I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2017 It's Her

Others were full of imagination and sneered again and again, but Fang Yourong was as calm as water, and only said softly: "I have believed everything you said before, and I probably won't listen to anything you say in the future."

Jiaojiao: "!!!"

Fuck! This is the rhythm of overturning! Yuyu, please explain quickly!

Qin Yu called softly: "Senior Sister."

Fang Yourong, who had just turned around to leave, looked back at her, Qin Yu: "Then I won't talk in the future, I'll write for you, I can write well."

Fang Yourong: "..."

Fifth Daoling quickly recalled someone's handwriting. As a professional user of ballpoint pen computer keyboards in modern times, Qin Yu is really not that material when it comes to calligraphy.

That is. . . Barely strong. . . Let's go.

Not good.

In the past, a certain Prime Minister also secretly disliked the bright face and made fun of it.

"You seem very sure that I will always pamper you."

Fang Yourong's expression was calm.

However, Qin Yu reached out and landed on his face, caressing the bloody flesh and blood on it, his palm was full of blood.

Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling saw each other, and his complexion changed slightly.

Qin Yu smiled.

"You feel distressed."

This person can always grasp other people's weaknesses and hit the nail on the head.

Fang Yourong remained silent, but closed his eyes, as if he was extremely tired, and asked a question, feeling sad and indifferent, floating in the sky for a long time, as if she had been waiting there all this time, just for this one sentence.

"What the hell are you... for?"

This is probably a problem for many people.

It's just that before, either she was in a hurry to blame her, or she was suspicious and shocked, but no one dared to ask, and maybe everyone knew that Qin Yu might not know how to say it.

But if Fang Yourong asked, it might be different - even what Qingqiu said before was probably a lie.

"For what?" Qin Yu stood high in the sky, because his body was being reshaped, black light filled it, and the wind and rain never stopped, but he didn't look so evil and ferocious, because power was always innocent, evil only lies in people's hearts, this is Qin Yu A consistent concept.

What she thinks, what she does.

"Senior Sister, have you ever thought about turning back? For those people you have lost."

Fang Yourong was startled, a sea of ​​flames quickly flashed in his mind, and then looking back, it was the woman who was obviously elegant and serious, but ended up with a vulgar smile lying under the unbearable man to have fun, brothel Huale, purgatory on earth.

Then she passed by many streets with bright lights and beautiful halls, and there was no darkness before and after, and she could vaguely hear the woman whispering softly in her ear: Rong'er, don't look back in the future.

Because it will be very sad when you look back.

Her eyes were full of astringency, and she said lightly: "The reason why people grow old year by year is because they understand that what is lost will never come back."

Qin Yu: "Yes, but what if those people lost you?"

Fang Yourong suddenly understood what Qin Yu meant - if her mother lost her, she would definitely be reluctant to let her be so sad, and would return to her side regardless.

Because people die when they die, they pass through the underworld, drink the soup, cross the bridge, and don’t remember the past, and only those who are still alive are always distressed, suffering, thinking, and because of thinking. pain.

"You want to get back to some people, people who mean a lot to you."

"Yes." Qin Yu smiled, his palms fell on his face, the blood on his hands was washed away by the rain, and his fingers stroked the corners of his eyes.

"Some people's roads are born with winding paths and brilliant splendor, while some people's roads need to be paved with bones, and the gods clear the way."

"If I want to achieve my goal, I will always let some people die."

I don't know if she is talking about the various corpses piled up below, or the people like Gu Chen.

Fang Yourong pondered for a moment, then said softly: "It's common sense to have something to give and something to gain."

Many people carefully read her words, and more or less understand the bitter meaning in it-if Qin Yu really has a plan, if he wants to take the life of Gu Chen and others to walk the way of her bones, he will also have to lose something, such as leaving Wu Wu. Que.

Once you leave, there is no turning back.

Fang Yourong knew that this was Qin Yu's home.

In fact, it’s not too much to give up. She has always known that this little junior sister of hers looks gentle and kind, but in fact she is extremely proud in her heart, has extraordinary vision, ordinary people, etc. Ordinary things are not at all caring. It is especially easy.

Because of those discarded, she can easily get them from other places in the future.

If it is not easy, in the end it is abandoned.

Including Wu Que, including her Fang Yourong.

After finishing speaking, Fang Yourong smiled faintly: "It's a good thing, you finally told me the truth."

Even if it was basically a lie.

With this smile, Duan Fang is already alienated.

Just like she used to treat others.

Jiaojiao's mouth moved slightly, trying to explain something for Qin Yu, but she didn't say anything in the end. He thought Qin Yu must have a plan.

Maybe it's waiting for something. . .

"Senior sister, there is actually one more thing I have been lying to you all along."

"I... don't look like this."

Fang Yourong was startled for a moment, and then he and the others saw Qin Yu's body being repaired with the ink-colored halo of Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation, the speed of repair was dozens of times faster, and the skin was repaired inch by inch.

At that moment, Fifth Daoling frowned slightly, glanced at Fang Yourong, and with a movement of his wrist, threw a robe out.


The robe was caught by the protruding white wrist, and Qin Yu put it on casually, bowing his head in the pattering rain and tying it carefully.

The fifth Dao Ling is calm and introverted, with a hint of domineering. He likes to wear black ink. The robe is like ink and silk. It fell on her hands and on her body. The thin black belt is slowly fastened, black and white hooked, and cool colors blend.

After tying it up, when I looked up again, it was already a strange face covered with a thin but boundless rain curtain.

But just by raising his head, he refreshed everyone's cognition and thinking about Qingqiu as a person and identity.

Even Fifth Dao Ling was stunned.

It was her, but it seemed it wasn't her.

In fact, there is still a little similarity, which is the contradiction. Qingqiu's contradiction lies in the gentleness, tenderness, and considerateness she portrays on the bright side, and the fierce and decisive performance on the dark side.

Originating from the heart, attacking from the scheming, this is Qingqiu.

But this kind of contradiction between light and dark overlapping on Qingqiu's body is melted into the bright surface by the person in front of him, only the raised eyes, the exposed face, and the solitary spirit hanging in the wind and rain of the world, put it all together. It is vividly reflected.

Mountains and seas come in spring, flowers and moonlit nights, and winter plums and snow can be seen leaning on the railing.

This is her gorgeous and beautiful side, and it is also the side that best suits the beauty of women in the world.

But there is another side.

When you are busy, there is blood in the battlefields of the world, and when you are free, you climb to the top and look at the mountains and the moon.

Powerful, sharp, noble, like a peerless famous sword that can be unsheathed and put in its sheath freely.

When it comes out of the sheath, there is blood, and when it is in the sheath, it is full of light.

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