I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2005 Expose

After watching for a while, Qin Yu's eyes met his.

The fifth Dao Ling is steady, with deep eyes, but very silent.

This man has always had a great spirit, even in fierce battles and bloodshed, he will not change his majestic demeanor.

A person with such a magnanimity, especially a man, would not ask Qin Yu what was right or wrong, because the outcome was already decided.

But Fang Yourong was different.

In fact, it could have been the same, and she could even be more stable and calm than Fifth Dao Ling, because she has never seen anything dangerous since she came from the mortal world of mortal purgatory.

But she has always suffered from Qin Yu.

Fifth Daoling felt that she doted a lot, but it was because men and women dote a person differently.

If you are a loved one. . . . cheating words.

The reaction will probably be different.

But even so, Fang Yourong didn't say anything, but looked at Qin Yu with a strange and far-reaching gaze.

She seemed to be thinking about something until she heard Qin Yu speak.

Instead of the timid tenderness of the past, there is a bit of husky charm.

Sure enough, in the past, it was mostly pretending.

And she pretended to be very good, in front of her and Fifth Dao Ling, she was coquettish and loved to act like a baby.

"Senior sister, if I wipe the corners of your lips with senior brother for you now, will you slap me?"

Fang Yourong's complexion was pale, and there was a smear of bright red blood at the corner of her mouth. Hearing this, she raised her hand and gently wiped it away with her fingertips. The beauty of white and red became more striking in her indifference, and her voice was soft and light: "Two slaps Bar."

Oops, so cruel.

Qin Yu sighed, "Senior Sister is really angry."

In fact, her voice had already softened. She deliberately refused to have strong edges and corners in front of Fang Yourong.

It's a pity that the more she behaved like this, the more Tang Wudaoling and Fang Yourong became entangled.

Fang Yourong: "Not to mention, you are so promising, you should be proud of you."

Qin Yu: "Then will senior sister let me go?"

Fang Yourong: "Can I still keep you?"

As if the mask of calm had been pierced, there was a moment of silence, and under the torrential rain, Qin Yu said quietly, "Senior Sister still doesn't believe me."

Why does this person have the nerve to act like a baby? ! !

She doesn't care that Zhang Qu and the others are recuperating and doing things over there, so she pesters them to trust?

Does it make sense?

Fang Yourong's eyelids moved slightly, looking at her, calming down, but unhurriedly, "Do you really care whether we believe you or not?"

"Of course it is. Look at those idiots, have I dealt with them?" Qin Yu raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Qu and the others.

Zhang Qu and others: "!!!"

Fang Yourong glanced at those people, secretly thinking that Qingqiu really has the ability to check and balance these people. For some reason, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but her expression was still dull, "Then I would like to ask you a few questions .”

"Senior Sister said that's it."

"Can you integrate into the magic way?"

"No, I don't like that ugly and evil way."

"Your strength, did you have it five years ago, or did you develop your strength in the past five years?"

"Of course it came later."

"Did you kill the people in the Ming and An Department of the sect?"

"No, didn't senior sister ask you before?"

"Did Gu Chen kill you?"

"No, how could I kill my master?"

"I've already asked these questions, don't you find it strange?"

"No, I am willing to answer whatever my senior sister asks."

"Then why did you kill them?"

Not to mention Qin Yu's astonishment, everyone else was also astonished.

Qin Yu seemed resentful, but also helpless, "Senior sister...what do you mean?"

Fang Yourong remained expressionless: "The Zongmen has investigated it ten times over and over again, I just want to repeat it over and over again to make sure you didn't lie to me."

If repeated confirmation is required, it can only show that Qingqiu is absolutely suspicious, so suspicious that even if Fang Yourong wants to believe her, he will not be able to get over the test in his heart in the end.

This is Fang Yourong's most wavering and hesitant side.

Mingchu felt sad inexplicably, and looked at Qin Yu again, only to find that her face was sincere.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I will never lie to you, what I just said is true."

There is no flaw, and there is a horse of sincerity.

She has already grasped the situation, who is her enemy here, she is willing to succumb to the soft promise, isn't it trustworthy?

But precisely because of her strength, what she used to do. . . Pretend, as if all overthrown.

True or false, ambiguous, she is a mystery, a mystery that you cannot handle or crack.

but. . . Those who longed to trust her still did.

Fang Yourong's brows slowly relaxed, and the color of her pale, blood-stained lips gradually regained some warmth. She was about to speak when she suddenly froze.

Not only them, but also others, all had dull expressions, because they saw the space behind Qin Yu distorted, and the distorted ripples were like a mirror.

The water is steaming, a bath, the bath is very large, it looks a bit hazy, but you can still vaguely see the naked back of a woman standing under the water.

Not very clear, very blurry.

This is like a picture seen from the perspective of the owner. It appears abruptly and the content is not very clear. It does not fit the current scene and situation at all.

Paralysis, mirage?

So everyone was stunned, but. . . The expressions of Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling were very subtle, because the snow-white back that appeared in the haze always felt a little familiar, even though it was blurry, they still vaguely felt familiar, as if they had seen it before.

Just when everyone was suspicious, the woman seemed to turn her face away, her eyes narrowed, and her face was gradually clear, wet, beautiful and clear, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and a look looking back, as if It hooked the deceit in everyone's heart.

That's the vicious, murderous, ruthless side.

Suddenly, it turned into a blur, like a fragment of a person's short-lived and extremely weak soul, perhaps the two most memorable fragments in that battle, one blurred and faded, the other distorted, it was held After the face was taken away, the eyes were seen through the gap between the fingertips. . . .

She is condescending, with the same face, the same cold and ruthless.

She killed him.


A sentence shouted from the depths of the soul, intermittent, long and distant, like the end of a dream, but also like a continuation.

It dissipated quickly, and the content was shocking, but there were also doubts—where did it come from?

only. . . no one knows.


Roll over, roll over, roll over.

What are you panicking about!

This is not the first time.

Jiaojiao is stable, no matter how much people who love Yuyu hate her, they will still love her. He turned his head to look with a firm heart, and suddenly saw Fang Yourong's bottomless eyes.

Jiaojiao's heart skipped a beat, and she comforted herself: Even if the current Yuyu loses her vest and turns into a vicious, cunning traitor who kills her teacher, as long as she explains, everything can be solved easily!

Just as Jiaojiao thought so, Qin Yu spoke up.

"Just now, I seemed to say that I would never lie to you, Senior Sister, right?"

Fang Yourong didn't speak, but just looked at Qin Yu coolly.

Qin Yu smiled slightly: "But it doesn't count if you cheated before."


Even if it was out of season, even if he was shocked by the scene just now, Mingchu almost laughed angrily.

This can all come back.

Sure enough, it's still Qingqiu, it's not slippery. Qiu Niqiu Benqiu.

Finally, he knew why someone with such temperament as Fang Yourong couldn't maintain his integrity when confronted with this person.

I haven't slept well these two days, I've been staying up all night, and I can't figure it out, but I owe everyone two days and five shifts, because apart from Qin Ruofan, there is also the celebration of Na Zimei's becoming the leader, and today's cutoff, which is also owed. I'll find time to make up for it, thank you all

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