan saw through the key at a glance.

Outside the area that was forcibly blocked by the Tianzangjing staff, people like Wei Xian have already been informed, but because of the big losses they suffered before, this time Wei Xian decided to sit on the sidelines and watch. They all suit his heart.

There is no need for others to do this, they have killed themselves internally!

This Qingqiu suffered a terrible death, and he would definitely not be able to survive.

Wei Xian was in a relaxed mood, but he also stabilized. He didn't intervene hastily, but he just watched calmly. There were several twists and turns, and he saw the scene just now.

At the peak of the fit period, a round of KO or something?

There are no other dry goods, just the swordsmanship and swordsmanship, which are as simple as a village girl squatting behind an earthen stove in the country eating corn bread for the night.

As the son of the lord, Wei Yuan felt that there was a ghost in it.

"There is something wrong with this Qingqiu. There must be something wrong with her physique...Nine out of ten she really has a demon seed planted in her body."

Naturally, he also has some understanding of the monster, knowing that it is the power that drives all the monks crazy.

Because of madness, the temptation is too great, it can be called irresistible, the power required to cultivate a demon seed is comparable to a huge amount, and most of them are based on a large number of lives, it is too evil, so the righteous way must be eradicated.

If this Qingqiu was the breeder of the demon seed, then even the Da Luo Jinxian hidden in Wuque would not be able to save her!

She must also be the breeder of the devil seed, otherwise how could she have such a powerful talent.

Of course, Wei Xian refused to admit that a mere monk from the east of Lielu could possess such power after practicing for forty years. His eyes flickered, and he quietly took out the messenger talisman. . .

On the other side, Qin Yu killed one of the nine people, and the other eight were shocked, and Zhang Qu was also shocked, but after all, he is a master of the tribulation stage, so he should be able to control the situation.

"Don't panic, this son is the son of the demon seed, if you don't even have such strength, then it's not worth waiting for me to come!"

"Since she resists so viciously, then kill her!"

The inherent killing intent will make people open their eyes and talk nonsense, Zhang Qu will not consider whether Qin Yu's actions are leeway, he only cares about his own opinion-this person must not stay! Wu Que and those two people had better not stay!

Zhang Qu's eyes were dark, and with an order, the eight people could only continue. Compared with the confidence before, they were obviously much more cautious this time, so they went to a tighter blockade and focused more on their own defense, so as not to be like The person in front was also caught off guard by a KO.

However, they focused on defense first and attack second, but they also gave Qin Yu a little time—time for her to say a word.

"Killing a person is much easier than crippling a person, if you want to continue."

Qin Yu raised his sword and pointed it at the people in Yansha Tower.

She didn't speak any more, but her eyes were gloomy.

The eight people remained in palpitations.

They're not stupid either. No matter how strong the opponent is, killing the person in front is not just a matter of contempt or fluke.

You can KO one, and you can also hang one.

They're just here for a mission, not to seek death.

While the eight were hesitant and cautious, Zhang Qu had a gloomy expression and shouted angrily, "What are you afraid of! I'm here!"

After all, he raised his hand abruptly. If he is a master in the Tribulation Period, that method is naturally extraordinary. As soon as he raised his hand, a piece of ice crystals floated around his body, and a piece of snow melted. , Frost controls the space and blocks it.

This is the real blockade, and the lock-up of the home team by nine of them can only be regarded as a kind of traction.

As soon as Zhang Qu was blocked, two hair-thin ice strands appeared around Qin Yu's body for no reason, one wrapped around the body, and the other wrapped around the soul!

The ice silk is mysterious, tenacious and indestructible, and when it appears, it has a terrifying aura.

Special demipower.

Obviously, Zhang Qu was sent to take charge of this task because of two skills. He was not in the general tribulation period. For example, he has a fairly comprehensive grasp of demimagic powers, even this kind of auxiliary blockade.

Supernatural powers are special products for Mahayana, and luxury goods during the catastrophe period.

Under supernatural powers, we talk about semi-supernatural powers.

"Blocking demimagic power ice Chansi."

"Qingqiu can't escape."

Zhang Qu sacrificed Bingsi to double block Qin Yu's soul and body. As the leader, he was not in a hurry to kill Qin Yu, but just gave an order.


The other eight people were greatly encouraged, because this Qingqiu has been controlled!

Of course, they also heard Zhang Qu's killing intent.


Eight swords and long spears were used together, with wild and fierce methods, different brilliance, and complicated aura, but all of them were powerful. After all, they were the peak of the fusion period, and they were monks from Dajing State in Weichuan, and they were Yansha towers after all. people.

There is no room for eight people to make a move.

The stormy wind and rain, the splendor mixed with the light, accompanied by the whistling sound of wind, thunder and fire.

They come majestic.

It means to kill!

But it was also at that moment that there was pitch blackness under the dark clouds and thunder clouds.

It's not a dark cloud cover, but a mysterious force.

The overwhelming black crows.

Printed from Chang Tingwan's fingertips, a black streamlined black crow rattled, tearing apart the majestic thunder sound of the eight groups of people attacking, and the flying speed of this black crow was extremely terrifying, turning into eight black streamers and entangled away .


They hit the group of eight.

Strong defeat?

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