I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2003 Don't live anymore


The change was too fast. It was Zhang Qu's intention to brew it, and it was also the intention of the people in the south to promote it. The people in Wuque seemed to be passive, and the people in the Tianzang Realm who were on the sidelines were also stunned, and they were about to stop it.

But even Deacon Zhan didn't have time.

It is too late to save people.

It seems again. . . No need to save?

As a master of the tribulation stage, one of the only three in this place, Deacon Zhan knew that if he took action, it would have an impact on the situation, but he did not choose to save Qingqiu.

Qingqiu this person. . . It seems that the charges against her are very solid, and she will definitely be arrested, and there is no way to kill her immediately. The Tianzang Realm has no intention of doing it for an examiner who is suspected of being a demon and has been admonished by the sect, but Fang Yourong and the two are Can't die.

They are the assessors of the Heavenly Hidden Realm, and they are currently showing extraordinary strength and talent. Deacon Zhan really doesn't want all of Wuque's trio to die in battle, so what's the matter with the four assessments he presided over this year.

So he wanted to save Fang Yourong and the other two, but just as he raised his hand, he sensed a terrifying aura.

That is. . . It is more terrifying than the coercion of the tribulation period, but it does not belong to the aura of class coercion.

Lineage? realm?

Not anyway, maybe a sense of presence.

A kind of terrifying coercion that is deeply hidden, and no one knows or can imagine.

In fact, people like Mo Jinzun are a little familiar. When they came here not long ago, when they confronted a certain person, the other person was calm and calm, with no killing intent, but there was a kind of feeling that made people palpitate deep in their souls. A sense of coercion.

It's just that it was very hidden at that time, but now. . . released,

Sen Leng's release.

Sweeping seamlessly, crushing irresistibly.

Deacon Zhan only heard two coherent and crisp loud noises, he turned his head abruptly, and saw that the Great Elder of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance and Zhang Qu, who were going to forcibly kill Qingqiu, had already made moves, but their moves were not important, what was important was all their moves, All attacks were defeated by one hand.

A Qianqian plain hand holds a sword.

Before raising his eyes, he was facing the Shuliu Linglong sacrificed by Zhang Qu.

There are sword styles in swords, and there are skills in techniques.

The spirit dragon, seven kinds of spells made the limbs of the dragon body, swallowed all the spiritual power in the space where Qin Yu was, and quickly turned into a giant dragon with a length of 100 meters. Then it swam and roared and hit it.

In addition to the spirit dragon, there is also a Xuanyuan gold and bronze bell that flew out from the wide sleeves of the great elder. The top-grade spirit sword in the master's hand, such a magic weapon, combined with the unique method of golden gang body protection practiced by the great elder, is naturally extremely strong. When it is sacrificed, its majesty is not weaker than that of a spirit dragon.

In fact, why bother.

Just kill Qingqiu.

The reason why they made such a strong move was simply out of the dignity of a master in the tribulation period, and they didn't want to show weakness.

As for whether Qingqiu will die or not, that still needs to be considered?

Then the next second they were stunned.

Zhang Qu is on the left, and Linglong is naturally also on the left.

The Great Elder is on the right, and the Xuanyuan Gold and Bronze Bell is naturally also on the right.

Qin Yu's expression was calm when she saw the left and right attacks, but her eyes were far away, and she swept lightly over the crisis scene of being besieged by Fang Yourong and others, like feathers stirring the calm water, the corners of her mouth pressed down, He frowned slightly, and then moved his hands.

The right hand holding Chaoci made two movements after frowning.

Hold the sword on the left and swipe, the sword energy is long and the sword has no basic attributes. The sword will become the limb joint, the sword flow will form the veins, the sword will and the sword flow will form the river, the river will be majestic. The posture of the long-breathing dragon is like a stegosaurus trying to ascend to heaven from the river, and it bites directly at the spirit dragon.

So there is dragon chant.

But after the sword came out of the Stegosaurus, he turned his wrist, turned the hilt of the sword backhand, and smashed the Xuanyuan gold and bronze bell to the right with a crisp knock.

If the sword with the left hand is the technique of kendo and the attainment that swordsmen dream of, then the strike with the right hand is the simplest physical action. It seems nothing, but it comes from the purest power of her physique, the fierce Xuanyuanjin Bronze bell?

It was this bell she struck!

hum! ! !

The sound of bells and tripods, combined with the singing of dragons biting and biting by two dragons, frightened the surrounding lands, covering the sea area. At that moment, the mountains, seas, forests and trees were terrified, and people, spirits and ghosts were terrified, and they all looked at that place.

Look at that scene.

That scene seemed to be frozen, together with the horrified and distorted faces of Zhang Qu and the Great Elder.

Everyone in Tianzang Realm:! ! !

Everyone in the third part:! ! ! !

Eastern people:! ! ! ! !

Wuque people:? ? ? ? ? ?

Bai Ze, who was looking up from the beach and pressing Ying Ruoruo, was dazed.

For the first time, the silver spear Xiaobailong, who was growing up in the wild, felt that he was frightened. The most important thing was that he faintly felt a mysterious and mysterious aura that seemed to be in contact with it.

Where did he meet.

But before he could figure it out, he saw the master sister who was known as the most gentle in the history of Wuque. After one hand, one sword and two blows, the Shuliu Linglong was bitten to death, and the Xuanyuan golden bronze bell was also knocked away.

The huge high-altitude impact swept the air flow within a hundred miles of the sea area, and many monks who watched the battle at high altitude were shocked. In the past, groups of geniuses who used to look at people with their nostrils were crazy like holding huge weights Falling down to avoid the air current cut like a blade.

The sky, as if it was completely washed out, only strong air currents and dark clouds and heavy rain remained.

Then Qin Yu clasped the most beautiful sword and turned it vertically in the sky, with the tip of the sword pointing down, inserting it into the void plane under his feet.

A sword to determine the universe?

Anyway, Bai Ze and others who looked up to the sky on the ground only saw that the rotation of the sword rolled the sweeping air currents, so the space seemed to be distorted.

Bai Ze saw the drastic change in the blur of space, and his expression also changed drastically.

The clothes and crowns of Zhang Qu and the others slammed violently with the distorted space airflow. They didn't have time to think and accept Qin Yu's outburst, so they had to deal with her move. They tried to stop it, but it was too late.


The tip of the sword must be fixed, the rolling airflow is vast and suppressed, and for a moment, its distortion seems to be smoothed out by a terrible controlling force-it is a kind of spiritual flow pattern, twisting and wandering, and wandering and forming a formation.

The sword is fixed in all directions, and the spiritual array is locked in the empty prison.

It's a good one to break through the formation!

boom! ! ! !

This was the only loud noise, and the faces of Pang Fei and other venerables in the Tianzang Realm changed drastically, and then the blockade they had set up before was hit by the edge of the huge spiritual flow array that was crazily generated by this sword, hitting After that, boom!


The barrier is broken.

The formation is broken, and the new formation is huge and terrifying, domineering and domineering like a magpie's nest.

Standing in the center of the array, Qin Yu leaned on the hilt of his sword with both hands, quietly looked at Zhang Qu and Zhang Qu who couldn't control their expressions, and spoke.

"Stigmatization is a felony, and I can't argue with it. I am innocent and want to leave. My brothers and sisters in my family will not let me go because of their deep friendship. In fact, I am very happy in my heart."

"But those of you who don't know what's going on these days insist on rushing in, and you even use your hands."

"Well now, don't leave, you don't want to live anyway."

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