I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2004 Kill? (End, take a shower and sleep)


Some people say that a person's rank has nothing to do with his companions, but mostly with his enemies.

Qin Yu has hated countless people in her life. Since she was a child, she has been at odds with village men and shrews, but those people are not good enough to suppress her learning ability, so she has never let the other party's vulgar words invade her life too much, let alone Most of the people she met later were vicious and cunning, and all of them were gentle and gentle with fake smiles. She struggled in a hypocritical world.

Zhenbitchi has more hypocrites than cow hair.

So, her hatred is really tender and piercing to the bone.

Before that, she was patient and sincere in dealing with her beautiful brothers and sisters, but not necessarily with others.

Qin Yu has never been a character who likes to threaten people with words.

Rushing people's hearts is just a matter of tongue-in-cheek, and only after death is the real liquidation.

Having said that, the overlapping slender fingers leaning on the sword tapped the hilt of the sword, and then the veins under the hilt wandered horribly.

Dozens of tyrannical auras suddenly erupted from the array space, reaching some people in an instant. . . burst.

Many people died.

Anyway, those who were involved in the melee before and had some crooked thoughts to fish in troubled waters, either showed their killing intent, whether they were targeting the east or Wuque, one or two, a total of nearly a hundred, all exploded in an instant.

They exploded, which is actually quite normal, because even the peaks of the four combined phases of the Yansha tower were torn apart by these auras of light, and even their flesh and blood were shattered into blood-colored powder.

By the way, why four.

Because the other four are dead.

Chang Tingwan glanced at the two corpses he had just killed, and then glanced down at the two people who were killed by a lightning burst.

After she was released from prison, what did the younger brothers and sisters outside say?

Senior sister Changtingwan? It's so fierce, Senior Sister Fang is also very dignified and majestic, but Senior Sister Qingqiu is gentle.

The most gentle senior sister in the history of Wuque.

Her breathing was slightly long, like exhaling fragrance, and also like sighing.

"Gu Dao, as expected, not everyone can enter."

People who go in are generally not people.


So many people died, and the flesh and blood of the corpses fell all over the sky. The effect of the picture is really violent and bloody aesthetics, which makes the heart tremble.

Killing the body is like a dog.

Will Zhang Qu's two dignified crossing the catastrophe period respond?

But they were not in a hurry to make a move, because they were still digesting and examining, and they were more afraid—this Qingqiu was too evil, how could it be so scary? !

"You are indeed the son of the demon seed, otherwise how could you have such terrifying strength!! Now that you are exposed, you will start killing. Such an evil act is simply..."

Qin Yu glanced at him, and that glance was particularly deep even in the rain.

Zhang Qu's heart suddenly felt a sense of fear, but soon his heart was blocked.

"That's scary? It's nothing more than a child raised by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. You are also born in the tower anyway."

"It's just such a vision."

His eyes were deep, but Qin Yu's tone was very gentle and demure.

Not to mention how surprised Zhang Qu was during the two periods of crossing the catastrophe, and how hesitant Wei Xian and others who watched the battle outside and helped the south get involved in the battle, not to mention Qin Dan, who survived by luck and did not participate in the battle Don't freak out, okay?

Both of Pang Fei's eyes were rounded, "Damn, you are a deadly official, this is selected by the Lielu East that you manage? Didn't make it into the top 20, you are poisonous, such a big killer is hidden in the You didn't find anything inside!!"

Damn it!

Can it be even better? Is it pretending to be an X?

But her outburst was terrifying enough, this would be enough for him to eat for three thousand years!

Guan Lieshan himself was also confused.

He thought that Wuque's fifth sword feather would be enough for him to eat melons, but he never thought that Qingqiu was the one who hid the most ferociously.

"I'm the poisonous one? It's Wuque! What the hell, Fang Yourong died at the time, and everyone thought it was hopeless. He didn't participate in the third assessment, and that Qingqiu..."

"She cheated too?"

"Not really."

Guan Lieshan recalled it carefully, with a strange expression, and said: "She was very pale and weak at that time, she vomited a lot of blood, and was as haggard as a little white flower."

Pang Fei:? ? ?

However, this Qingqiu was so ferocious, but he didn't reveal the demon's breath or anything, but he did kill a lot of people, I'm afraid they were in the Tianzang state. . . The two subconsciously looked at Deacon Zhan.

At this time, the idlers and the weak have no right to speak.

Mo Jinzun, who saw that the people from the northern and southern ministries were almost wiped out, were already trembling and quiet as chickens, and looked at Yu Jing with extremely complicated eyes.

You still have vision and foresight, you have already seen that this Qingqiu is extraordinary.

Yu Jing: "..."

He just bought things with the other party, and never paid much attention to the other party.

After all, what is Qingqiu compared to the top talents in the four movies?

Are you pale, weak and professional in vomiting blood?


However, Zhang Qu, who had killed his subordinates, wanted to borrow the power of the Heavenly Hidden Realm, "Fellow Daoist Zhan, this girl is vicious and vicious, and she used the power of the devil to kill Wuji. If you don't take action, in case she hurts many examiners, I'm afraid it's not easy for you to explain to the higher-ups, why don't we join forces and take her down!"

Deacon Zhan glanced at him, Ruya also had a stern face, and said indifferently: "She didn't sacrifice her magic power, it's too early to call it a demon seed, as for what you said in case, unfortunately, if she didn't just make a move, The examiners on my side will have to kill two seeded contestants."

Two seeded players?

Although Mo Jinzun had always been proud of himself, he also knew that the other party was definitely not talking about himself. He raised his eyes and saw Fang Yourong and Fifth Dao Ling.

Not necessarily dead, but it is true that the consumption is not small, and there is blood all over his body.

It was really a bit dangerous just now. Although the two of them broke out and killed the people in the Yansha Tower, they were also injured and bled, but they were silent, probably because they were also digesting Qin Yu's outbreak.

Zhang Qu was very dissatisfied with Deacon Zhan's statement, and his expression turned cold, "Oh, don't you care? Do you want to let this Qingqiu be a disaster?"

Deacon Zhan: "When Zhang Daoyou came here, he stated that he wanted to arrest Qingqiu with full authority. This is either the task of the Yansha Tower, or Wuque's internal affairs. How dare we, a small department that engages in competitions in Tianzang Realm, intervene. "

He was polite and polite, but secretly sneered to the end.

MD, old fox, his mouth is really poisonous!

Zhang Qu found that since he came to this place with awe and prestige, he was deflated everywhere, and he hated him everywhere.

"Since you and I are on the right way, extermination of demons is a first-class and important matter, and I, Weichuan Dajing Prefecture, have always..."

Snake spirit disease, pulling the name of the tower is not enough, you have to drag it to the most powerful Jingzhou, and then you will not save the common people under the pot of Tianzang World, right?

Deacon Zhan, who likes to do practical things, hates being bureaucratic with others, so he interrupted him suddenly, "Didn't you notice something?"

Zhang Qu was startled, but after all, he was a master of the tribulation stage, and he had practiced for a long time, so he was not a fool, so he suddenly looked at Qin Yu.

That's right, why didn't she act in a hurry, but quietly watched him win over Deacon Zhan?

Either it's not convenient for her to do it, or she doesn't care at all!

Qin Yu was indeed not there, but she didn't see what Zhang Qu was doing, she was watching Fang Yourong them.

Look at the blood on them.

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