I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2013 The Controversy of Faxiang


The reason why the banshee in the forest is so powerful is because she was born from water and wood supernatural powers, but she can give birth to a powerful sound attack. The sound attack is higher than the attack of the physical form. With this scream, the ripples in the space distorted and exploded directly, but it was not an indiscriminate attack from all aspects, it was a single-pointed attack—targeting that terrifying opponent whose body and appearance were not clear.

But the bursting speed of the space is a bit fast. The space is like a mirror, and it bursts in all directions, and the image of the turbulent flow that has been stripped off the space wall is reappeared in an instant. What a terrible scene, and the stripped space wall melts and distorts, turning into a And a huge space blade.

Oh, Qin Yu swallowed the power of the water magic power to get out of the forest banshee, and the other party used the forest banshee's sound attack method to turn the destroyed space into his own space magic power.

There are comings and goings.

Then. . .

Come on, let's explode each other!

The opponent received the sound attack, and Qin Yu received the space blade. Everyone was not idle, but the result was. . . . They all resisted, and when the attack was not over, they tried their best to show their magic!

hum! A huge space vortex appeared, and from the space vortex, there was a piece of shining silver world. I couldn't see what was inside, but there must be an extremely terrifying existence in it, and it seemed to be breathing.

This must be a space-like dharma phase!

——Space Fairy! ! Immortal-level Dharma Aspect!

——Qin Yu, be careful, this person is very scary!

Huang Jinbi seemed to be shocked, and did not dare to say more after the urgent reminder, for fear of breaking Qin Yu's heart, and Qin Yu felt the tightness of this space when he breathed in and out of the space that was hidden in the vortex Feeling, when you exhale, the space expands and tears, when you inhale, the space rolls and folds.

Breathing in this space wants to seal her! ! !

Of course, it also means that the other party wants to seal her.

In fact, Qin Yu also knew that he was very good at dealing with methods. Space-type ones were rare in the first place, but it was even more difficult if this method followed the way of sealing.

She couldn't break free for a while - someone said that the reason why space is terrible is because it suppresses the attributes of hundreds of schools. The so-called space is king, and the only thing that can escape the means of space is space or time.

But the embarrassment is that even though Qin Yu's talent is terrifying and her development is abnormal in all aspects, she is not good at space, unless Jiaojiao comes to rescue her.

But the other party's isolation of Jiaojiao from the beginning is actually a kind of foresight.

I'm afraid it's for this moment!

But the terrifying opponent who made the shot noticed that Qin Yu, who was sealed by the breath of the space law, did not try to resist and save himself.

For a moment, the man realized that he, too, was locked.

Soul lock.


Behind Qin Yu's body is also a portrait. It is a girl in white, hazy and ethereal, like a fairy, sitting cross-legged in the sky, pressing her fingers on the guqin, playing in all directions, and the rhythm is quiet among the souls.

"Soul Doppelgänger!?"

Pang Fei and the others felt that their eyes were about to go blind—this is another space immortal dharma, and it is also an almost rare soul-like dharma. Hasn't the place of Lielu Dajing State fallen? Where did such a terrifying character appear.

Deacon Zhan was steady and ordered everyone to be on guard, the two people above were going to make a big move!

He just reminded loudly that there was indeed a big movement in the sky!

1, The breath of space immortals has been blocked!

2. The sound of the piano of the soul dharma has come out.

This piano music is not completely familiar, but someone recognized it, Fifth Daoling and others raised their eyebrows and were slightly surprised.

"Mountain and Sea Butterfly Sound"? !

The qin music of the age of sages came from the era of cultural prosperity and contention among a hundred schools of thought. It is a representative of elegance and classics. It turns out. . . It is also a representation of strength?

Of course it is, or in other words, it is originally a kind of piano music for soul sound attack, so when it broke out. . . . The complexion of the strong man who was hidden in the space and couldn't see the truth changed slightly, and his figure changed into nine space turbulence, trying to avoid the soul sound attack by means of space.

The means of the soul do not rely on space, but the sound attack requires a medium. This person is also very powerful, and he has adopted the most effective means to avoid damage to the maximum in an instant.


On Qin Yu's side, the space seal has already worked, and her whole body is swallowed by two superimposed space states. On the other side, under the attack of the soul sound, that person has also suffered heavy injuries, and the split space is distorted and trembling. Even the space wall with the entire sky feels unstable.

Jiaojiao was isolated from the outside, and he has been trying to join the battle. This continuous attempt is useful, because he finally felt the gap in the space just now—this opponent's space means are extremely terrifying, and he can be locked in firmly. Outside, how could there be a gap suddenly, unless it was severely injured!

Jiaojiao immediately seized the opportunity, grabbed the hammer and charged!


There is a feeling of shattered glass, the space is finally shattered, and the coercion inside is finally released.

It was hazy, white, milky and dignified, like a large mass of diluted cream. . .

No, Jiaojiao, now is not the time to think about cream! You have to cheer up, you have to be strong, you have to be domineering, and hammer the scum that attacked Yuyu to death!

Jiaojiao dragged the hammer and was about to charge the bull into it, but was suddenly thrown upside down by the sudden surge of air from inside. When she looked up, she saw a bang, a loud bang!

The coercion sealed inside was dissipated, and the Three Kings Scepter pierced the Ice Edge Dragon Snake.

The power swept across, the world was empty, and even the thunder and rainstorm were driven away, leaving only two people and the powerful attack weapon in their hands.

It was just a scene, and it was also a moment, and then the Dharma images of the two people suddenly merged and returned to themselves.

"The Dharma has become one."

Deacon Zhan is in the period of crossing the catastrophe. When it comes to the period of crossing the catastrophe, he has always known that the method of Dharma Xiang, which was born in the Yuanying period, cannot be ignored as the level of cultivation rises. On the contrary, it is the foundation, and it is you who lay the foundation And the embodiment of the talent of the deity - even if your dharma image may not be advanced or powerful at the beginning, it can still be cultivated.

Just like the body-holding technique, the most basic support, to get the top, is also kingly!

So if the method is done well, it is more terrifying than supernatural powers, and it is also a powerful and sustainable method.

Obviously, whether it is Qingqiu or this unidentified person, both of them have transcendent and powerful Dharma images, and they both cultivate and grow them with heart. In the end, they are all for the purpose of integrating the powerful Dharma images with the main body.

This unity, the four seas are peaceful, and the space is silent, only the two of them raised the three kings' scepters and a ray of light sacrificed by the ice-edge dragon and snake queen.

The light beams, one green and one silver, penetrated both sides of the sky and the earth, collided with each other, and then separated a ferocious vertical rift in space on the vertical plane of impact. The tendency of this rift torn apart was like a knife, scattered on both sides, wow! Cut the island and mountain peaks, cut them in half, like a watermelon, and then go out, hundreds of miles, three hundred miles, small islands are also cut in half, and the water surface of the sea is also torn apart.

What a terrifying force, it is more direct and sharper than turning clouds and rain.

Finally hold on for three seconds. . . . Qin Yu smiled, and gave each other a deep look with his eyes, soul attack!

not good!

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