I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2014 Pink Skull Bones (Monthly Pass, Monthly Pass, Monthly Pass)

The other party was stunned, and was hit by this soul, and the disadvantage was immediately broken, along with the strong attack just maintained, boom!

The person was sent flying, and the ice-edge dragon snake roared in his hand, transformed into a body-covering dragon armor, protecting him firmly, but. . . Qin Yu raised his scepter and pointed in the air.



All the energy swimming in the space is crushed.

With a dull sound, the opponent was attacked and killed by this large group of energy. . . A devastating sweep.

At a glance, ten thousand years can be distinguished.

After the dust settled, the other party was suspended in the sky, and the dragon armor on his body was all worn out. He looked rather messy and haggard, but his appearance was finally revealed.

Everyone who saw her clearly was shocked, how could it be her! ! !

A woman, beautiful, no matter where she appears, she always attracts people and gathers her followers, but she can always keep a low profile as if she doesn't exist, hidden in the invisible, as light as a cloud, as vast as a sea, and as mysterious as an abyss .

So when she was defeated and haggard after a fierce battle, she also showed a charming and beautiful appearance in the haggard, her brows and eyes were light, and the poor mountains and mountains were wild and fragrant.

"Ah! It's you! Why are you! You bad woman!"

Jiaojiao saw the other party clearly, she was furious immediately, pointing with a hammer with one hand on her hip, she couldn't believe it.

It's a pity that the other party ignored him, only with a subtle smile.

Facing Qin Yu on the opposite side, he said a word.

In fact, it didn't seem like Qin Yu was talking, but more like talking to himself.

"you lose."

Hey, didn't she lose?

"Are you crazy! You lost! Seeing that you are so badly injured, my Qiuqiu can push you down with one finger!"

Jiaojiao said angrily.

But Qin Yu frowned suddenly, and said in a low voice: "Thunder Jie."

Then, the black thunder tribulation finally arrived behind her, and it struck her directly, devouring her instantly without a second thought.

Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation.

It had been rushing towards the face, but it finally hit Qin Yu.

It wasn't a big deal at all, but Jiaojiao's vision was wide, and she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

——Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation has been strengthened, and it has been strengthened when Qin Yu was fighting this person! !

Huang Jinbi was shocked, and instantly understood why this woman would say such a sentence after losing the battle.

But Jiaojiao realized it later, and only reacted when she heard Fang Yourong whispering hoarsely in the distance.

"She did it on purpose."

Deliberately fighting Qin Yu, deliberately raising the level of strength.

If she wins, needless to say.

But even if she loses, as long as she doesn't die, she will win in the end.

Because the Immortal Dao Jie, who had sensed Qin Yu's explosive power, had become infinitely stronger in the process, to the point that Qin Yu could not afford it after the fierce battle.

Then she was devoured.

The woman watched Qin Yu being swallowed coldly, and also watched Jiaojiao suddenly disappear in place.

The tip of her eyebrows moved slightly, and she touched the void lightly with her hand, hum!

Jiaojiao, who raised the hammer and jumped in front of her to smash it down, froze there.

She stretched out her hand, wrapped her delicate white palm around Jiaojiao's body, and gently hugged her into her arms, with a faint smile on her face, haggard and beautiful, with boundless wind and moon.

"No wonder she always likes to hug you, it's really soft and comfortable."

Jiaojiao was held in her arms, imprisoned all over, very angry, "Let me go, let me go! You scoundrel!!"

The woman didn't take it seriously, and didn't let go. Instead, she rubbed Jiaojiao's stomach.

"But I'm so weak, and you still have the heart to hurt me, hasn't she taught you to be sympathetic to me?"

This time, she has regained the beautiful and charming attitude of the leader of the brothel, and she is deeply charming.

Jiaojiao: "Bah! My Qiuqiu only taught me to destroy flowers with my hands!"

"That's right, but she is already dead, why don't you follow me, and you are also from the space system, wouldn't it be just right?"

"Damn it! You really had a bad intention for me from the very beginning, so you had already planned to murder my Qiuqiu and take me as your own! You are delusional! It is impossible for you to get me! I would rather die than follow!"

Jiaojiao was very fierce, rolling and struggling in her arms.

She was helpless, and sighed softly, "That's a pity, if I can't get it, I can only kill it."

Then he slipped his palm and grabbed Jiaojiao's neck.

Jiaojiao, who was rolling crazily, froze: "..."

Woohoo, these goddesses are perverts, they just like to choke the cute him to death. . . .

The other party really wanted to kill Jiaojiao, and even if she was weak, she could easily take down Jiaojiao, which shows that her combat power is particularly terrifying. No one dares to move, but Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling have just glanced at her. In front of the place where the Immortal Dao Tribulation devoured, his eyes swept over the fat Jiaojiao again, and he seemed to feel something, but he didn't move at all.

"I want to kill him, but you didn't respond?" The woman suddenly looked at Fang Yourong and them.

Fang Yourong paused in his heart, but his face was calm, "What kind of reaction do you want?"

"Actually, I just think she's very difficult to deal with. I might not be able to kill her even in the Dao Tribulation... But the only one who can see her situation is this fat cat. You can hold on, it seems It is also from him that some falsehoods can be seen, for example, he has been pretending——Qingqiu is actually not dead."

Fang Yourong: "So you took him down to threaten Qingqiu in case Qingqiu didn't die?"

The woman smiled lightly: "No, it's not, I don't like to wait, I prefer to take the initiative."

So she squeezed Jiaojiao's throat with a sudden force.

The faces of Fang Yourong and the others changed drastically.

She is going to kill Jiaojiao! In order to force Qin Yu to appear - if she is not dead.


The higher the force, the more low-key and unrevealed it is.

It's like a wealthy family with a deeper background knows how to be restrained and clumsy.

Ascension to Immortal Dao Jie is a very powerful and powerful Gray Jie.

When he arrived, he was slow like a veteran cadre, without any sense of presence.

After being hacked, it devours silently, the range is not large, and it doesn't rumble and attack others indiscriminately. It just stares at its own target-others, and no one looks down on it.

As for what happens after a person is chopped off, you can't see it, but the pitch-black ghost can see it clearly.

But don't try it, once you try it, your soul will be swallowed - this is common sense.

Because of being so silent and low-key, and also because of being so terrifying and unpredictable, others can only watch the five-meter-diameter tribulation thunder formless and distorted, and also watch the frail and haggard beautiful leader who is about to crush Fat Jiaojiao throat.

That moment.

Try to see the outcome. . . .

The black thunder ball of Shengxian Daojie was torn apart, and a figure tore it apart, and then disappeared. At the same time, a hand bone appeared from behind her slowly, and pinched the leader's slender swan gently. neck.

The thunder had all dissipated and disappeared, and the torrential rain had subsided, but it was still drizzle, falling on the bone of the hand, with the crisp sound of pearls and jade falling.

This is not a literary description.

It is the sound of real pearls and jade.

Because of this hand bone. . . Really beautiful clear jadeite.

The most beautiful emerald jade, fairy posture and rhyme.

The most beautiful hand bones can kill or confuse people.

"Pink skull bones, the wind and moonlit night, if it's not inappropriate for this place, it would be suitable for a song."

She spoke eloquently, with a refined style.

Qin Yu responded slowly: "Usually, when a decent person is a little serious, the world will talk about his indiscretions. For example, I am tired of my reputation, but who knows how pure my heart is? Sister Wan, you are so good, standing in a brothel The leader teased Yu Fengyue, but no one criticized him."

She almost believed it when she said such brazen words.

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