I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2007 Flying Sword


Qin Yu, who had resisted two full-strength blows during the tribulation period, remained motionless, not even a single strand of hair fell out. He stood in the halo and took a deep look at Zhang Qu and the two of them. Scalp tingling.

This is a person? Are demons so terrifying?


The two flew to the left and right almost simultaneously, trying to escape from this place from two directions.

But just after flying out, something was wrong.



The two most basic fixes - they are fixed.

who I am? Where is this? what happened?

The two transcending tribulation periods were abruptly frozen by the most basic immobilization technique?

What kind of fairy immobilization technique is this?

The two were in a daze, and in the daze, Qin Yu made a move—her hands left the sword.

The terrifying kendo comes again?

It is the skill of controlling the sword with one's hands.

Facing the chaoci wheel, turn the kendo's sword control posture - the seventh form of Juejian, which is also the last sword control posture of most kendos.

The name of the sword style in "Absolute Sword" is super concise and not fancy, so you can choose whatever name you like.

For example, shark cold is shark cold.

Sharp and cold, powerful for single kills.

The seventh form is not only the most honorable sword flying attack form for cultivating true swordsmen, it naturally also has a super visual and concise name-Flying Sword!

That's right, it's such an unpretentious and down-to-earth name.

Of course, when Qin Yu realized this last move, he had secretly teased Huang Jinbi, it must be the founder of Wuque who was lazy and chose the name casually.

Although I complain, I still have to know this trick, and I have learned how to pretend.

Pretending to be so murderous!

You see, Chao Ci Jian Jian Ming.

The loud and clear sword sound seemed to be the purest and most beautiful rhythm in the thunderstorm.

From the rhythm of the sword, from the singing of power.

It was also at this moment that all the sword cultivators present - including those who were at the peak of the fusion stage under the command of the Heavenly Hidden Realm and the sword cultivators at the half-step crossing the tribulation stage — all changed their expressions because their swords moved accordingly.

The hilt of the sword is slightly out of the sheath, and the head of the sword emits a sword sound. This is the sword of the Kendo school raising its head.

When the sword raised its head for a split second, Qin Yuxuan spread the palms of both hands on the head of Chaocijian's sword. After the sword body exuded terrifying kendo brilliance, he moved his hands forward and backward, like a peerless powerhouse After stirring the long river of power, Chaocijian suddenly followed the streamline of this light stroke.


The first sword came out, and then swiped, and in an instant, three thousand flying swords were sacrificed densely one after another.

Each flying sword shows ferocious sharpness with the joint posture of the sword's head swallowing the sword's tail, and flies out with a sharp sword shadow, tearing the space at a terrifying speed, and directly turning into a joint sword path with three thousand streams of light piercing.

The screen effect is equivalent to a person being immobilized, and three thousand flying arrows are shot from the opposite side—no, it is the more terrifying three thousand flying swords, because they are in a straight line, and the attacks are superimposed.

After settling down, it becomes a target.

Three thousand swords come out and become flying swords.

Bai Ze quietly watched the three thousand swords piercing through the sky, piercing Zhang Qu's body first, like a wooden man repeatedly shooting the same fixed point.

The first is the eruption of the defensive spirit armor, then the cracks, then the bigger and bigger cracks, and finally the penetration after the cracks explode! ! !

This scene is a process, a fast process, less than seven seconds, but it's not very fast, it's just horror, horror to Zhang Qu's fear, fear to the point of exhaustion, while frantically wanting to break out of the body, while frantically wanting to resist the sword, but He also roared: "Qingqiu, you dare to kill me! I will not let you go in Yansha Tower, ah!!!"

Qin Yu ignored him, just controlled the flying sword to speed up the shooting speed, and then! boom! Zhang Qu's body was shot through.

The powerful physique of the dignified crossing the catastrophe period, stunned by such a terrifying swordsmanship-was exploded!

The people from the eastern part of Lielu Qiqi Yuzu: I just knew that Wuque is not a good thing! The kendo cheats on the surface are all so cruel! !

People from the other three parts were almost scared to cry: You bastards in the east, I haven’t seen you shouting about Wuque’s terrifying swordsmanship before, you’re secretly waiting for our three parts to fall into the pit of Wuque, right? !

The people in the four parts were confused.

Wu Que is also confused.

Bai Ze: "Hey, Ruoruo, is this the seventh form of our sect's Absolute Sword?"

Ying Ruoruo: "Yes, all inner disciples know it, but few people know it now, because it is too difficult to learn."

Bai Ze: "I want to learn."

Ying Ruoruo: "But you play with guns, as if I'm a magician, so I can't."

Bai Ze: "I want to learn."

When he repeated this sentence, he looked at the sky, but in his mind, he was thinking that he was manipulating three thousand flying guns to pierce a person's body at the same time, and the attacks continued to stack up! !

No, he must learn! ! !

Wuque is too powerful!

Ying Ruoruo, as a little fairy, has always been cool and soft, so naturally she would not pour cold water on her senior brother, but secretly thought: what should I do, I want to learn too, she looks very handsome and powerful, if senior brother Bai Ze really learns. . . It doesn't matter, he doesn't know senior sister's abnormal fixation technique, I can, although it's not as good, but I learned it seriously.

above the sky.

After Zhang Qu was exploded.

The flying sword that shot through followed the direction of Qin Yu's palm lightly, hum. . . Feijian turned around and came to the other side.

At this time, the elder of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance who was also immobilized at the other end turned pale with fright, and saw the flying sword shooting towards his body.

This is like a state - being fixed and silently waiting to die.

No, he must shout a few words!

"Qingqiu, how dare you!!!"

This time Qin Yu ignored him, and only said a few words: "I just want to try my hand if I dare to do it. I just finished the cooperation with each other, and it's your turn."


Murderous heart ah!

The Great Elder's body was pierced and hit by the flying sword, he vomited blood crazily, and his face was grim: "Do you think you are sure to win!"

As soon as the truth was told, there was a loud bang.

Thunder and lightning.

"Thunder storm?" Chang Ting Wan raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously looked at Deacon Zhan and the others, only to find that the people in Tianzang Realm were also slightly surprised.

Although this secret realm is controlled by the Heavenly Hidden Realm, the thunderstorm is obviously not controlled by Deacon Zhan and others.

And this thunderstorm is too strong.

"It's the original power of the secret realm, it cannot be manipulated, and it's not something these candidates can resist. Protect it immediately!"

The eruption of the original thunder storm in this secret realm is not included in the assessment content. No matter how insane the Tianzang realm is, it will not use such a super chaotic thing to test the life and death of candidates.

When Deacon Zhan issued the order, Guan Lieshan and other venerables naturally led people to fly down. At this time, Deacon Zhan also looked at the elder coldly - because he saw the joy on the elder's face, as if Finally, what did he wait for? This shows that he is mentally prepared for this thunderstorm?

Deacon Zhan was suspicious, but he could only concentrate on saving people first, so he flew down and set up a mask. The nearest one was Bai Ze and the others below. One threw off the mask for the two of them, and as soon as they landed, they saw that the thunder storm had expanded terrifyingly, and it was rapidly approaching the island.

Most of the examiners have also moved closer to the island, competing with Thunderstorm for speed.

Because of the storm and the tsunami, the water on the sea surface was rolled up, almost overturning the entire island. Deacon Zhan raised his hand to resist.

When the Tianzang Realm was busy protecting the examinees, a strong air current was generated over the island due to the influence of the thunderstorm, and Qin Yu's sword hadn't completely penetrated the body of the Great Elder.

The great elder had a ferocious face and flying hair. Before the defensive armor on his chest was about to burst, he grabbed the flying sword Liu Guang with both hands, making the last desperate struggle.

Qin Yu never liked to leave hidden dangers, so with his fingertips, he was about to increase output, suddenly!


The thunder storm has arrived!

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