I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2011 Centipede and Assassin


The reason why the shadow is terrifying is because it is huge!

When the tail hook appeared and stabbed towards Qin Yu's back, Jiaojiao had already teleported there, holding her face against the terrifying tail hook, her cheeks akimbo, and her feet stamped.


The space pierced by the tail hook suddenly shattered, and the tail hook was also strangled together. As if sensing the power of the attack in this space, the tail hook suddenly retracted, but the other end of the space split open, and a huge centipede head suddenly drilled out. Jump over with Jiaojiao!

"Ah! Is that you? You big bug!"

Jiaojiao recognized at a glance that the other party was the giant centipede from Qianyun Poison Ridge, and she was also very angry when she was surprised, because the Qianyuntian centipede had already raised its tail hook to shoot out the venom.

"Ah, you're still poisoning! I'm going to kill you!! Chaoci, Chaoci, hammer!"

Delicately, she raises her hand to summon the hammer, and that action is as handsome as a god of war—if one ignores her naked body image.

However, a fleshy paw summoned him twice, and a certain super-beautiful and cold spirit sword ignored him at all.

Jiaojiao could only teleport continuously to dodge Qian Yuntian Centipede's attack.

Wow, so angry.

"Stinky Chaoci!! Qiuqiu, she bullied me!"

With his back facing Jiaojiao and the others' fierce battle, Qin Yu raised the Chao Ci in his hand upon hearing the sound.

"What are you always bullying the little fat man for? Go ahead."

Qin Yu threw the sword back, Jiaojiao jumped up, and grabbed Chaoci.

"Hammer, hammer, you quickly become a hammer!"

"Got it! How long-winded!"

The imperial speech changed, and Jiaojiao also smashed down with the hammer.

Centipede Fat Cat's shocking battle was like this, but Qin Yu didn't care about them, only watching the pure black tribulation thunder falling in front of him.

Silently, it falls.

This may be the slowest thunderstorm that Qin Yu has ever experienced. It is very graceful and arrogant, and it falls from the sky in an unhurried manner.

Damn, isn't it afraid of people running away?



There has never been a tribulation passer who can't be struck by thunder, let alone ascending to immortality.

And there are no robbers who want to avoid the thunder disaster, because the thunder disaster is a real existence of risks and opportunities. If you are not struck by lightning, how can you be reborn?

So it will come into contact with Qin Yu sooner or later, but before that. . . Qin Yu's eyebrows twitched slightly, and she turned slightly, but the dagger that appeared out of nowhere sliced ​​her arm.

This is a terrible assassin.

It was so secretive that even Jiaojiao, who had mastered the space, didn't notice it.

The scratch on the arm was beading blood pretty quickly, but was also healing, oddly enough it wasn't healing quickly.

And the assassin disappeared after one blow.

As if he had never existed, but the high-altitude range with Qin Yu as the core has a terrible sense of death.

The rainstorm has never been heard, the thunder has always been there, the thunder calamity is coming, but it is very quiet.

An eerie silence.

Jiaojiao noticed the change here, and was furious: "There are assassins! Qiuqiu!"

Qin Yu looked calm, and said lightly: "I can handle it, you can continue to catch that big bug."

Jiaojiao had always believed in Qin Yu, so she didn't panic when she heard the words, but she just grabbed the hammer and became more and more fierce towards the Qian Yuntian centipede who spit out poison from time to time, and the little hammer smashed wildly.

On the other side, Qin Yu reached out and touched the wound on his arm, smeared the blood on his fingertips, stroked the stickiness on it, and then looked at the empty sky ahead, as if he was talking to himself, or deliberately said to someone.

"As for all substances, since they touch, there must be contamination. Your dagger is stained with my blood, so my blood is stained with your dagger."

Randomly rubbing the fingertips twisted the blood into a bright red mark, but a surgical seal formed on the lines of the finger pulp, and the surgical seal was embedded, peeling off a wisp of almost nonexistent slender aura.

After it was peeled off, Qin Yu's fingers moved slightly. It was manipulated and swam around by itself, pointing in one direction!

he is there! ! !

Qin Yu's court speech was already on Jiaojiao's side, but she still raised her hand, facing the direction pointed by the delicate spirit.

The curse is printed! !

But when the spell was printed out, the delicate air in her hand suddenly turned around, pointing at the void on Qin Yu's left side.


He appeared, and the dagger stabbed!

The powerful explosive attack power has far exceeded the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, or in other words, it is already in a new field - between the Tribulation Transcendence Stage and the Mahayana Stage.

A peak assassin at the half-step Mahayana level!

When Qin Yu used the secret method of tracing to find him, the assassin was able to shift his position in an instant and seize the opportunity to assassinate—when Qin Yu focused his attention on his original position.

His speed was so fast that even Deacon Zhan couldn't see clearly, who could dodge such a sudden attack at close range?

Can't hide, can't hide.

The speed was only so fast that everyone noticed a sharp stab, and then there was a sharper impact.

Fang Yourong's eyes trembled slightly, and only one scene appeared in his pupils - the sharp dagger on the left stabbed Qin Yu's raised left arm fiercely.

It was still the injured arm, but compared to the previous injury that was melted away by the dagger and could not be recovered quickly, this time, the power of blood refining was radiant, and a layer of soft, clear and magnificent blood crystals was attached to the arm.


The dagger stabbed on the blood crystal.

Then. . . Do not break the defense!

The Assassin's pupils changed drastically, and he was horrified, no good! She was hurt on purpose!

The assassin tried to run back and leave the place, but it was too late.

Blocked with his left arm, but Qin Yu raised his right hand slightly, and summoned a little in the sky.

A scepter was thrown out of nowhere, and the majesty of the three kings was sacrificed among the rays of light. He turned his hand and swung it forward with a simple and neat move.

With just one swing, the assassin didn't even have time to dodge, so he could only block with his hands crossed, hum! A round of defensive light shields rotating with daggers appeared in front of them.

It seemed thin, but it was enough to withstand a full blow from a master of his level. This was also the most powerful defense method an assassin must have.

Assassins, there may not be many defensive skills, but there must be one that works.

So he called this defensive shield urgently.

Then. . .

boom! !

The sky and the earth roared like a loud noise.

Under this blow, the assassin who was as strong as a half-step Mahayana stage was hit from a high altitude like a cannonball with his shield.

Break into the island from a high altitude, and smash a deep hole in the island, which is hundreds of meters deep.

Deacon Zhan: "..."

Half-step Mahayana assassins are beaten like this?

Everyone: trembling.

"The Scepter of the Three Kings." Deacon Zhan and others with extraordinary vision are not as good-sighted as the local people in Sibu, because this thing is more familiar to some people who have been to Three Kings, for example. . . Clear! And the unquenchable person who investigated the matter of the Three Kings in detail because of the death of the Great Elder and others.

Fang Yourong and the others all recognized the Three Kings' Scepter, because it was mentioned in the information - the terrible Mahayana battle.

Qingqiu has Mahayana combat power?

People from the fourth department: Less than forty years to cultivate Mahayana combat power? I'm afraid I'm living in a dream! !

"This goddamn immortal can't be so arrogant." Zhou Dundun was stunned.

"No, there is another possibility - she is actually not Qingqiu at all!"

Not just one person, in fact, many people suddenly had such an idea.

But Qin Yu didn't care what they were thinking. After driving the assassin into the ground, the scepter in his hand didn't stop. Instead, he turned around and pointed at the big centipede who suddenly left behind him.

Above the scepter, the divine light shines on the sun.

Life-type attack supernatural power - Bimang!

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