I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2009 first come first served


Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling were indeed seriously injured, and they fought hard not to be assassinated, but they also suffered several serious injuries, and their bodies were covered with scars. Fierce, but there was no wavering in Fang Yourong's eyes!

Just try your best to resist and try your best. . until powerless!

When a little leader of the evil way came from behind with a fierce ghost spear piercing, Fang Yourong, who was struggling to resist another person, noticed it, but couldn't dodge.

It may be impossible, or it may not be possible.

Anyway. . . When the spear was pressed against her back, it was almost at hand!


The ghost spear pierced Fifth Dao Ling's shoulder, Fifth Dao Ling raised his hand and chopped off the ghost spear with one knife, and cut off the opponent's head with the other knife.

The blood of the two was soaring, the two were back to back, Fang Yourong only said lightly: "Thank you."

Fifth Dao Ling was noncommittal, and only fought behind Fang Yourong.

but. . . They were still surrounded.

The storm and thunder are everywhere, and the killing intent is also everywhere.

"Kill them!"


These evil disciples finally drove the two of them to besiege a place, and they were launching an attack in unison, trying to kill them in one fell swoop.

Fang Yourong and the other two turned a blind eye, they were only going to kill one more person until the last moment.

That is a kind of firmness and a kind of faith.

Wuque disciple. . . Never fear death!

The two were about to send out their final sword light and sword array.

Howling ghosts and wolves, covered with blood.

These vicious and evil people in the evil way were eventually bitten and swallowed by the more evil and terrifying blood skeletons.

Vicious and vicious.

But these roaring skull heads ignored the two and only flew out from their surroundings, sweeping the entire battlefield madly.

To use the words of a down-to-earth rural point to describe it-locusts cross the border, and no grass grows.

From MLGB, she Qin Yu Pengci is the only one who blackmails and slanders others these days, these evil bastards still want to seize the opportunity to touch her Qin Yu, right?

I can't kill you!

Qin Yusha only used his ultimate move to kill those crossing catastrophe stage one by one. These evil little devils can be dealt with by using the Red Thread Skull Curse a second time, the group attack version.

The members of the Evil Way Sect were massacred, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was massacred, and the Yansha Tower was gone. Anyway, many people died, and the battlefield was completely wiped out.

In the storm, there were only those unlucky candidates like Mo Jinzun who were blown into the air and couldn't get off.

The people in Tianzang Realm are devastated——Sesame oil, I really want to have a kite string to tie these candidates one by one and pull them back.

The sky is so dangerous.

That woman is so cruel.

During the period of crossing the catastrophe, there is one move per move, no, three seals per curse.

Another curse to kill a group of people.

In such a scene, there seemed to be a critical silence in the fight. Compared with the howling storm and thunder, this silence was infinitely magnified.

Being so quiet, Qin Yu glanced past Fang Yourong and the others, then turned around and slammed his sword fiercely at the direction where Mo Jinzun and other candidates were mostly.

Mo Jinzun and the others were shocked, but they couldn't dodge the sword at all.

so. . . boom!

A gap was torn in the space beside them, and that gap. . . Several shadows suddenly sprang out from the center, joining hands to resist the sword.


With a sound of impact, Mo Jinzun and others were spit out several mouthfuls of blood by the shock wave. When they stabilized, they looked again, but saw that those people blocked the sword, just. . .

The breath is terrible.

Also very strange.

The monstrous distorted black aura, piercing to the bone, is dozens of times more terrifying than the evil people.

Seeing this, Deacon Zhan's expression changed drastically.

"A man of the devil way!!"

Qin Yu was in the sky, staring at these people and said slowly: "If you want to kill these examinees, and then use my banner to say help me, they are both evil and evil. I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it if you go together."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head suddenly, with an uneasy expression on her face, and pointed at Fifth Daoling and Fang Yourong, who happened to be seriously injured and vomiting blood in the distance: "You also made my brother and sister vomit blood."

Chang Ting Wan not far away: I think it was you who made them vomit blood.

Demonic people: That was done by evil people, it has nothing to do with us.

"Qingqiu, the world is not benevolent and treats everything as a straw dog. You should be born as a member of our demonic way. Why don't we join hands and kill everyone here? Of course, if you can't bear it, you can let your family Wuque go." The man is very angry, but he seems to be easy to talk to.

It was these words that made Jiaojiao and Jinbi explode.

Jiaojiao: From Mahler Gobi! What's wrong with them in the heavens, what can't be done to say that the heavens and the earth are not benevolent, what kind of dogs, your family has a dog farm, they are all dogs!

Golden Wall: Is it easy for me to bind a super motivated player by luck? There are poachers everywhere, all the unscrupulous ways of your evil ways and evil ways are all run by headhunting companies, or you run an excavator at home, digging and digging every day!

Can't stand it!

But Qin Yu said: "Your proposal is very good. If you let Wuque go, then Wuque will be recognized as a demon, and you will make money."

Demonic person: "Then don't let it go?"

Qin Yu: "I don't think we should let it go."

Ah, is it so easy to poach people to do bad things together? This may be their best object of instigation.

Then these demonic people felt that something was wrong, and the space was a bit crowded.

This is such a huge high altitude, so many people have died, why is it still crowded?

"No! It's her cat! Quick..."

That's too late.

The torn space is like a jagged mouth, swallowing up this nest of demons at once.

Then a big fat cat handsomely jumped out of the torn space, and when it landed on the space plane, its whole body trembled several times. The cat's tail slapped the space plane, and yelled at the swallowed space gap with its hands on its hips.

"You bastards have been beaten like stray dogs. You hide in the XZ, and you have to hide in the gaps in the space when you kill someone. You say you are pulling people, but you don't say the price. You are poor and pretend to be coercive. Open your mouth and want to win over my family Qiuqiu, it's too shameless, let me tell you, my family Qiuqiu will be a super genius who will take a hundred years to become an immortal in the future, super orthodox, so I won't go to your Laji Demon Way! Bah!"

The poor diabolical man was swallowed up by the space within three minutes after he appeared arrogantly, and had to be scolded into a sieve by a super arrogant big fat cat before he died.

Among them, the demonic man who was talking to Qin Yu just now had gloomy eyes, and suddenly tore open the devouring space, rushed out from the gap, and went straight to Jiaojiao. . .

Jiaojiao was as stable as Mount Tai, unmoving, and then the devil flew away, was entangled in a vine, tied into a rice dumpling and dragged to Qin Yu with a clatter.

Qin Yu was condescending, and raised his hand to pinch his throat.

Jiaojiao is excited!

Come, come, come! I like Yuyu to act aggressively in this pose! The especially domineering president, Tianliang Wang, smiled charmingly!

My Yuyu is the most handsome!

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