I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2002 Melee! (The third update is coming, it's over, sleep, ask for a monthly pass)

Don't look at their conversation in the air, which seems to be angry and joking, but the hands that should be moved are not vague at all.

The torrential rain continued, fierce fighting at high altitude, the mountain luan burst, and the forest collapsed.

At the beginning, some people thought that this was the play of the Wuque trio, even if it was true, they would feel unbearable to some extent, but it turned out. . .

The tricks are fierce.

Neither Fang Yourong nor Fifth Dao Ling showed any mercy. Every move was trying to defeat Qin Yu, drain her fighting power, and then take her away, as if doing everything they could—you can run away, but you have to. Get away from us!

Does Qin Yu want to escape?

She should have thought about it, you see she fought all the way to the edge of the island, and she was approaching the beach - this is also the line of defense blocked by the Tianzang Territory.

The people in Tianzang Realm are ready to move.

Pang Fei: "Boss Zhan, shall we go? Do you want to stop her?"

Deacon Zhan: "No, the result of the discussion with Wu Que is to let them handle it independently. Since Yansha Tower has already taken action, why should we intervene?"

Guan Lieshan: "Speaking of Yansha Tower, why do I think they..."

Those eight people were forcefully restrained by Chang Tingwan alone, and tortured by various poisons and secret methods, but the main force on the side of Yansha Tower is not them, but. . . Zhang Qu!

"There seems to be something wrong with his Bingchansi."

Guan Lieshan was suspicious, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao was coming, not only arrived, but also started!

Zhang Qu made a move, but it wasn't aimed at Qin Yu, nor at Fang Yourong, but at Chang Tingwan!

Zhang Qu is a face-saving person, it is impossible to see eight of his subordinates being played by a woman in the palm of his hand, and when he makes a move, there is a thunderbolt. .

No matter how strong she is, she still doesn't seem to be able to PK with a Transcending Tribulation Stage, so she avoids the edge for the time being?

But after being supported by Zhang Qu, the eight people who escaped from the terror of the mysterious Taoist girl were relieved, and went straight to Qin Yu's side without saying a word.

They would rather face that Qingqiu than face this poisonous girl!

When the eight people came to kill, Qin Yu had already reached the sky above the beach, but before he could fly out, the eight people arrived after a long-distance attack.

As soon as Qin Yu turned around, he saw a vast group of eight people attacking, and was about to make a move, but saw Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling who were chasing him, leaving Qin Yu and turning their heads to intercept the eight people's long-distance attack.

What kind of fairy brother and sister is this.

Love is hard to say in the heart, I hit you just don't let others hit you.

But the action of the two of them followed Zhang Qu's will, "Okay, you Wuque really have the intention of disobedience, and forcibly protect the son of this demon seed, even if you are a fifth-rank sect, since you are looking for death, then Don't blame me."

After that, he turned his head and glanced.

"Although you are the people of Lielu, but I Yansha Tower is in charge of exterminating demons, and I have always exterminated demons and their gangsters. Such innocent people have misbehaved. Since you are righteous people, you should join me Destroy the enemy!"

His words undoubtedly aroused the desire of many sects to eradicate Wuque and Qin Yu. Even though they knew that Wuque's foundation was deep and unfathomable, they still had the mentality of killing the cradle ahead of time. Wanting to follow the trend of Yansha Tower's thigh to Mie Wuque, some people are tempted, but in fact. . . They also have swings.

The wobbling was gone in an instant.

Because someone is coming from outside.

People from the southern northern border alliance came, and the status of the visitor was not low. They were actually the great elders of the alliance. Come, Tong Qi Lianzhi resolutely accused Wuque of enchanting.

"We are willing to follow Yansha Tower's will and resolutely destroy all demons!"

It happened just in time, Zhang Qu was overjoyed, and with a shout, the crowd immediately surrounded Qin Yu and Fang Yourong.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what these people want to do, and not everyone agrees. For example, the people in Cangbing Valley didn't even move.

Because of Yu Jing's strong persuasion, Mo Jinzun, who was about to move, was stunned.

"These people must have been attracted by Wei Yuan's sound transmission. The south wants to take advantage of the power of the Yansha Tower to destroy Wuque. Once Wuque is destroyed, the east will submit. Next is our west. The first to bear the brunt is our Tibetan Army Valley and Arhat Valley. Even if you don't care about the overall situation of the sect, senior brother, are you willing to be Wei Xian's pawn? This is not good for us at all, and it will lose face, and if you don't do anything, you can't blame us, and there is no loss, and it will avoid any turning point in the future , What if Wu Que takes revenge?"

Mo Jinzun is actually not afraid of any revenge, but he thought of the four-part pattern, and. . . The main reason is that he doesn't want to follow Wei Xian's heart.

To be Wei Xian's pawn? dream!

To be suppressed by people like Lao Yuan in the future is even more delusional!

Mo Jinzun didn't move, Tibetan Bing Valley naturally didn't move, and the people in the west also didn't move when they saw this. There was only one Qin Dan. He wasn't here at all. The trio already had a conflict, so naturally they didn't want to let go of this opportunity, they had already heard the news and came here, and when they saw the opportunity, they followed everyone's threats.

On the other side, there are also people in the east. At least they know that these people are there. . .

Mingchu drew his sword with his fingertips and entered it.

As soon as she made a move, all the people from the east, such as Shuiyue Xianzun Hua Minghuai, Baili Xianshang, Fairy Wanyu, etc., started.

In the east or something, the civil war is fierce, but the external battle is also quite neat. The most important thing is that Baili Xianshang sent voice transmission to some monks in the Baili Kingdom.

"The people sent by the Yansha tower are not very smart, and they don't seem to have a good status inside. They have no strategy at all when they come to arrest someone. If they want to do big things and engage in four-party melee, they will have nothing to do. After finishing the job In the future, he will definitely not have much right to speak, and maybe he will be relegated. After all, there must be a fool responsible for this matter. Whoever believes in his power is an idiot! On the other hand, Wuque, the water is deep, and everyone is fine. Fang Yourong and the fifth Dao Ling never cared about the sect structure, but dared to confront the Yansha tower, I don't believe that they lost their minds in order to protect Qingqiu, it's better to say that they have other confidence."

"What's more, the unification of the south is so obvious, and it has already been offended. Even if Wuque falls, it will not benefit us at all, and it will cause a mess."

"Even if we make a move, even if we can't fight, we will definitely not die, because the Tianzang Realm will not allow things to get too big, and we will make a move soon."

The queen is the queen, so many people knew the way when they led the way, and they all took action, and even silently praised the queen-my majesty is magnificent and has a pattern!

Duanmu Qinglie: I still think that His Majesty just wants to marry Wuque in order to protect a certain outstanding young man whom he wants to overthrow.

Although it is somewhat weak compared to the masters of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, but. . . . The posture is still to be set! Anyway, there is no loss, right?

The people in the east settled their postures, and the scuffle broke out immediately, and there was a chaotic fight over the island.

But in terms of danger, there is no doubt that Wuque four people, including Changting Wan, are the main targets to kill, but the Great Elder of the Northern Border Alliance and that Zhang Qu are all running for Qin Yu!

Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling's expressions changed drastically, and they were about to rush over to save them, but they saw a group of people killing them around them.

Especially the eight peaks of the fusion period!

Using the people from Lielu Dajing State to divide Wuque and the three people into two parts, this is Zhang Qu's conspiracy!

It was also his killing intent!

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