I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2010 Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation (fifth watch, end, take a bath and sleep)


Handsome or not, Qin Yu doesn't care.

But pretending to be X or something must have a purpose and benefit. X without profit will only have a blank reputation and no meaning.

Either to piss off a person, or to gain something.

So Qin Yu pinched the demon man's throat, and said kindly: "I want to ask you a question."

The demonic man: "Give up, we won't talk about it, you might as well kill me."

Qin Yu: "Do you have anyone else?"

Demonic man: "Why, are you afraid?"

Qin Yu: "No, if there is no one left, I will take advantage of the pleasant Fengshui here, lightning and thunder, and I will take the time to survive."

Demonic person: "???"

Then Qin Yu raised his hand and slapped him on the head.


Even the skull and the body were shot into powder.

Covering her little paws and staring at her starry eyes, Qin Yu froze for a moment, pretending to be aggressive, and then stomped her feet left and right with high frequency.

Da da da da!

This is 666!

Just ask if you are bully, bully or not!

Even Fifth Dao Ling, who vomited blood, was stunned for a moment, while the people in Tianzang Realm were stunned. Deacon Zhan, who was standing on a small island with pleasant Fengshui, silently looked up at the sky of lightning and thunder, and sure enough, he saw—— Lei Jie coming.

And this thunder calamity is probably ~~ a cow!

Take the time to cross a catastrophe? What kind of show operation is this?

The people in the fourth department didn't really believe it at first, but they soon discovered that this X in Qingqiu's costume turned into reality with lightning speed, "..."

This is not dad, this is grandpa.

In the past, thunder calamity, there was endless bang bang bang bang, and the movement was huge.

But this thunder disaster. . . It might be a little aurally non-existent because of the total silence, but visually it's a bit permeable.

What the hell is it all black all of a sudden?

What the hell are you lighting up huge stars when it's completely dark?

What the hell are these lit stars falling like broom stars one by one! ! !

Deacon Zhan watched silently, and then silently sent a voice transmission to Guan Lieshan and the other venerables: "Hold up the protective cover."

Pang Fei: "Boss, Boss, are you afraid that we will be struck by lightning?"

Deacon Zhan: "No, this Lei doesn't like you."

Pang Fei: "..."

Boss, you are hurting people a bit.

Although there are a lot of talents in Tianzang Realm, and I am not considered top-notch in it, I am a little famous anyway. After all, I am the youngest here and the most beautiful one, and you used to value me very much.

Guan Lieshan and the other venerables couldn't help laughing, heh, you fat man still has today!

Deacon Zhan: "It's wrong, it looks down on you, I'm talking about everyone, including me."

Everyone: "!!!???"

Deacon Zhan: "Have you heard of Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation?"

Everyone was suffocated at once.


To become an immortal, one must cross the catastrophe, this is something that all fools know.

But there are many people in Jielei, because there are many kinds of practitioners in this world.

Geniuses are mediocre, and when geniuses are compared with geniuses, there are many mediocre ones.

This is like going through sieves with different gap densities, and the most delicate and top-quality products will be left in the end.

And the best and the best are subdivided, and finally a pyramid is built under the way of heaven.

The more high-end geniuses will basically stand at the top, and Tiandi Leijie will treat these people differently-basically, I will strike you with a thunder to test your fineness first, but the higher your fineness, you have to Use the more powerful lightning to strike, otherwise the strike will not be effective.

You use a slingshot to hit a diamond plate, is that suitable? Not suitable.

Therefore, each layer of the pyramid has some supporting thunder disasters.

The top tipping point is only matched with one kind of thunder calamity-it is called Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation.

Why take this name?

The reasons are simple, but several.

1. People who are born with the aptitude to become immortals can become immortals by drinking water, just like Zhu Bajie who turns into a pig can still be greedy and lazy and send his bald head to heaven. (The most standard example: fairy body.)

2. Those who are born with awesome physique are generally the ultimate and purest kind of strength system, and with this kind of physique, you have to work hard to improve the realm, and the matching skill points are also full. (For example, the body of Nine Yins, the body of Nine Yangs, the body of natural sword, the body of natural bone, and the even more awesome rebirth body or undead body or the reincarnation body that God's relatives have opened.)

3. Those who don’t have that natural physique, take the stream-of-consciousness route, are eager to learn and have adventures, and love to work hard, dare to take risks, and rely on extraordinary comprehension all the way to learn master mode KO,

4. Special talent, which has nothing to do with physique or understanding, is a top-level talent, such as Hanhai Chaoyi's super fairy pupil technique, which can see through the virtual reality of two or three levels higher than himself in a matter of minutes.

5: Those with a special soul body, or those with the talent for the secret flow of soul growth.

These five points are basically listed in it. Of course, if you count it this way, it seems to be quite a lot.

Quantity yields quality, and the huge Tianzang World, as one of the oldest and most powerful three cultivation worlds, has produced a lot, right?

No, in fact, not one in five thousand years.


Because the above five points are not established independently, if you meet one point, you will be given this thunder disaster?

No, generally speaking, at least three out of five must be selected.

That is to say, at least meet three kinds, and bring three hangers with you, but if it belongs to the second point of the reincarnation body, or the fifth point of the super strong soul body, or is very advanced in the secret flow of growth, you can also meet one of them. meet this condition.

Of course, the first premise is - no matter how great your talent is, you can't hang it, you have to practice until you turn your talent into strength, and have the corresponding lethality for the world to sense - the period of crossing the catastrophe is the minimum.

You see, isn't it scary when you think about it this way? Awesome?

"That's why Immortal Dao Tribulation is also known as the Thunder Tribulation of Immortal Venerable Reserves, that is, if those who survive this kind of thunder tribulation go to heaven in the future, Tuotuo will be the future boss of Immortal Venerable."

Pang Fei looked at Qin Yu with burning eyes.

Is this some kind of evil spirit?

No, she is the future boss dad.

People in Tianzang Realm look at Deacon Zhan with admiration and admiration—the boss is indeed the boss, and they can see at a glance that this Wuque tumor has a limitless future and cannot be an enemy, so wise!

Deacon Zhan: . . .

He just didn't want to cause trouble, he just wanted to preside over an exam silently and pack up and go home.

No matter what, the Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation is coming, the hearing is almost non-existent, and the vision is terrible.

When it fell, it was a thunderbolt.

Pure black pure black.

Jiaojiao: I wanted to complain a long time ago about what kind of chicken ascended to immortality, so dark and not slippery, I thought it was some kind of big monster who changed into heaven and crossed the sky. Shouldn't a pure fairy like my Yuyu be brilliant?

—but you are very happy and proud, and your tail keeps wagging like a hair dryer.

Shut up!

You stinky wall wall!

Jiaojiao is very reserved, so I am not excited!

What kind of chicken ascends to immortality and calamity! The future of my family Yuyu is more than just immortals!

——You are not afraid that she will not cross. . .

Snapped! Both the tail and the two paws were covering the golden wall.

you shut up!

"She can definitely get through it. If she can't even get through it, the graves of those who survived the tribulation before will be thirty-eight feet high!!"

Jiaojiao was full of confidence, and then. . . His face suddenly changed, and his figure teleported behind Qin Yu, trying to stop the terrifying shadow that appeared from the tearing space behind Qin Yu.

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