I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2006 Blood Refining

People in the east stopped talking, they didn't know what to say.

Fu Xia and the others are still in a dazed state.

Baili Xianshang's eyes are complicated - I thought that I, Baili Xianshang, was a real poisonous woman, but I didn't expect this fresh and refined little junior sister to go up a few floors.

The people in the east were dumbfounded, and the people in the third department didn't dare to be stupid, because many people who were the fastest to be stupid and did it blindly died before.

Wuque's people were even more silent, but Chang Tingwan was the most at ease, and said, "Sure enough, I thought we were the same kind of people the first time I saw you—I'm talking about going to jail together."

Then you are awesome, you have such good eyes.

Qin Yu glanced at her and ignored her.

But Zhang Qu finally seized the opportunity. "The evil barrier of killing a teacher and rebelling against the clan has been maintained again and again. Now that she has been exposed, she will definitely kill her! You haven't joined hands with us to take her down!"

This appeal is effective, because the exposed Qingqiu is a different concept from the previous Qingqiu.

Wuque will no longer defend her.

Really, even Mingchu knew it was impossible, because she knew very well Wuque's family style and Fang Yourong's personality.

But even if the situation changed drastically, how many people would really dare to besiege and kill her?

Haven't gotten a response from some swingers yet.


Suddenly there was a thunder, and the heavy rain seemed to be more powerful, and the heavy rain fell on Qin Yu.

She turned her face and looked at Zhang Qu.

Zhang Qu and the Great Elder felt a sudden shock, especially the Great Elder, silently preparing to dodge later.

But he didn't expect that Qin Yu didn't get angry directly, but looked at Zhang Qu thoughtfully.

That look is really revealing, it's completely different from the one watching Fang Yourong and others.

The ruthless, treacherous butcher and the gentle and considerate junior sister are all set with different eyes.

The two periods of crossing the catastrophe did not move, seemingly as stable as Mount Tai, but they had their own plans in their hearts, and they were all waiting. . .

Zhang Qu was still stable, and sneered: "Why, you want to kill me when you become angry?"

Qin Yu: "That's not true. I was so focused on coaxing my senior sister and senior brother that I forgot about you."

Zhang Qu and others:? ? ? forget? forgotten? How dare you coax a god and goddess to forget us all? You big pig's trotters!

Be yourself, your mouth is so poisonous!

Fang Yourong: Is that coaxing? Obviously a lie.

Fifth Daoling: You coaxed your senior sister Fang, not me, so I didn't say a few words.

Zhang Qu: "You are so arrogant, don't you think that we are not your opponent? Just watch..."

Qin Yu: "Then why did you ask Yansha Tower for help? Did it ignore you?"

Zhang Qu's expression changed drastically, she. . . How did she know that she used secret techniques to ask for help from Yansha tower?

And from her tone, she seemed to know the reaction of the organization well.

Yes, the Yansha tower did not deal with his complaint immediately, and he was actually a little apprehensive in his heart, worried whether the Yansha tower was disappointed with him, or. . . No, I have already explained that this Qingqiu has a powerful demon seed, and his strength should not be underestimated. He just wants to take down the opponent safely, not because he is cowardly fighting to save his life! Yansha Tower didn't respond, it must be because someone obstructed it, such as his enemies?

But this is a matter of factional struggle within their Yansha Tower, how would she know! !

Qin Yu seemed to see through Zhang Qu's thoughts, and clicked directly like a ghost.

"This is obvious. From the fact that Yansha Tower insisted on sending you, a not-so-intelligent and arrogant person, I know that the purpose of Yansha Tower this time is not at all whether I am a person of the demon species, but to force Touching porcelain to relieve worries and testing Lielu's current situation."

It’s like a world’s top company wants to start new business in Africa. No matter how big or small the business is, the project team leader can never be a product with low EQ who loves to pretend to look down on the indigenous people. No matter how big the benefit of the project is, since it is necessary to exist, it cannot exist The possibility of overturning, this is the dignity of a top company in the world - Ke Yansha Tower sent Zhang Qu, an idiot, so it can only show that his idiot is the value.

He is not arrogant to make troubles, how can he test the depth of the waves where the incident happened.

She said it was to test the situation of Lielu, but Jiaojiao felt that it must be to test Wuque, it wasn't that he was high on Wuque, it was Wuque, the water was really deep.

These top organizations in the world seem to have a subtle sense of secrecy towards Wuque - when it is declining, they dare not destroy it with all their strength, and ignore it in all aspects, but once it has signs of rising, they secretly poke and test it.

Jiaojiao feels this way, let alone other people—of course, people in the south subconsciously think that Yansha Tower is testing their Northern Xinjiang Alliance!

"As a pawn, you are actually quite happy if you don't feel anything."

Qin Yu's sigh made Zhang Qu's face turn red, and his resentment reached the extreme, "Nonsense! You're too deceitful!"

He made a bold move, and the eyes of the great elder beside him flickered, but he had no choice but to make a move, because he was afraid that if he didn't make a move, he would be punished by Qiuhou. After all, the Yansha tower had a great background, even if Zhang Qu might just be a pawn.

Hey, no, how could he be brainwashed by that Qingqiu, how is this possible!

Anyway, the Great Elder and Zhang Qu made a move together.

They didn't have an accurate judgment on Qingqiu before, and they all relied on their dignity to make a move, and they still wanted to compete with each other, but now they really want to join forces.

The strength of the shots in the two periods of crossing the catastrophe depends entirely on the special effects.

The stronger the special effect, the stronger the lethality.

But the special effect is strong, the lethality is strong, and the final effect is on the target person. . .


Qin Yu was hit. He didn't move, and was hit directly.

She was swallowed by the attack halo, and she couldn't see the original hypocritical and beautiful face, nor could she see such a gentle smile.

Is it done?

Under Zhang Qu's ecstasy, they were also faintly wary.

As for the others, Fang Yourong quickly calmed down after the first wave of palpitations - she could see that when the attack landed on Qingqiu, it wasn't that Qingqiu couldn't dodge it, but she didn't want to dodge it.

If you don't want to dodge the attack, there is usually only one reason - the attack does not break the defense.

The aftermath of the attack hadn't evened out, and it didn't even take three breaths. A halo of light was like a dilute milky halo, milky white and milky white. It was pretty good at first, but soon it was stained with a group of bright red blood light.

The bloody light was like a Bloody Mary, and it looked very fierce.

Some people from the east of Lielu quickly recognized it.

"The power of refining blood...?"

Some people in the east are naturally familiar, because they have all seen it.

The blood dragon one?

So what is the relationship between Qingqiu and the blood dragon? How could there be such similar energy.

No, it is a more terrifying blood-refining body, stronger than the legendary King Kong Indestructible Body.

The first reaction of the two people, who have always been rigorous and professional, was that they really had an affair!

And in terms of strength and weakness. . .

Na Qingxin: Maybe it wasn't the blood dragon that seduced Qingqiu.

Baili Xianshang: Let me just say, at first glance, I saw that Qingqiu was not a decent woman, she was the same as me. Sure enough, the blood dragon was taken care of by Qingqiu, and he was given a blood-refining body.

They all looked at the three of Wuque.

Chang Tingwan's gaze was fanatical, as if he wanted to dissect Qin Yu's body for experimentation.

As for the other two. . . No response.

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