I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2018 Let's go (the third update, there are two more waiting)

Most likely, when seeing this side of her, there will be such a kind of visualization - I am afraid that I will never see another woman like her again.

The second visualization is - she doesn't care if you see her or not.

She doesn't care about a lot of people.

Instead, she followed her own temperament as always, looking up, like a charming water monster swallowed by the sea and the sea, with her hands open, her feet on the mountains and rivers, hanging high above ten thousand feet, fully bearing the rain and swallowing the gift of the world. Huaguang after the catastrophe.

Soon, a terrifying aura was released from her body, as if. . Dominate the world!

Under such powerful and terrifying coercion, the entire sea area of ​​Fuqusha Sea became magnificent.

The mountains and seas shook, and the sky and the earth roared.

In such turmoil, Qin Yu only said lightly: "Wu Que is lonely, only I can match it, it's best to keep it, don't let anyone move it."

I don't know who said this sentence, but the volume is not heavy, but it spreads everywhere.

People in Wuque had different expressions—this sentence was not very friendly, as if she was saying that she would no longer allow anyone to take over Gudao.

The owner of the lonely path can only be her.

Very domineering.

"Ten years, see you in Weichuan Penglai."

Then, Qin Yu tilted his head and smiled at Fang Yourong and the others.

"Oh, it's time to go."

Jiaojiao swiftly teleported up a space, flickered in front of Fang Yourong and the others, and swayed the cat's paw, "Fang Fang, Fang Fang, and Smelly Fifth, see you later!"

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with Qin Yu, one person and one cat flowed into the sky, breaking through the space barrier.

They are leaving Lielu Dajing State.

But also after they cut the space and left Lielu, there was a boundless and lonely silence in an instant.

When people go, it is an empty court.

It's just lonely in the empty courtyard.

Everyone's thoughts were spinning, and they fell into a bewildered silence.

Until someone let out a light snort.

As far as the eye can see, the originally destroyed mountains and forests are repaired and reborn at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye, reshaping their vitality, and the scorched land is spreading wildly, and a hundred flowers are in full bloom in an instant, and the vast sea of ​​flowers has been seen in the fragrance.

The rain finally stopped, and the sun was shining in the sky.

The rainbow is hanging on the side, and the sea of ​​flowers is full of light.

Everyone was stunned, and only Deacon Zhan stood upright and sighed.

At that time, Fang Yourong was sitting on the edge of the mountain at the top of the mountain, quietly watching the magnificent sea of ​​flowers on an island, and heard Fifth Daoling calmly say behind him.

"Below ascension to immortality, this is her way."

The so-called ascending to immortality is naturally not directly becoming an immortal.

To become an immortal, one must go through the Mahayana of Transcending Tribulation, and these cultivation processes will never change.

Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation can in principle be at any stage of cultivation—as long as your aptitude is up to the standard at this stage, and in Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation, the lower the stage of cultivation, the more terrifying your aptitude.

But after ascending to immortality, the direction of the way to cultivate is obvious.

"She is not a demon." Fifth Dao Ling whispered, as if trying to comfort her.

Fang Yourong sat there, still looking into the distance, and said calmly, "You know I don't care about this."

"Because she lied to you?"

"I don't care that she lied to me."

But looking at it before, she seemed to be angry that Qingqiu lied to her.

You should be angry, after all, you are such a trusted and beloved little junior sister.

The fifth Daoling was surprised and didn't speak for a while, but after a while, he suddenly understood, and turned around to leave, but suddenly heard Yourong speak behind him.

"Gu Dao is unique. The peak masters of all generations have left their soul blood in the forbidden area of ​​the sect. I think that the soul blood left in the forbidden area of ​​the sect should have a ray of soul that he conveyed before his death. It is just too weak to stay near the forbidden area, and it is difficult to detect it. Later, the seniors of the sect found it and extracted the information of the soul read from it. As ironclad evidence, the sect condemned her and issued a metaphorical order Detain her back to the sect. This ray of soul has always been in the hands of the sect, and it appeared here today, if it is not you, it is Chang Tingwan."

The fifth knife was left there for a while, before saying: "Chang Tingwan doesn't have it, I have it, but it's not me."

Fang Yourong: "Yes."

Fifth Daoling turned around and looked at her back with calm eyes, "Are you blaming it?"


"Just a little tired."

Fang Yourong propped up one leg, put one hand on it, and supported her drooping forehead.

The tone was indeed very tired.

Physically and mentally exhausted.

Fifth Dao Ling was silent for a while before speaking.

"You have never judged and accused other people's behavior. You don't argue about right and wrong, you don't pay attention to the process, the rules are all in your hands, and the rules have always been applied only to the results."

"And all you care about is the result."

"She left."

The last sentence is light and heavy.

After finishing speaking, Fifth Dao Ling left, and when he left, he seemed to think of something and left another sentence.

"Fang Yourong, in terms of pampering her, I'm not as good as you."

It seems that the most upright and upright person who abides by the rules, in fact, who would often think that Fang Yourong came from the most unruly purgatory.

Her insides are black and white.

After the Fifth Dao Ling left, Fang Yourong remained motionless, like a rock that had been immovable for thousands of years in the snowy sea of ​​Cangshan Mountain.

Until the long sword on her casual leg trembled slightly.

With a calm face, she gently wiped away a tear from the corner of her eyes with her fingertips, and lightly pressed the sword on her leg with her fingers.

The more you grow, the stronger you become.

The stronger you are, the less you will look back.


Beyond the barriers of Dajingzhou in Lielu Dajingzhou, there is a dry rock in the corner of Tianya Haijiao.

That stone was born huge, only in the boundless sea, without any vitality, only a bare side, which endured the waves of the sea for an unknown number of years, and endured the wind, frost and torrential rain for tens of thousands of years.

It has always been there, without changing its appearance, without changing its proportions.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao appeared here, the sea wind was strong, Jiaojiao jumped to the ground, twisted her waist, "Yuyu, where are we going now? Weichuan?"

"There is Tianjingsha in Weichuan, so I won't go there now."

"That's right, she's not easy to deal with, anyway, there are still ten years left, so she can go anywhere."

Jiaojiao relaxed, she wagged her tail, and suddenly thought of something, she turned to Qin Yu and asked, "Yuyu, why didn't you tell Fang Fang and the others about Guchen's identity? If you didn't You said it was to catch those evil people and evil people, but you have already dealt with it, so why didn’t you say it in the end.”

Before Qin Yu could answer, he suddenly realized as if he was self-reliant, "Oh, you must have a conspiracy, wow, Yuyu, you are really insidious!"

Qin Yu: "Change the word."

Jiaojiao: "Treacherous!"

All right, let's arrange the Chinese test mock papers.

Jiaojiao still doesn't know that she has been arranged clearly, and she is still in the beautiful ambition of Qin Yudujie leading him to successfully walk on the road of being a strong man after overthrowing a wave of idiots. By the way, he also speculated on Qin Yu's insidious and treacherous behavior.

Fishing enemies to kill, Yuyu has always been a professional!

"Who is next? Do you need the two of us to do it together?"

"Need not."

"When will the other party come?"


"Then what should we prepare?"

Jiaojiao was asking in the golden room when she suddenly saw Qin Yu holding her chest, her face slightly pale, and her brows furrowed.


this state. . .

All right, he understands, he will cooperate!

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