I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2020 Entering the sect (Well, the rebellion was successful, and it will be a magic fish from

"The reason why the magic way is terrible and feared by the people of the world is because it cannot be driven away, and the power of the magic pattern is the source of the power of the magic way, and it cannot be driven away. Even the founder of the Wuque Chuang Sect was not spared back then. Your Excellency Qingqiu has actually noticed it. Isn't it—otherwise, when you ascended to the Immortal Dao Tribulation, you had already used the power of the Thunder Tribulation to destroy it, but obviously, you failed."

He pointed to the blood on the ground, "This is the result."

Jiaojiao thought to herself: This is of course the result, it's the essence of my Yuyu's acting skills, what the hell do you know.

Once you enter the state of vomiting blood, you can vomit any kind of blood, and the magic blood is no exception.

My Yuyu is so powerful, do you know that?

Qin Yu also glanced at the mouthful of demonic blood on the ground, her expression was uncertain, as if hesitating, but she was not directly persuaded, obviously, she was not close to the demonic way.

In fact, it is also understandable.

With her aptitude, she is the most flirtatious cub wherever she goes, and she only practiced the way of magic halfway when her brain was flooded.

Wei Rui felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

"According to what you said, I can only join your Demon Sect, become a member of the Demon Way, and become a tool for you to use?"

The young man smiled: "If you are weak, you are a tool everywhere. If you are strong, why should you be afraid of hostility from all directions?"

"This kind of stream-of-consciousness drawing big cakes can only deceive those rookies, you come to something practical."

Qin Yu seemed impatient to listen to the other party talking about this poisonous chicken soup.

Veteran Wei Rui, who had been attacked many times by Qin Yu's crazy and indiscriminate back arrows, had become autistic.

The young man was neither angry nor annoyed, and finally offered something.

"The power of the magic pattern has always been in symbiosis with the devil seed, and both are indispensable. People who can master the power of the magic pattern without breeding the devil seed are born devils."

When Qin Yu heard this, he was a little distracted.

What devil? Majin Buu is greedy for dead fat people?

Jiaojiao: Dragon Ball?

Huang Jinbi was also shut down by these two idiots.

Earth culture is poisonous.

Isn't my cultural influence of more than 30 years in the Great World of Cultivation not fragrant?

The young man didn't know that the thinking of one person and one cat on the opposite side had strayed into the sky, so he continued: "This talent is by no means weaker than those approved by the Dao Jie of Ascending Immortals, that is to say, as long as Fellow Daoist Qingqiu breeds more demon seeds, there will be more and more powerful ones in the future." a force of

Qin Yu thought, "You have a bad reputation in the magic way, you have too many enemies, and the most important thing is that your power is rejected by the world. I am afraid that you will be targeted when you cross the catastrophe in the future."

This worry is also very dry.

The young man felt that Qin Yu was about to be persuaded, so he immediately resorted to his trump card and said, "Actually, it's not up to the right side to decide whether a person of the devil way will cross the catastrophe."

Qin Yu was really surprised this time, it doesn't matter if he chooses evil, the terminal of power and power is there, can this magic way be independent?

Is the sorcerer's way also an evil-chosen camp? But at present. . . She did not sense the power of the dark gold house from the demonic person.

Is it because she has met too few demonic people, or is it because of other reasons?

Qin Yu speculated in his heart, maintaining a state of surprise on his face, the young man smiled, "Your Excellency Qingqiu also agrees with what Tian Jingsha said earlier."

Wei Rui suddenly remembered: In the Way of Thousands of Living Beings, the reason why there are so many mortals is because they cannot recognize the differences of a few people, and the reason why there are so few extraordinary people is also because they never take mortals to heart.

The cognition of the power system is actually almost the same.

"If you don't cultivate the magic seed, but you can't get rid of the magic pattern, you are also in great trouble, Your Excellency Qingqiu, aren't you?"

"After cultivating the demon seed, the power of the magic pattern coexists, and if you master another power, even if there is a possibility of conflict, you will face the threat of the righteous way, but it is obvious——Your Excellency Qingqiu, you are no longer tolerated by the righteous way."

"I think the reason why the strong are strong is because ordinary people can only choose to submit or bow their heads when encountering difficulties, while the strong will only challenge it and control it."

After the young man finished speaking, he stopped talking and just waited silently.

Wei Rui didn't dare to speak anymore.

Qin Yu's gaze has been wandering over them, vaguely absent, seemingly cold.

Wei Rui has seen with his own eyes how powerful this person is. Even her distant cousin is also of Mahayana stage combat power, but it is difficult to resist him.

Even if the opponent is now in a state of backlash.

It was exhausting every minute and every second, until the cold feeling suddenly receded, Wei Wei realized that his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and then looked up, only to see the most evil person in the history of Lielu East who could pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, showing them an upside-down world. smile.

"Lead the way ahead, let me meet your Lord Demon Lord."

Although the goal was achieved, the young man was well cultivated, maintaining the demeanor of a military adviser, and leading the way by himself.

"By the way, dog-headed military division, I still don't know what your name is?"

"Your Excellency Qingqiu will be a fellow Taoist of the Demon Sect in the future, and I will be the landlord of the ninth Tianmao Building on the ninth floor of the Demon Sect. You can just call me Tianmao."

Jiaojiao: Oh, this devil is engaged in real estate, right? Return the ninth floor. . .

Qin Yu: What are you talking about? The floor is not too high. There is only one building. I guess it can only be regarded as a landlord and a small landlord.

"Oh, dog head, where are we going next?"


Well, I'm a family member, so I'm not angry.

On the way to the Demon Sect, Qin Yu naturally left Lielu Dajing Prefecture, but there was also a faint conversation between her and Jiaojiao in the Golden House.

"Yuyu, are you going to get involved in the magic way? Why do I think they are not good people? They released the soul thought before! Wuque will definitely not do such a thing, this is to drive you to a dead end, no It is tolerated by righteousness."

"It's not very important either."

"What's so important?"

"What I want is that when Gu Chen hangs up, I made the content of the soul thought that was sent back in the state of insanity. Don't you think the clipped content inside is just right? I'm very exposed when I take a bath, no Meat or vegetarian, just right."

Jiaojiao:? ? ? ? ! ! ! !

So, all of this was planned by Qin Yu from the beginning. From the very beginning, from the very beginning, she wanted to get involved in the magic way.

——. . . . . . .

Huang Jinbi felt that Qin Yu would sell himself and Jiaojiao together one day.

This man is too insidious.

——What is your plan?

Qin Yu's expression was calm: "The death of the Great Elder and the others cast a shadow on my mind. There is someone behind Gu Chen."

Speaking of this, Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi were silent.

"But mainly for another reason."


"Didn't you realize that as long as I kill more bad guys, no matter if they are evil people or evil people, the level of my breakthrough will be higher, and the benefits will be greater? You see, even if no actual task is given, the bitch in the Golden House is still It's very realistic, every time I finish killing someone, my strength will skyrocket."

Qin Yu has always been a realist, and she has always been keen on things that can make her breakthrough faster.

So it’s not wrong to spend a little time thinking about calculations.

Forehead? ? ? There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi silently lit a row of wax for Xie Xuan and Mo Dao.

"There's more..."

"I miss my family."

Qin Yu's voice was long and soft, echoing in the world of the Golden House.


The five updates are all over now, please ask for a monthly pass, the next stage is also a new stage! ! !

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