I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2015 Unreasonable thoughts

Wan Xisha, whose throat was pinched, said: "There are two reincarnations in the world, and there are thousands of living beings. The reason why there are so many mortals is because they cannot recognize the differences of a few people. The reason why there are so few extraordinary people is also because they never take mortals seriously. superior."

Qin Yu: "That's different, I have many people in mind."

Wan Xisha glanced at a certain place and smiled: "A good-looking person, a flawless person?"

Qin Yu: "You look good too."

Yo, it's time to tease people.

Wan Xisha didn't care that she was being molested, she just looked down at the hand on her throat.

Cuiyu's hand bones were alive with blood and flesh, at an extremely terrifying speed.

But there is no visual sense of horror at all, but a great and peerless sense of creation - because this is a stronger and more advanced birth.

Even the regenerated blood does not have any bloody smell, only the fragrance of flowers and plants.

"Ascension to flesh and blood, three souls and seven souls of immortals, the distance between heaven and earth, robbing the vicissitudes of life, this is the calamity of ascending to immortality, it is a kind of transformation, making the strong stronger and laying down the potential of immortals."

What she said was sensible and reasonable, as if she knew it well.

But this is the literary version of the statement, and the crude way of describing it is—improvement and transformation in all aspects, from B to A, from A to S.

Don't underestimate this grade, it's not an improvement in cultivation, but an improvement in potential.

The more cutting-edge talent, the harder it is to progress, not to mention a whole ladder, it is simply a transformation of the sky-defying level, it is heaven and earth to give this kind of super talent a clear direction - I am very good at you, you have to work hard, make progress every day, Come to the heavens early to prepare for the upper Tianzun.

Qin Yu: "You really understand."

Wan Xisha: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Qin Yu: "Then I'm at a loss. You saw me when I crossed the Ascension Tribulation, but I didn't see it when you crossed."

When she said this, Jiaojiao was startled, and the others were also shocked.

What does Qin Yu mean by this is that this person has also survived the calamity of ascending to immortality?

"Impossible, if Lielu still has this person, how could we not notice it."

Although they didn't have any malicious intentions themselves, Pang Fei and the others had already noticed that Tianzang Realm also had a very strict sense of grudge against Lielu, and the monitoring had always been strong.

However, this place in Lielu Dajing Prefecture should not be able to raise such monsters. A Qingqiu is enough to make them blind, and it is also enough to shock and disturb the top forces like them.

How could there be a second one.

"You're not Lielu's." Qin Yu concluded.

Wan Xisha: "Try me, are you willing to spend time chatting with me, do you want to use soul testing to trace my origin? Is there any gain?"

The guessed Qin Yu didn't panic, "You should know that if I get nothing, then you have no value in existence."

The implication is to kill her.

"Your fat cat is still in my hands."

"If you can kill him, I'll kneel down and call you Dad."


Jiaojiao: Damn it! Stinky fish! I won't be in pain!

Wan Xisha was silent for a moment, and when her face and hair were covered with a thin layer of moisture, she let go of Jiaojiao, and said slowly, "Even you can't kill him, let alone him."

Jiaojiao broke free from the shackles, jumped away immediately, hung her hips in the air, and Chaowan Xisha said angrily: "For you have self-knowledge!"

Wan Xisha glanced at him, was quite tolerant, and said with a smile: "You let you go, not because you can't be killed, but because you can't bear it."

Sesame oil, this smile, this gentle tone!

Jiaojiao was shocked, and immediately expressed her opinion to Yuyu.

"Yuyu, she seduced me, she really has unreasonable thoughts about me!"

"You have to be nicer to me in the future!"

The so-called better, nine times out of ten, is for food.

Jin Bi secretly rolled his eyes.

However, Qin Yu was still very upset that Wan Xisha blatantly seduced his own fat cat.

So the finger pierced Wan Xisha's throat directly, releasing the power. . . .

The so-called hot hand destroys flowers, people like Zhou Dundun were taught a vivid lesson by Qin Yu.

Yes, Qin Yu pinched Wan Xisha's throat with his own hands, and released the power in it, causing Wan Xisha's body to be destroyed from the inside out.

This is not an ordinary trick to destroy flowers.

That's Wanxisha.

Such a beautiful and powerful goddess, she was killed without saying anything.

Zhou Dundun subconsciously touched his neck and shivered.

As a warm male junior, Qin Dandan comforted her very gently, "Don't be afraid, you are not as good-looking as her and as strong as her, but your neck is thicker and shorter than her, you will not have this day."

Zhou Dundun turned around and gave him a hammer.

Wan Xisha's body was destroyed like dust, it seemed that the dust had really settled, and Qin Yu was also shrouded in the halo after the success of ascending to immortality.

A piece of dust is disillusioned, and a piece of brilliance is boundless.

It's winning and losing, too. . . .

Just when everyone thought that everything was over, the disillusioned dust suddenly floated in the space, wandering in the pattering rain, and gradually presented the silhouette of a woman in accordance with the space.

She stood in the air and took a deep look at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu also frowned, looking at her uncertainly.

She didn't think about each other. . . Can you still condense such a method without dying?

Impossible, she did kill the other party.

Choose evil means.

"Before you asked me about my identity, as a loser, I should give you the spoils of war."

Qin Yu: "You want to give me your inheritance?"

You kill someone and still want an inheritance, what are you dreaming about?

Wan Xisha was noncommittal and only said lightly.

"Weilchuan Penglai Tianjingsha, we will meet again."

Qin Yu frowned, and asked directly, "Who is Tianjingsha?"

This is like - I am the son of XXX, are you afraid?

Let me ask you: Who is XXX?

There is no way out.

Wan Xisha was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lightly, her lips seemed to move slightly, she said two words, then dispersed and turned into rain again.

This time it's really over.

Jiaojiao: "Yuyu, she moved her mouth just now, what did she say?"

Qin Yu: "Qin Yu."

Jiaojiao: "Huh? She called your name? Shit! She knows your identity!"

Qin Yu: "She came here to kill me, Evil Selection, and she is a very powerful character in Evil Selection"

That's right, she could sense that the other party had also passed through the Tribulation of Immortal Dao and had the potential of being an Immortal Venerable. He was naturally a super-first-class evil genius with high authority over Evil Selection, so she accepted the task of killing Qin Yu, but it was a pity that he failed. up.

But thinking about it now, it can be guessed that the other party has already started to plot from the side of Poison Ridge, or even from when it happened.

This series must be based on the fact that the other party knows his whereabouts like the back of his hand, but how does he control it?

Qin Yu suddenly had an epiphany.

medicine! The only real connection between them is the medicine that passed through the poison hill!

"The big centipede is controlled by her, and the assassin is also her subordinate."

Maybe from the place where she entered Chunhuaqiuyue, she went shopping. . . What the shop owner said, and even when she took the initiative to find Shangwan Xisha to get the medicine, were all in the scheme of the other party.

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